Teamwork - Patch #100

1,374 days from the Alpha playtesting days in December of 2018, we finally bring you Patch #100! Legacy Hero skins, Conquest Treasures, and 20 new cards! Plus a ton of improvements and bugfixes. Skyweavers, this patch is one of the biggest. Let's hop to it! 🐇

📺 Observe a heated match between Mira and Legacy Ada! Even though Mira won, both players will still receive their Conquest points.
New Features ⭐
- Added the ability to watch Replays created on older versions of the game.
- Added Hero inspection, so you can tap a Hero in-game to get a closer look. Emotes are accessible by long-press or right-click.
- Added Hero skins and Stickers to the Market.

Improvements 🦾
- Added a summoning buff animation for Junk Golem.
- Bloodletter now has a blood-red damage missile.
- Added a shrink & grow animation for Hugify and Shrink Ray.
- Added debuff animation for Dirge, Twisted Metal, Moonbeam, Mutate, Rave, and Defragment.
- Added animations for the new Clash Mini-Set cards.
- Massive improvements to loading time in the menus.
- You’ll be redirected to the home screen less often when you open the game (unless you haven’t seen it in a while).
- You can no longer target a unit while it’s attacking an opponent’s unit. No more accidental self-damage! 🤭
- While inspecting a card in-game, tapping it will hide the inspection UI.
- While inspecting a card in-game, dragging a card from your hand will dismiss the inspection UI.
- The spacebar on desktop will now press the “play” button. So you can spam spacebar to go from one game to the next hehe.
- Improved the snappiness of animations and the readability of text during card selection.
- Clicking the "accept" text on the terms and conditions popup now also toggles the checkbox.
- Filters are now saved when switching between Buy & Sell in the marketplace.
- When previewing an action that’s affected by an enchant, the enchant will visually bounce.
- Sounds are now spammable faster, so mousing over your hand quickly will play a more satisfying collection of flapping noises. 🦇🔊
- Added a Gold/Silver/Base filter to the deckbuilder. So you can build Conquest decks that give you the most points!
- Added Prism filters in more parts of card filtering UI.
- Unified the tilt direction when mousing over cards between the game and menu.
- Design tweaks to the asset downloading UI, Invite-a-Friend, and Play button.
- Cards that are added to a player’s hand will now show face-up in the portal animation.
- You can now search for phrases like “1 cost” or “5 damage” in the Market, deckbuilder, and library.
Changes ⚙️
- Conceding now only shows a small explosion on your Hero instead of the big boi one.
- Removed the Discovery game type from Conquest mode.
- Market fee tooltip has been adjusted to say: Includes a 5.75% Skyweaver Market fee, 3% Niftyswap protocol fee, and 2% slippage tolerance (unused portion is paid back to you). You can learn more about how the Skyweaver Market works here.
Bugfixes 🐛
- Fixed a bug where owning both a Gold & Silver version of the same card would show the Silver version in-game.
- Pharonis will no longer remove your bottom dead unit if your field is full.
- Fixed a bug where the Hero could show the end of game explosion without dying.
- Fixed a bug where the hero wouldn’t explode at the end of the game (especially when defeated using cards like Unophobia).
- Cards played from your hand no longer clip through the Conquest statues while in the casting zone.
- Fixed the settings UI appearing underneath other UI. UI stands for user interface in case you didn't know, like the heads-up display or menu.
- Fixed certain smartphones not being able to use the deck string input box.
- Fixed the end-of-game dark overlay not covering the whole screen on iOS.
- Updated the mana gem icon when deckbuilding.
- Fixed some users having locked Starter decks even though they were high enough level to unlock them.
- Fixed the end-of-game victory/defeat plaque appearing overtop the settings UI.
- Fixed bugs that created invalid replays. Now all newly recorded replays should have no errors.
- Fixed the concede button not turning into the "watch replay" button at the end of a private match.
- Fixed a typo on the Base card unlock screen.
- Fixed skipping forwards in a Replay showing a ton of emote messages.
- Fixed card hover tooltips being cut off on mobile. ✂️
- Fixed some replays not showing a concede explosion.
- Fixed a bug where choosing your opening hand then tabbing out or disconnecting as the second player would choose the wrong cards.
- Stickers will no longer appear mid-animation the first time they’re used.
- Cards added to your opponent’s hand publicly, like Burn to a Crisp from Brimstone, will appear face-up as they’re created in the portal.
- The spectator count will now appear on top of the deck sidebar.
- Stickers from spectators will no longer show “anonymous” if you haven’t opened the spectator sidebar.
- Stickers from spectators will now appear next to the rightmost sidebar if you have one open.
- Fixed multiple bugs where text on the Play button and in other various places was invisible.
Welcome to Patch #100 everyone! There are a lot of new additions this week: Hero skins, Conquest mode improvements, and the first Clash of Inventors Mini-Set! In addition to the 20 new additions in the form of the Mini-Set, we also have a larger than average number of changes to the game's existing cards, based on our stats and community feedback. Note that this patch is larger than average due to this update being stretched across several patch periods.
Only cards with modified discovery odds are shown here, but the CSV contains all cards.
ID | Name | Prism | Discovery Rate | Discovery Rate Change | Conquest Discovery Winrate | Ranked Discovery Winrate |
1072 | Air Rune | agy | 1.167% | -0.126% | 50.22% | 48.77% |
1050 | Backstab | agy | 1.083% | +0.307% | 50.90% | 50.00% |
1114 | Baneful Strike | agy | 1.250% | +0.216% | 49.70% | 49.60% |
1098 | Blitz | agy | 1.250% | -0.043% | 49.76% | 49.09% |
1016 | Canopy Archer | agy | 0.667% | -0.195% | 52.05% | 51.39% |
1001 | Ensnare | agy | 1.167% | +0.218% | 50.58% | 50.90% |
1112 | Fair Ticket | agy | 0.583% | +0.066% | 52.26% | 51.75% |
1081 | Fire Rune | agy | 0.583% | +0.066% | 52.51% | 51.15% |
1087 | Fly Guy | agy | 0.583% | -0.537% | 52.58% | 51.93% |
1070 | Fox Familiar | agy | 0.500% | -0.017% | 52.80% | 50.47% |
1088 | Frost Claw | agy | 1.250% | -0.043% | 49.35% | 49.03% |
1066 | Grim Reprisal | agy | 1.250% | +0.043% | 49.95% | 49.79% |
1004 | Kook Book | agy | 1.083% | +0.221% | 50.72% | 50.34% |
1062 | Mechurai | agy | 1.000% | +0.397% | 51.02% | 52.21% |
1086 | Puppet Strings | agy | 0.667% | -0.195% | 51.88% | 50.04% |
1013 | Saber | agy | 0.417% | -0.101% | 54.89% | 51.76% |
1101 | Samya's Speed | agy | 1.250% | +0.129% | 49.57% | 48.19% |
1051 | Skip | agy | 0.500% | -0.190% | 52.59% | 51.88% |
1058 | Speedster | agy | 0.500% | -0.276% | 53.09% | 52.47% |
1026 | Yellowjack | agy | 0.917% | -0.204% | 51.11% | 50.73% |
1017 | Anoint in Flame | agy | 1.250% | -0.043% | 49.40% | 48.60% |
1108 | Bloodletter | agy | 0.417% | -0.014% | 53.98% | 53.91% |
1073 | Chain Golem | agy | 1.167% | +0.046% | 50.58% | 49.49% |
1041 | Coffin Moth | agy | 1.250% | +0.216% | 49.74% | 49.74% |
1037 | Hannah | agy | 0.917% | +0.227% | 51.13% | 50.25% |
1056 | Headcase | agy | 0.667% | -0.195% | 52.04% | 51.20% |
1028 | Huntaro | agy | 0.417% | -0.187% | 53.93% | 51.65% |
1103 | Hunter's Howl | agy | 1.250% | +0.043% | 49.07% | 48.69% |
1082 | Impostor | agy | 0.583% | -0.193% | 52.24% | 50.60% |
1109 | Lightboarder | agy | 0.417% | -0.014% | 53.57% | 51.72% |
1021 | Lightning Vial | agy | 1.000% | +0.224% | 51.02% | 49.90% |
1025 | Noctourna | agy | 1.167% | +0.046% | 50.60% | 50.40% |
1032 | Pair of Jacks | agy | 0.667% | -0.023% | 51.80% | 51.38% |
1064 | Pistol Shrimp | agy | 0.500% | +0.069% | 53.05% | 52.92% |
1039 | Rave | agy | 1.167% | -0.040% | 50.30% | 48.41% |
1036 | Rite Knight | agy | 1.000% | -0.207% | 51.01% | 50.56% |
1080 | Shredder | agy | 0.667% | -0.023% | 52.04% | 50.93% |
1090 | Sky Keeper | agy | 1.083% | +0.049% | 50.80% | 50.22% |
1079 | Slash | agy | 0.417% | -0.101% | 53.23% | 51.59% |
1052 | Snap Trap | agy | 0.917% | -0.032% | 51.10% | 50.85% |
1045 | Supersonic | agy | 0.917% | +0.141% | 51.15% | 50.56% |
1091 | Void Knight | agy | 0.583% | -0.193% | 52.49% | 51.63% |
1068 | Vyper Ambush | agy | 1.167% | +0.132% | 50.23% | 49.51% |
1000 | Wane Blade | agy | 1.167% | +0.046% | 50.56% | 50.04% |
1094 | Xero | agy | 0.750% | -0.198% | 51.59% | 50.35% |
1031 | Bolt | agy | 1.000% | +0.397% | 50.97% | 51.02% |
1007 | Burn Out | agy | 0.917% | +0.227% | 51.15% | 50.09% |
1059 | Card Sling | agy | 0.500% | -0.448% | 52.83% | 51.27% |
1006 | Champ | agy | 0.667% | -0.282% | 51.89% | 50.49% |
1053 | Cube Junior | agy | 0.500% | -0.103% | 52.69% | 51.19% |
1106 | Cyber Sniper | agy | 0.417% | -0.014% | 55.55% | 53.47% |
1027 | Dawn Blade | agy | 0.750% | -0.026% | 51.41% | 49.67% |
1048 | Deep Xlice | agy | 0.667% | -0.454% | 51.92% | 49.35% |
1113 | Drone Surge | agy | 0.500% | +0.069% | 52.85% | 51.73% |
1043 | Ember Mask | agy | 1.000% | -0.293% | 51.03% | 49.03% |
1011 | Fan of Knives | agy | 0.750% | +0.060% | 51.47% | 51.47% |
1019 | Gale | agy | 1.083% | -0.210% | 50.62% | 48.93% |
1077 | Honk | agy | 0.750% | -0.112% | 51.74% | 50.11% |
1054 | Hot Dog | agy | 1.083% | +0.135% | 50.90% | 50.13% |
1093 | Lau Sensei | agy | 0.500% | -0.190% | 52.91% | 50.80% |
1010 | Pandora | agy | 1.167% | -0.040% | 50.31% | 50.62% |
1105 | Raze the Banners | agy | 1.250% | -0.043% | 49.13% | 48.24% |
1089 | Righteous | agy | 0.417% | -0.532% | 53.25% | 50.84% |
1092 | Run Wild | agy | 1.000% | -0.121% | 50.91% | 49.87% |
1047 | Songrider | agy | 0.417% | -0.101% | 54.11% | 52.95% |
1076 | Speed Boots | agy | 1.250% | +0.043% | 49.86% | 49.56% |
1042 | Strikestorm | agy | 1.083% | -0.124% | 50.66% | 49.63% |
1104 | Swarmsinger | agy | 1.083% | +0.221% | 50.74% | 50.89% |
1099 | Tox | agy | 0.667% | -0.109% | 52.11% | 51.61% |
1033 | Trailblazer | agy | 1.167% | +0.391% | 50.52% | 50.27% |
1029 | Treasure Chest | agy | 1.167% | -0.126% | 50.60% | 50.74% |
1067 | Vyper Charmer | agy | 0.583% | -0.020% | 52.12% | 50.81% |
1102 | Chainlasher | agy | 0.583% | -0.106% | 52.17% | 51.77% |
1035 | Clapback | agy | 1.000% | -0.034% | 50.99% | 50.04% |
1095 | Crusher | agy | 0.500% | -0.276% | 52.76% | 51.41% |
1111 | Dare-Devulpine | agy | 0.417% | -0.101% | 55.91% | 50.70% |
1100 | Disciple of Gusto | agy | 0.667% | -0.282% | 51.94% | 52.90% |
1005 | Drum Up | agy | 0.667% | -0.454% | 52.11% | 49.85% |
1069 | Flank Rider | agy | 0.583% | -0.279% | 52.37% | 51.53% |
1085 | Flurry | agy | 0.417% | -0.187% | 53.87% | 51.32% |
1038 | Hail of Arrows | agy | 0.750% | -0.284% | 51.68% | 51.45% |
1014 | Head in the Clouds | agy | 1.083% | +0.135% | 50.89% | 50.86% |
1065 | Mamba | agy | 0.750% | +0.060% | 51.48% | 51.72% |
1063 | Montage | agy | 1.250% | -0.043% | 48.98% | 48.45% |
1057 | Riptide | agy | 1.250% | +0.216% | 50.20% | 50.12% |
1075 | Strige Strike | agy | 0.917% | +0.141% | 51.24% | 51.58% |
1071 | Sworn Oni | agy | 0.917% | -0.118% | 51.22% | 50.47% |
1040 | Talonous | agy | 0.500% | -0.103% | 53.06% | 50.99% |
1018 | Uppercut | agy | 1.000% | +0.052% | 51.04% | 50.96% |
1008 | Zapeta | agy | 0.500% | -0.017% | 53.21% | 52.63% |
1055 | Zoomie | agy | 1.167% | +0.391% | 50.34% | 50.49% |
1083 | Blademaster | agy | 0.917% | +0.227% | 51.27% | 49.25% |
1096 | Dead Beats | agy | 0.750% | -0.112% | 51.58% | 50.28% |
1107 | Drillbot | agy | 0.417% | -0.014% | 54.33% | 53.28% |
1060 | Epic Eagle | agy | 0.417% | -0.014% | 55.54% | 52.75% |
1078 | Flame Volley | agy | 1.083% | +0.049% | 50.69% | 50.90% |
1030 | Flock | agy | 0.917% | +0.055% | 51.23% | 50.42% |
1097 | Gusto's Retort | agy | 0.917% | -0.290% | 51.15% | 51.15% |
1044 | Honor Guard | agy | 0.417% | -0.014% | 56.65% | 53.76% |
1034 | King Slay | agy | 0.750% | -0.198% | 51.61% | 51.20% |
1012 | Plane Ranger | agy | 0.750% | -0.371% | 51.63% | 51.82% |
1009 | Toh Tem | agy | 0.583% | +0.066% | 52.59% | 52.04% |
1020 | Vlad | agy | 1.000% | +0.397% | 50.94% | 51.45% |
1110 | Wildland Biker | agy | 0.417% | -0.014% | 54.55% | 53.43% |
1015 | Catch! | agy | 0.750% | -0.026% | 51.32% | 50.19% |
1003 | Hurricane | agy | 1.250% | +0.043% | 50.03% | 51.15% |
1023 | Mighty Steed | agy | 0.500% | -0.103% | 53.03% | 52.86% |
1049 | Queen of Jacks | agy | 1.083% | +0.135% | 50.82% | 50.98% |
1024 | Scythe Mantis | agy | 0.500% | -0.103% | 52.88% | 51.22% |
1002 | Trydra | agy | 1.167% | +0.305% | 50.50% | 51.95% |
1115 | Dash for the Cup | agy | 0.583% | +0.152% | 52.12% | 50.30% |
1084 | Maelstrom | agy | 1.167% | -0.040% | 50.47% | 49.77% |
1074 | Mountain Lion | agy | 1.250% | +0.302% | 50.11% | 51.08% |
1022 | Great Gusto | agy | 0.417% | -0.101% | 54.08% | 53.34% |
1061 | Norsudovest | agy | 1.250% | -0.043% | 49.71% | 50.01% |
1046 | Supercharge | agy | 1.000% | -0.034% | 50.92% | 50.39% |
3018 | Avatar of Light | hrt | 0.667% | -0.282% | 50.30% | 48.96% |
3025 | Bad Dreams | hrt | 0.917% | +0.486% | 51.93% | 48.19% |
3011 | Bone Mask | hrt | 0.750% | -0.026% | 51.14% | 47.27% |
3016 | Buckler Up | hrt | 0.500% | +0.069% | 46.45% | 47.25% |
3051 | Crypto | hrt | 0.917% | -0.032% | 52.10% | 49.67% |
3061 | Dark Rune | hrt | 0.583% | +0.066% | 49.76% | 47.82% |
3105 | Food Chain | hrt | 0.500% | +0.069% | 46.09% | 46.71% |
3000 | Fun Guy | hrt | 0.583% | -0.020% | 49.55% | 48.52% |
3065 | Grubbs | hrt | 0.833% | -0.287% | 51.64% | 48.57% |
3036 | Icaru | hrt | 1.167% | +0.218% | 55.33% | 50.25% |
3005 | Jacko | hrt | 0.500% | -0.362% | 48.93% | 47.48% |
3094 | Krystal | hrt | 0.583% | -0.279% | 50.00% | 48.92% |
3035 | Light Rune | hrt | 0.667% | +0.149% | 50.71% | 48.18% |
3107 | Mechshroom | hrt | 0.500% | -0.017% | 47.39% | 45.46% |
3091 | Pyrecrafter | hrt | 1.083% | +0.049% | 52.76% | 50.09% |
3093 | See Shore | hrt | 0.833% | -0.029% | 51.62% | 48.11% |
3084 | Shade | hrt | 0.500% | -0.103% | 49.04% | 48.74% |
3112 | Tireless Iteration | hrt | 1.083% | +0.394% | 52.80% | 47.67% |
3069 | Toil & Trouble | hrt | 1.000% | -0.207% | 52.37% | 49.36% |
3039 | Vialet | hrt | 1.083% | -0.210% | 52.78% | 49.42% |
3015 | Undragon | hrt | 0.667% | -0.282% | 50.58% | 48.68% |
3029 | Beloved | hrt | 1.000% | -0.034% | 52.53% | 48.05% |
3102 | Broom Shroom | hrt | 0.667% | -0.023% | 50.35% | 48.33% |
3085 | Burning Blade | hrt | 0.500% | +0.069% | 49.28% | 48.23% |
3083 | Carrion Crow | hrt | 0.583% | +0.152% | 49.95% | 48.81% |
3089 | Eye Spider | hrt | 1.167% | +0.046% | 53.96% | 50.05% |
3055 | Friendly Fawn | hrt | 1.167% | +0.132% | 53.40% | 49.27% |
3082 | Glacia | hrt | 0.583% | -0.451% | 50.05% | 50.34% |
3032 | Gus | hrt | 1.167% | -0.126% | 54.36% | 50.50% |
3097 | Homebrew | hrt | 0.917% | -0.204% | 51.85% | 48.67% |
3020 | Identity Crisis | hrt | 0.750% | -0.026% | 51.01% | 48.41% |
3072 | Impale | hrt | 0.583% | -0.279% | 49.79% | 48.00% |
3040 | Light Knight | hrt | 1.167% | +0.132% | 54.57% | 49.75% |
3078 | Molten Heart | hrt | 0.583% | -0.193% | 50.13% | 47.39% |
3090 | Opal Golem | hrt | 1.000% | +0.052% | 52.21% | 48.71% |
3099 | Phoenix Plume | hrt | 0.667% | +0.149% | 50.40% | 47.39% |
3067 | Shoal Siren | hrt | 0.833% | -0.201% | 51.61% | 49.22% |
3044 | Sick Burn | hrt | 0.750% | -0.026% | 50.75% | 48.30% |
3114 | Soul Drain | hrt | 0.917% | +0.141% | 51.90% | 50.05% |
3104 | Strige Swarm | hrt | 0.500% | -0.017% | 46.51% | 45.28% |
3030 | Take Flight | hrt | 0.583% | +0.152% | 49.89% | 46.85% |
3046 | Teenage Witch | hrt | 1.083% | +0.394% | 52.84% | 50.16% |
3001 | Unfallow | hrt | 0.833% | +0.057% | 51.40% | 48.50% |
3064 | Wed Dead | hrt | 0.500% | -0.190% | 46.94% | 46.49% |
3007 | Xythe | hrt | 1.167% | -0.126% | 53.39% | 49.90% |
3101 | Bouran's Ethos | hrt | 0.833% | -0.115% | 51.54% | 48.64% |
3096 | Chester | hrt | 1.167% | -0.126% | 53.79% | 50.16% |
3087 | Chill | hrt | 0.833% | -0.029% | 51.48% | 48.59% |
3038 | Dark Adept | hrt | 0.750% | -0.026% | 50.91% | 49.58% |
3060 | Dead Weight | hrt | 0.833% | -0.374% | 51.38% | 48.96% |
3075 | Evermore | hrt | 0.917% | +0.227% | 51.87% | 48.48% |
3008 | Forest Fire | hrt | 0.500% | +0.069% | 48.31% | 47.15% |
3026 | Funeral Moon | hrt | 0.833% | +0.144% | 51.58% | 47.80% |
3021 | Gift of Qai | hrt | 0.500% | +0.069% | 48.92% | 48.59% |
3004 | Grimlord | hrt | 0.917% | -0.290% | 52.17% | 48.40% |
3081 | Hexed Doll | hrt | 0.917% | +0.399% | 51.97% | 49.42% |
3070 | Life Stream | hrt | 0.500% | -0.621% | 49.45% | 47.53% |
3057 | Meranda | hrt | 0.750% | -0.457% | 51.11% | 50.39% |
3037 | Old Fogy | hrt | 1.083% | -0.037% | 52.61% | 49.40% |
3019 | Olympia | hrt | 0.833% | -0.201% | 51.31% | 49.20% |
3113 | Rise From Scrap | hrt | 0.750% | -0.371% | 50.76% | 48.51% |
3106 | Scarabot | hrt | 1.167% | -0.040% | 54.65% | 51.33% |
3006 | Soul Guide | hrt | 1.167% | -0.040% | 53.33% | 49.45% |
3056 | Spore Blast | hrt | 1.083% | +0.221% | 52.84% | 48.75% |
3053 | Temple Watch | hrt | 0.833% | +0.144% | 51.54% | 48.89% |
3068 | Trident True | hrt | 0.583% | -0.279% | 50.19% | 49.28% |
3041 | Twisted Metal | hrt | 1.083% | +0.135% | 52.70% | 49.00% |
3027 | Undragon's Pact | hrt | 0.500% | +0.069% | 48.68% | 45.86% |
3092 | Vanessa | hrt | 0.667% | -0.282% | 50.30% | 48.39% |
3066 | Vishiva | hrt | 0.833% | -0.115% | 51.27% | 49.22% |
3042 | Angelo | hrt | 1.083% | +0.394% | 52.68% | 48.62% |
3103 | Bewitching Brew | hrt | 1.000% | -0.121% | 52.21% | 48.15% |
3052 | Blood Hunter | hrt | 0.583% | -0.537% | 50.09% | 48.34% |
3095 | Casket | hrt | 0.833% | -0.287% | 51.37% | 49.12% |
3086 | Chain Storm | hrt | 0.583% | -0.365% | 49.72% | 47.89% |
3073 | Chief Justice | hrt | 1.167% | -0.040% | 54.51% | 49.53% |
3047 | Cleo | hrt | 0.917% | -0.290% | 52.12% | 49.90% |
3024 | Death's King | hrt | 0.833% | +0.316% | 51.26% | 48.19% |
3028 | Dirge | hrt | 0.833% | -0.460% | 51.21% | 49.20% |
3058 | Eclipse | hrt | 1.000% | -0.034% | 52.49% | 50.17% |
3003 | Flame Phoenix | hrt | 0.667% | +0.063% | 50.32% | 48.31% |
3048 | Full Bloom | hrt | 0.750% | +0.233% | 50.96% | 47.74% |
3017 | Glacial Tomb | hrt | 0.500% | -0.103% | 49.25% | 48.15% |
3098 | Ma Shroom | hrt | 1.167% | -0.040% | 53.34% | 49.68% |
3031 | Mind Control | hrt | 0.667% | -0.454% | 50.64% | 48.91% |
3023 | Raise Arms | hrt | 1.000% | +0.397% | 52.24% | 48.58% |
3108 | Shady Dealer | hrt | 1.167% | -0.126% | 56.87% | 50.78% |
3009 | Swamp Walker | hrt | 1.083% | -0.210% | 52.78% | 50.25% |
3088 | Bill | hrt | 0.500% | -0.448% | 49.06% | 49.43% |
3071 | Cosmicon | hrt | 1.000% | +0.224% | 52.20% | 47.84% |
3109 | Crystal Restorer | hrt | 1.167% | -0.126% | 53.32% | 50.92% |
3010 | Doom Shroom | hrt | 0.833% | +0.230% | 51.38% | 48.22% |
3012 | Earth Golem | hrt | 1.000% | +0.224% | 52.56% | 49.14% |
3013 | Forest Hart | hrt | 1.083% | +0.307% | 52.68% | 49.40% |
3074 | Gravekin | hrt | 0.500% | +0.069% | 47.83% | 48.30% |
3080 | Hope | hrt | 1.083% | +0.135% | 52.63% | 49.45% |
3062 | Scorpio | hrt | 1.000% | +0.310% | 52.28% | 48.79% |
3043 | Second Chance | hrt | 0.917% | -0.118% | 52.07% | 49.21% |
3077 | Three Lashes | hrt | 1.083% | +0.135% | 53.21% | 48.21% |
3076 | Wartlock | hrt | 0.833% | +0.057% | 51.44% | 48.76% |
3034 | Bard Rock | hrt | 0.750% | +0.147% | 50.83% | 48.14% |
3059 | Glacial Hulk | hrt | 0.583% | -0.193% | 50.07% | 48.34% |
3115 | Self Destruct | hrt | 0.667% | -0.023% | 50.73% | 48.39% |
3050 | Undergrowth | hrt | 0.833% | -0.029% | 51.26% | 47.91% |
3022 | Wall of Dead | hrt | 1.000% | -0.293% | 52.29% | 49.24% |
3002 | Allbane | hrt | 0.750% | -0.284% | 50.78% | 48.90% |
3033 | Broodwitch | hrt | 0.583% | +0.066% | 49.62% | 47.59% |
3054 | Jar of Souls | hrt | 0.750% | -0.026% | 50.92% | 48.44% |
3079 | Maw Worm | hrt | 0.917% | +0.313% | 52.01% | 48.66% |
3110 | Scrapstrosity | hrt | 1.167% | -0.126% | 53.81% | 50.25% |
3063 | Ancients Rise | hrt | 0.833% | +0.230% | 51.82% | 48.20% |
3111 | Harbinger | hrt | 1.167% | +0.305% | 53.51% | 49.32% |
3049 | Grave Roil | hrt | 1.083% | +0.480% | 52.70% | 49.11% |
3045 | Hydrex | hrt | 0.833% | +0.316% | 51.43% | 48.41% |
3100 | Pharonis | hrt | 0.667% | -0.195% | 50.58% | 50.08% |
3014 | Smite | hrt | 0.833% | -0.374% | 51.72% | 48.32% |
4016 | Alight | int | 0.833% | +0.014% | 48.12% | 50.13% |
4101 | Ari's Insight | int | 0.833% | -0.115% | 48.27% | 49.32% |
4020 | B Unit | int | 0.833% | +0.014% | 51.83% | 51.76% |
4038 | Cinder | int | 0.833% | -0.072% | 49.51% | 50.15% |
4074 | Doubling Cube | int | 0.833% | -0.072% | 50.78% | 49.48% |
4095 | Eye Spy | int | 0.833% | -0.072% | 50.56% | 50.73% |
4091 | Forcefield | int | 0.833% | -0.072% | 50.83% | 49.13% |
4042 | Gato | int | 0.833% | +0.057% | 52.35% | 52.50% |
4028 | Ghost Duster | int | 0.833% | +0.014% | 48.45% | 49.56% |
4073 | Glitter | int | 0.833% | +0.057% | 50.12% | 50.91% |
4052 | Hax | int | 0.833% | -0.115% | 48.67% | 49.07% |
4106 | Lapin Microneer | int | 0.833% | +0.057% | 54.52% | 53.07% |
4046 | Mulch | int | 0.833% | +0.057% | 52.21% | 51.25% |
4112 | Ooh! Shiny! | int | 0.833% | +0.057% | 53.78% | 52.61% |
4080 | Scooter | int | 0.833% | -0.072% | 48.71% | 51.15% |
4029 | Shockpaw | int | 0.833% | +0.057% | 51.12% | 51.86% |
4031 | Water Rune | int | 0.833% | +0.057% | 51.23% | 51.40% |
4034 | Whipvine | int | 0.833% | +0.014% | 50.02% | 51.18% |
4006 | Wing Construct | int | 0.833% | -0.115% | 47.65% | 49.23% |
4070 | Iron Mask | int | 0.833% | -0.115% | 46.33% | 47.34% |
4088 | Angler | int | 0.833% | +0.057% | 51.62% | 49.35% |
4062 | Bauble | int | 0.833% | +0.014% | 51.04% | 51.26% |
4067 | Bubbles | int | 0.833% | +0.014% | 50.20% | 50.76% |
4061 | Cobalt | int | 0.833% | -0.115% | 47.67% | 50.03% |
4037 | Cross Reference | int | 0.833% | -0.115% | 48.94% | 49.59% |
4075 | Deactivate | int | 0.833% | -0.072% | 49.67% | 50.84% |
4026 | Electron | int | 0.833% | +0.057% | 53.13% | 52.41% |
4066 | Fish | int | 0.833% | +0.014% | 47.49% | 49.47% |
4096 | Germinate | int | 0.833% | -0.115% | 46.39% | 48.38% |
4041 | Ivy | int | 0.833% | +0.057% | 52.74% | 52.35% |
4098 | Jackrabbit | int | 0.833% | +0.014% | 48.61% | 51.17% |
4076 | Mad Hat | int | 0.833% | +0.014% | 50.48% | 51.19% |
4036 | Mad Vibes | int | 0.833% | +0.057% | 52.41% | 51.96% |
4058 | Mutate | int | 0.833% | +0.014% | 51.10% | 51.37% |
4093 | Professor | int | 0.833% | +0.014% | 50.52% | 50.58% |
4082 | Rage Cage | int | 0.833% | -0.072% | 51.18% | 50.73% |
4063 | Sparky | int | 0.833% | +0.057% | 52.43% | 52.32% |
4015 | Starfield | int | 0.833% | -0.072% | 49.85% | 49.36% |
4099 | Subjugate | int | 0.833% | -0.072% | 50.13% | 49.05% |
4014 | Sudden Gust | int | 0.833% | +0.014% | 48.86% | 49.71% |
4060 | Teleport | int | 0.833% | +0.014% | 48.80% | 51.02% |
4054 | Think Twice | int | 0.833% | -0.115% | 48.97% | 48.33% |
4000 | Blow Away | int | 0.833% | -0.115% | 49.29% | 49.72% |
4009 | Clone Army | int | 0.833% | -0.115% | 46.91% | 48.24% |
4044 | Coal Dozer | int | 0.833% | -0.115% | 46.40% | 48.35% |
4084 | Defragment | int | 0.833% | +0.057% | 51.60% | 50.61% |
4039 | Doctor Vile | int | 0.833% | -0.115% | 46.27% | 48.81% |
4033 | Electric Eel | int | 0.833% | -0.072% | 49.86% | 49.94% |
4072 | Enfuego | int | 0.833% | -0.072% | 50.74% | 50.97% |
4104 | Frostmaiden | int | 0.833% | +0.057% | 52.22% | 53.26% |
4103 | Gift of Yxxath | int | 0.833% | -0.115% | 48.73% | 48.21% |
4049 | Illusion | int | 0.833% | -0.072% | 46.37% | 48.71% |
4090 | Leonitus | int | 0.833% | +0.014% | 52.71% | 51.69% |
4078 | Mechabun | int | 0.833% | +0.014% | 53.17% | 52.50% |
4113 | Micro-Swarm | int | 0.833% | +0.057% | 50.40% | 51.64% |
4056 | Nessie | int | 0.833% | +0.014% | 49.77% | 50.57% |
4005 | Nimbus | int | 0.833% | +0.057% | 51.86% | 51.73% |
4059 | Overmind | int | 0.833% | -0.115% | 46.42% | 49.42% |
4079 | Savage Garden | int | 0.833% | +0.057% | 50.96% | 50.53% |
4025 | Seek | int | 0.833% | -0.072% | 47.65% | 48.11% |
4035 | Shrink Ray | int | 0.833% | -0.072% | 48.65% | 49.50% |
4097 | Soul Shield | int | 0.833% | -0.115% | 46.43% | 49.40% |
4077 | Supermind | int | 0.833% | +0.057% | 50.98% | 52.18% |
4002 | Trapper Keeper | int | 0.833% | +0.014% | 49.15% | 50.56% |
4030 | Trinketeer | int | 0.833% | +0.014% | 49.31% | 49.29% |
4024 | Volcanic Potion | int | 0.833% | -0.115% | 49.36% | 49.95% |
4001 | Wicked Twister | int | 0.833% | -0.115% | 49.52% | 49.91% |
4094 | Andromeda | int | 0.833% | +0.014% | 50.08% | 51.51% |
4008 | Anti Mago | int | 0.833% | -0.115% | 49.53% | 49.75% |
4065 | Curious | int | 0.833% | +0.014% | 51.11% | 50.35% |
4105 | Eliminate | int | 0.833% | +0.057% | 49.10% | 49.75% |
4102 | Encantadora | int | 0.833% | -0.115% | 49.73% | 50.46% |
4043 | Gear Grind | int | 0.833% | -0.115% | 49.16% | 50.43% |
4085 | Lilly | int | 0.833% | +0.057% | 52.33% | 52.65% |
4050 | Manage Memory | int | 0.833% | -0.115% | 50.05% | 47.83% |
4013 | Mother Ethera | int | 0.833% | -0.072% | 49.95% | 50.53% |
4089 | Nakamoto | int | 0.833% | +0.014% | 48.48% | 51.03% |
4051 | Necrosiss | int | 0.833% | +0.057% | 51.65% | 51.44% |
4048 | Octomage | int | 0.833% | -0.072% | 49.84% | 49.24% |
4047 | School of Fish | int | 0.833% | -0.072% | 48.80% | 49.58% |
4010 | Tempest Brew | int | 0.833% | -0.072% | 51.78% | 50.92% |
4003 | Tooth Hurty | int | 0.833% | -0.115% | 48.42% | 48.62% |
4108 | Torques | int | 0.833% | +0.057% | 51.53% | 54.01% |
4081 | Vial Vendor | int | 0.833% | -0.072% | 50.18% | 49.64% |
4114 | Double Trouble | int | 0.833% | +0.014% | 50.18% | 50.88% |
4017 | Dual Boot | int | 0.833% | -0.115% | 48.54% | 49.29% |
4011 | Encapsulate | int | 0.833% | +0.057% | 50.75% | 51.68% |
4004 | Frigid Blizzard | int | 0.833% | -0.072% | 49.39% | 49.27% |
4021 | Hive | int | 0.833% | +0.057% | 53.77% | 53.20% |
4055 | It's a Trap! | int | 0.833% | +0.057% | 53.74% | 51.85% |
4100 | Mercurial Mimic | int | 0.833% | -0.115% | 48.34% | 49.32% |
4109 | Micro-Manager | int | 0.833% | +0.057% | 53.95% | 54.77% |
4092 | Puppet Master | int | 0.833% | +0.057% | 51.65% | 50.23% |
4023 | Sapphire | int | 0.833% | -0.072% | 50.15% | 49.29% |
4069 | Timber | int | 0.833% | -0.072% | 48.05% | 51.22% |
4057 | Tundra Wyrm | int | 0.833% | +0.014% | 51.38% | 51.85% |
4087 | Anchor Drop | int | 0.833% | -0.115% | 47.46% | 49.88% |
4110 | Body Snatcher | int | 0.833% | -0.072% | 50.38% | 53.04% |
4045 | Frog King | int | 0.833% | +0.014% | 50.80% | 50.42% |
4007 | Mass Confuse | int | 0.833% | -0.072% | 49.75% | 51.37% |
4027 | Mootichi | int | 0.833% | +0.014% | 49.38% | 51.31% |
4032 | Orion | int | 0.833% | -0.072% | 50.58% | 50.63% |
4086 | Shell Officer | int | 0.833% | +0.014% | 49.37% | 51.31% |
4053 | Soul Forge | int | 0.833% | -0.115% | 47.38% | 47.94% |
4040 | Extinction Event | int | 0.833% | +0.057% | 50.89% | 50.15% |
4107 | Fren-Z | int | 0.833% | +0.057% | 50.15% | 51.63% |
4083 | Magnanimous | int | 0.833% | -0.115% | 49.76% | 50.89% |
4111 | Tome Golem | int | 0.833% | -0.072% | 48.26% | 49.26% |
4018 | Zam | int | 0.833% | -0.072% | 49.83% | 50.10% |
4064 | Enigma Golem | int | 0.833% | +0.014% | 48.40% | 51.01% |
4071 | Gemini | int | 0.833% | +0.014% | 52.27% | 51.05% |
4115 | Glitchbreak | int | 0.833% | -0.072% | 50.67% | 50.98% |
4068 | Krakus | int | 0.833% | +0.014% | 50.12% | 51.41% |
4012 | Cryogen | int | 0.833% | -0.115% | 47.62% | 49.34% |
4022 | Floodwater | int | 0.833% | -0.115% | 47.66% | 47.37% |
4019 | Cast in Chrome | int | 0.833% | -0.072% | 50.89% | 49.73% |
51 | Amalgam | str | 0.792% | +0.016% | 46.99% | 52.06% |
32 | Arcane Ray | str | 0.833% | +0.057% | 46.10% | 50.53% |
33 | Axolotl | str | 0.833% | +0.057% | 45.79% | 50.48% |
10 | Call to Action | str | 0.875% | +0.099% | 45.34% | 51.45% |
22 | Claw Bear | str | 0.750% | -0.198% | 48.30% | 51.18% |
86 | Earth Rune | str | 0.917% | +0.011% | 43.73% | 49.04% |
27 | Ember Wolf | str | 0.875% | -0.030% | 44.91% | 50.79% |
42 | Engine Blade | str | 0.833% | -0.115% | 46.05% | 49.95% |
34 | Flashbang | str | 0.750% | -0.026% | 48.71% | 51.47% |
100 | Icy Touch | str | 0.833% | +0.014% | 46.49% | 50.42% |
60 | Metal Rune | str | 0.917% | -0.032% | 44.13% | 49.55% |
65 | On the Hunt | str | 0.750% | -0.069% | 48.47% | 50.90% |
85 | Skeeter | str | 0.833% | -0.115% | 46.48% | 50.14% |
16 | Stone Fist | str | 0.875% | -0.030% | 45.51% | 50.21% |
47 | Strike Down | str | 0.875% | +0.056% | 45.28% | 51.67% |
41 | Unikron | str | 0.833% | +0.014% | 46.03% | 50.72% |
111 | B.F.R. 9001 | str | 0.792% | +0.016% | 46.79% | 52.46% |
77 | Titanic | str | 0.792% | -0.114% | 46.50% | 52.20% |
70 | Boulder | str | 0.917% | -0.032% | 44.47% | 51.03% |
17 | Breaker Crab | str | 0.792% | +0.016% | 46.69% | 51.59% |
19 | Brimstone | str | 0.750% | -0.026% | 48.28% | 51.14% |
110 | Buster, Squire | str | 0.750% | -0.155% | 47.81% | 52.39% |
79 | Charkram | str | 0.750% | -0.026% | 48.66% | 52.18% |
53 | Earth Spike | str | 0.833% | +0.014% | 46.13% | 49.71% |
94 | Earwig | str | 0.750% | -0.069% | 47.94% | 50.40% |
56 | Elderfall | str | 0.833% | +0.057% | 45.86% | 52.04% |
112 | Ether Lemure | str | 0.750% | -0.198% | 47.80% | 51.09% |
78 | Fan Dancer | str | 0.917% | -0.032% | 43.09% | 50.67% |
4 | Firesight | str | 0.875% | -0.030% | 44.95% | 50.01% |
68 | Goblet of Armis | str | 0.875% | -0.073% | 45.06% | 49.89% |
24 | Grimstone | str | 0.833% | +0.014% | 45.97% | 52.24% |
76 | Grunk | str | 0.750% | -0.069% | 48.55% | 51.19% |
13 | Halcyon | str | 0.792% | -0.027% | 46.83% | 51.11% |
14 | Hyper Beam | str | 0.833% | -0.072% | 46.22% | 50.78% |
21 | Psyche | str | 0.833% | +0.014% | 45.96% | 51.92% |
96 | Redwood | str | 0.792% | -0.114% | 47.03% | 51.82% |
80 | Shogun | str | 0.875% | -0.030% | 44.87% | 50.36% |
54 | Sidekick | str | 0.792% | -0.027% | 47.09% | 51.66% |
6 | Stomp | str | 0.792% | -0.157% | 46.95% | 51.45% |
95 | Suit Up | str | 0.875% | -0.073% | 45.40% | 51.23% |
91 | Sunder | str | 0.917% | -0.032% | 44.53% | 50.91% |
37 | Wind Sword | str | 0.875% | -0.030% | 44.74% | 49.84% |
102 | Ada's Valor | str | 0.833% | -0.115% | 46.12% | 50.73% |
103 | Amaruath's Will | str | 0.917% | -0.032% | 43.99% | 49.52% |
82 | Aqua Sword | str | 0.875% | +0.056% | 45.63% | 49.98% |
97 | Blaze of Glory | str | 0.917% | -0.032% | 43.51% | 49.85% |
28 | Browl | str | 0.875% | -0.073% | 45.19% | 49.81% |
99 | Claw Swipe | str | 0.917% | +0.011% | 44.64% | 49.91% |
113 | Discover | str | 0.917% | +0.011% | 44.44% | 49.91% |
87 | Flame Sword | str | 0.875% | +0.056% | 45.55% | 50.63% |
71 | Getum Gang | str | 0.917% | +0.011% | 44.61% | 49.28% |
26 | Gladiator | str | 0.833% | +0.057% | 46.29% | 50.02% |
40 | Glorious Mane | str | 0.917% | +0.098% | 43.80% | 49.79% |
62 | Griff Scout | str | 0.750% | -0.155% | 47.95% | 51.69% |
83 | Howl Geist | str | 0.917% | +0.098% | 44.21% | 51.27% |
92 | Ironshell | str | 0.833% | -0.072% | 46.12% | 51.20% |
105 | Jungle Guide | str | 0.917% | +0.141% | 44.33% | 51.20% |
25 | Olifant | str | 0.750% | -0.198% | 48.46% | 51.69% |
52 | Rocket | str | 0.750% | -0.026% | 48.56% | 51.65% |
44 | Rubble Devil | str | 0.875% | +0.056% | 45.02% | 50.86% |
69 | Sabletooth | str | 0.875% | -0.073% | 45.49% | 52.14% |
108 | Sonic Jammer | str | 0.792% | -0.027% | 46.52% | 50.81% |
48 | Soul Taunt | str | 0.875% | -0.030% | 45.10% | 49.97% |
75 | Squiddy | str | 0.917% | -0.032% | 44.22% | 50.44% |
43 | Stink Eye | str | 0.875% | -0.073% | 45.15% | 50.15% |
9 | Tatt | str | 0.833% | +0.014% | 45.78% | 50.85% |
20 | Unstoppable Chop | str | 0.833% | -0.072% | 45.83% | 50.73% |
30 | Archeloth | str | 0.792% | -0.114% | 46.70% | 50.24% |
73 | Beatle | str | 0.792% | +0.016% | 46.59% | 51.86% |
93 | Cloud Guard | str | 0.792% | -0.027% | 46.66% | 49.98% |
64 | Crystal Cache | str | 0.833% | +0.057% | 45.97% | 50.77% |
5 | Demon Pact | str | 0.792% | -0.114% | 46.63% | 50.90% |
66 | Ether Mask | str | 0.917% | +0.098% | 42.22% | 50.47% |
1 | Foul Stench | str | 0.792% | +0.016% | 46.76% | 50.35% |
7 | Ifrit | str | 0.750% | -0.069% | 48.46% | 51.74% |
104 | Jade Guardian | str | 0.750% | -0.198% | 48.01% | 50.98% |
57 | Light Ranger | str | 0.792% | -0.027% | 46.60% | 51.29% |
98 | Mortal Blow | str | 0.875% | +0.099% | 45.78% | 51.23% |
36 | Mushka | str | 0.833% | -0.072% | 46.06% | 49.68% |
63 | Nightmare | str | 0.833% | +0.057% | 46.14% | 51.88% |
101 | Oni Smith | str | 0.833% | +0.057% | 46.32% | 52.41% |
38 | Polar Bear | str | 0.792% | +0.016% | 47.62% | 50.88% |
67 | Puddo | str | 0.833% | -0.115% | 46.11% | 51.34% |
49 | Rodent Problem | str | 0.875% | +0.056% | 44.90% | 50.29% |
107 | Steam Knight | str | 0.750% | -0.026% | 49.74% | 54.81% |
50 | Volcanic Blast | str | 0.875% | -0.030% | 45.71% | 50.23% |
88 | Aegis of Light | str | 0.792% | -0.027% | 46.60% | 51.03% |
58 | Chomp | str | 0.750% | -0.026% | 48.57% | 51.21% |
29 | Frank | str | 0.917% | +0.098% | 44.59% | 51.64% |
55 | Garuda | str | 0.792% | -0.114% | 47.36% | 51.42% |
89 | Ground Pound | str | 0.875% | +0.099% | 45.58% | 50.43% |
84 | Hammerhead | str | 0.750% | -0.026% | 48.41% | 52.09% |
81 | Heavy Cavalry | str | 0.792% | -0.027% | 47.27% | 52.43% |
72 | Khan | str | 0.875% | +0.056% | 45.76% | 51.49% |
106 | Nurtured Bond | str | 0.917% | +0.098% | 44.67% | 50.02% |
114 | Primal Clash | str | 0.917% | -0.032% | 43.17% | 46.43% |
2 | Reinforce | str | 0.792% | +0.016% | 46.97% | 53.57% |
90 | Rhumbo | str | 0.792% | +0.016% | 47.21% | 52.48% |
45 | Roothog | str | 0.833% | -0.072% | 45.92% | 51.86% |
8 | Breacher | str | 0.792% | -0.157% | 47.70% | 49.95% |
11 | Burninate | str | 0.750% | -0.026% | 50.94% | 51.86% |
109 | Chromeosaur | str | 0.792% | -0.157% | 46.65% | 52.59% |
116 | Dracoimpact | str | 0.917% | -0.032% | 43.99% | 49.67% |
3 | Geod | str | 0.833% | -0.072% | 46.15% | 51.48% |
15 | Gift of Swords | str | 0.792% | -0.027% | 47.04% | 51.94% |
35 | The Beast | str | 0.833% | -0.072% | 45.96% | 51.24% |
18 | Band Together | str | 0.875% | -0.030% | 45.36% | 51.21% |
46 | El Monstruo | str | 0.917% | +0.011% | 43.56% | 50.40% |
39 | Mothermander | str | 0.875% | +0.099% | 45.28% | 50.94% |
74 | Colossoid | str | 0.833% | -0.115% | 46.08% | 51.30% |
59 | Kha's Wrath | str | 0.750% | -0.155% | 48.07% | 52.43% |
61 | Moltenous | str | 0.750% | -0.155% | 47.83% | 50.64% |
12 | Weighted Die | str | 0.833% | -0.115% | 46.19% | 51.54% |
31 | Dracomantium | str | 0.875% | -0.073% | 44.95% | 50.92% |
23 | Tiamat | str | 0.875% | -0.073% | 45.50% | 50.48% |
115 | Tiamat's Rage | str | 0.792% | +0.016% | 47.67% | 53.33% |
2002 | Seer's Mask | wis | 0.583% | -0.236% | 47.42% | 44.44% |
2085 | Canny Mask | wis | 0.833% | +0.057% | 49.66% | 46.05% |
2052 | Century Key | wis | 0.833% | -0.201% | 49.51% | 47.67% |
2054 | Charmling | wis | 1.167% | +0.391% | 51.90% | 47.92% |
2067 | Cloud Kid | wis | 0.750% | -0.026% | 48.21% | 45.93% |
2010 | Hydrate | wis | 0.500% | -0.147% | 46.97% | 44.51% |
2074 | Insomnia | wis | 1.167% | +0.218% | 51.17% | 48.31% |
2031 | Matchstick | wis | 1.167% | +0.089% | 52.50% | 48.81% |
2087 | Mind Rune | wis | 0.500% | -0.190% | 46.15% | 46.00% |
2039 | Niko | wis | 0.833% | -0.029% | 49.52% | 48.49% |
2016 | Potion Seller | wis | 0.750% | -0.069% | 48.35% | 47.25% |
2026 | Rosewater Charm | wis | 0.833% | -0.201% | 49.29% | 46.92% |
2006 | Scorch | wis | 0.917% | -0.118% | 49.90% | 48.52% |
2062 | Sphinx Mask | wis | 0.833% | +0.014% | 48.82% | 47.82% |
2088 | Tactician | wis | 0.833% | -0.029% | 48.99% | 47.04% |
2086 | Thanite | wis | 0.750% | -0.155% | 48.28% | 46.34% |
2000 | Tragic Poet | wis | 1.000% | +0.052% | 50.52% | 47.59% |
2035 | Touch the Sky | wis | 0.500% | -0.147% | 45.28% | 46.00% |
2070 | Birb | wis | 0.833% | -0.201% | 49.66% | 47.67% |
2040 | Bogi Bogi | wis | 0.583% | -0.279% | 47.64% | 47.35% |
2072 | Earth Warden | wis | 0.833% | -0.029% | 48.76% | 45.44% |
2099 | Eradicate | wis | 0.583% | -0.106% | 47.69% | 46.88% |
2073 | Fuji | wis | 0.833% | -0.201% | 48.93% | 46.87% |
2069 | Giza | wis | 1.083% | +0.221% | 51.07% | 48.01% |
2108 | Glizzbot 325 | wis | 1.167% | +0.520% | 51.97% | 48.70% |
2071 | Incinerate | wis | 1.167% | +0.132% | 51.77% | 47.38% |
2089 | Luna | wis | 0.833% | +0.014% | 48.95% | 46.26% |
2061 | Mer Mask | wis | 0.583% | -0.193% | 47.87% | 46.04% |
2068 | Nefurti | wis | 1.167% | +0.046% | 52.71% | 47.41% |
2095 | Nettle | wis | 1.000% | +0.310% | 50.22% | 46.86% |
2018 | Ponderous | wis | 0.667% | -0.195% | 48.16% | 46.21% |
2008 | Reefus | wis | 0.833% | -0.244% | 49.57% | 48.36% |
2103 | Runecalling | wis | 0.917% | -0.118% | 49.83% | 46.72% |
2025 | Spirit of Sleep | wis | 0.500% | -0.147% | 46.62% | 46.48% |
2048 | Take Root | wis | 0.750% | +0.147% | 48.30% | 44.69% |
2041 | Throne Blade | wis | 1.000% | -0.121% | 50.30% | 47.31% |
2005 | Turtor | wis | 0.500% | -0.190% | 46.90% | 45.63% |
2007 | Whisk Away | wis | 0.583% | -0.020% | 47.87% | 47.00% |
2046 | Wish Deck | wis | 0.500% | -0.405% | 46.62% | 48.28% |
2058 | Xavi | wis | 1.083% | -0.037% | 50.86% | 47.80% |
2045 | Archivist | wis | 1.167% | +0.089% | 51.45% | 47.51% |
2080 | Auntuga | wis | 0.583% | -0.063% | 47.06% | 45.02% |
2013 | Bane She | wis | 0.917% | +0.098% | 49.79% | 47.03% |
2049 | Burn to a Crisp | wis | 0.750% | -0.155% | 48.40% | 46.15% |
2112 | Croakus Pocus | wis | 0.583% | -0.020% | 47.02% | 45.42% |
2078 | Cryogen's Ire | wis | 1.083% | +0.264% | 50.86% | 47.64% |
2093 | Cygnus | wis | 1.000% | +0.095% | 50.45% | 47.70% |
2066 | Dreams Undreamt | wis | 1.000% | +0.310% | 50.36% | 47.20% |
2096 | Ebb & Flo | wis | 1.083% | +0.006% | 51.13% | 47.82% |
2091 | Fire Noble | wis | 1.167% | +0.046% | 51.24% | 49.02% |
2098 | Fortune Seller | wis | 0.833% | +0.057% | 48.82% | 47.81% |
2033 | Grover | wis | 0.917% | +0.270% | 49.80% | 47.15% |
2038 | Ill Will | wis | 0.500% | -0.103% | 45.16% | 45.24% |
2027 | Inspirator | wis | 0.583% | -0.322% | 47.82% | 47.80% |
2065 | Judgement | wis | 1.083% | +0.221% | 50.82% | 48.30% |
2105 | Meng'Long's Wish | wis | 0.917% | +0.011% | 50.08% | 47.83% |
2001 | Moonbeam | wis | 1.167% | +0.218% | 51.16% | 47.61% |
2064 | Ominous Hoo | wis | 0.833% | +0.144% | 48.75% | 46.32% |
2021 | Orchid | wis | 0.917% | +0.098% | 50.04% | 46.73% |
2107 | Pokey, Mailpig | wis | 0.917% | +0.313% | 49.74% | 47.83% |
2083 | Scrollkeeper | wis | 1.083% | +0.006% | 50.89% | 47.81% |
2056 | Spiderella | wis | 1.167% | +0.261% | 51.42% | 48.72% |
2057 | Thought Leader | wis | 0.500% | -0.319% | 46.08% | 45.24% |
2053 | Whelm | wis | 0.583% | -0.020% | 47.13% | 44.22% |
2076 | Windweave | wis | 0.667% | -0.109% | 48.04% | 47.84% |
2044 | Desire | wis | 0.667% | -0.239% | 47.94% | 46.31% |
2109 | Dessert Golem | wis | 0.833% | -0.287% | 49.10% | 46.94% |
2114 | Dreamcalling | wis | 1.000% | +0.095% | 50.40% | 47.63% |
2101 | Lotus' Reflection | wis | 0.750% | -0.069% | 48.21% | 46.20% |
2082 | Minstrel | wis | 1.083% | +0.006% | 50.87% | 48.03% |
2028 | Miss Aya | wis | 0.667% | -0.282% | 48.11% | 47.09% |
2012 | Mr. Whiskers | wis | 0.500% | -0.190% | 46.99% | 47.54% |
2003 | Nature's Grasp | wis | 0.917% | +0.011% | 49.89% | 48.31% |
2079 | Nomad | wis | 1.000% | -0.121% | 50.61% | 49.03% |
2113 | Overdraft | wis | 0.917% | +0.011% | 50.07% | 46.44% |
2042 | Quadra | wis | 1.167% | +0.046% | 51.66% | 48.90% |
2097 | Salvage | wis | 1.167% | +0.046% | 51.77% | 47.79% |
2020 | Sea Mage | wis | 0.500% | -0.147% | 46.38% | 45.56% |
2036 | Seal of Doom | wis | 0.667% | -0.152% | 47.93% | 46.84% |
2023 | Spite & Malice | wis | 0.667% | -0.282% | 48.01% | 46.92% |
2017 | Waterline | wis | 0.833% | -0.115% | 48.88% | 47.22% |
2024 | Webweaver | wis | 1.167% | +0.218% | 51.74% | 47.26% |
2094 | World Tree | wis | 0.750% | -0.069% | 48.61% | 47.66% |
2004 | Arcadeum Mask | wis | 0.917% | -0.118% | 49.76% | 47.24% |
2015 | Book Casey | wis | 1.000% | -0.078% | 50.09% | 48.55% |
2060 | Deepus | wis | 1.083% | +0.178% | 51.16% | 47.83% |
2047 | Gift of Aya | wis | 0.750% | +0.103% | 48.26% | 46.22% |
2100 | Grasping Maiden | wis | 0.750% | -0.328% | 48.39% | 48.53% |
2032 | Jakintsu | wis | 1.083% | +0.006% | 50.75% | 48.52% |
2111 | Junk Golem | wis | 1.000% | +0.353% | 50.33% | 46.47% |
2030 | Lost in the Fog | wis | 0.583% | -0.106% | 47.88% | 47.05% |
2106 | Mixolotron | wis | 0.667% | -0.368% | 48.19% | 46.47% |
2014 | Scraggy | wis | 0.667% | -0.239% | 47.92% | 47.28% |
2102 | Silent Warden | wis | 1.000% | -0.121% | 50.27% | 49.16% |
2022 | Soul Shepherd | wis | 0.833% | +0.057% | 48.90% | 46.10% |
2059 | Turn the Tide | wis | 0.750% | -0.112% | 48.31% | 45.08% |
2050 | Twist & Turn | wis | 0.500% | -0.103% | 43.95% | 44.33% |
2055 | Cloud Sloth | wis | 0.500% | -0.190% | 45.59% | 47.04% |
2084 | Doomsday | wis | 0.667% | +0.020% | 47.99% | 45.64% |
2081 | Frost Adept | wis | 0.833% | -0.115% | 49.11% | 47.99% |
2115 | Gigabloom | wis | 0.583% | -0.020% | 47.74% | 45.39% |
2077 | Guru | wis | 0.500% | -0.276% | 45.55% | 46.71% |
2110 | Tortugan Cook | wis | 1.083% | +0.049% | 51.13% | 48.80% |
2075 | Kha Meht | wis | 1.083% | +0.135% | 50.73% | 48.66% |
2090 | Libra | wis | 0.583% | -0.193% | 47.40% | 47.15% |
2037 | Eldest | wis | 0.500% | -0.103% | 45.26% | 45.27% |
2034 | Etherwail | wis | 0.500% | -0.319% | 45.43% | 46.22% |
2104 | Genesis Avatar | wis | 0.833% | -0.029% | 49.59% | 47.52% |
2029 | Octavian | wis | 1.167% | +0.218% | 51.70% | 47.07% |
2011 | Prismata | wis | 0.833% | +0.014% | 49.09% | 45.92% |
2043 | Sky Phoenix | wis | 1.083% | +0.221% | 50.98% | 49.23% |
2063 | Skychannel | wis | 1.083% | -0.037% | 50.99% | 46.73% |
2051 | Amaruath | wis | 0.833% | +0.144% | 49.11% | 47.22% |
2019 | Meng'Long | wis | 1.167% | +0.089% | 51.66% | 48.68% |
2092 | Eldritch Lore | wis | 0.667% | -0.109% | 48.17% | 46.24% |
2009 | Invest | wis | 0.583% | -0.020% | 47.72% | 45.74% |
Steam Knight (107)
A fairly heavy-handed but necessary nerf here, giving Steam Knight -1/-1 and adding Guard. The performance of Dash units has been something we've been monitoring over the past month or so, and while some have been reasonable, the power level of Dash units on average has been a bit high, so we're aiming to tone down some of each Prism's premiere Dash units this patch.
Ether Mask (66)
Draw two earth units. Attach Anima to them.
Draw two earth units. Give them +1/+1.
A nerf/adjustment here, making Ether Mask more expensive and generally powerful. The fact that this was 3c and attached Anima gave it a uniquely powerful and abusable line of play with Broom Shroom, so this change helps reduce the effectiveness of that line of play while allowing Ether Mask to support a wider variety of strategies through giving it a more generally useful effect.
Dracoimpact (116)
Buff to an underperforming card. Dracoimpact was extremely potent during Clash of Inventors playtesting, which led to us being extra careful when adjusting its power level. The playtest also featured a pre-nerf Crystal Cache which gave -2 cost, making Dracoimpact even more powerful, but the stats have shown that Dracoimpact is very underpowered and underutilized, so this buff should help give it more appeal and hopefully open up some new playspace for Strength Decks alongside Chromeosaur and other high cost unit support cards.
Hot Dog (1054)
A -1power nerf to a perennial overachiever and burn card. This might make the Dog a tad less Hot, however Run Wild received a similar nerf in the past and barely missed a beat in terms of its win and play rates, so we’re confident that Hot Dog should keep trucking along.
Cyber Sniper (1106)
A nerf/adjustment to Cyber Sniper, trading some of its power for health. For most Units this might even be a buff, but since Sniper really wants to kill its target with its first attack, this change makes that less viable, while also making Cyber Sniper a tad more likely to survive to attack again.
Wildland Biker (1110)
Sizable nerf to one of the game's most potent cards, Wildland Biker is a very powerful tempo, removal, and card advantage tool all rolled into one package. We considered merely working with stat changes or an effect change, but considering that Wildland Biker usually wants to attack and die immediately, these options felt insufficient, so ultimately we decided to both move it up to 5 cost, giving Biker greater opportunity cost and making it less effective as removal via dropping Wither.
Dare-Devulpine (1111)
An adjustment in service of bringing Devulpine down alongside Steam Knight, since we're aiming to tone down Dash cards across the board, so just dropping 1 power here as he's not nearly as strong or popular as the targets of other Agility nerfs.
Void Knight (1091)
A long anticipated nerf to a long time overperformer, dropping 1 power from Void Knight. It was among the top 3 Agility cards overall, so it should likely remain a potent card.
Hydrate (2010)
Both players draw three cards.
Both players draw a card unless their hand is full. Repeat two more
A much requested change that was simple in theory, but complex in wording. Hydrate can now no longer cause overdraw, reducing its power as a hand disruption tool, as this was cited near universally as a frustrating and overpowered aspect of the design.
Pokey, Mailpig (2107)
Nerf to one of Wisdom's premiere Dash cards. Pokey was doing well in the metagame, but Wisdom as a whole has remained weak outside of a small group of high-level players, so we're not trying to nerf its cards too much.
Insomnia (2074)
Give target non-sleeping unit -4/-4.
Give target non-sleeping unit -3/-3.
A nerf to a card that has been massively overperforming since the introduction of Dash. While Insomnia used to be a huge underperformer, the introduction of dash has made it much less niche by giving it many more proactive targets, so we've toned its power down slightly in recognition of this.
Shady Dealer (3108)
A small nerf to deal in the form of -1 power, toning down some of the game's strongest Dash units alongside Steam Knight.
Ancients Rise (3063)
Summon your bottom three dead units. Attach Blind to them.
Summon your bottom three dead units. Attach Shield to them.
A rather sizable buff to a major underperformer, now instead of attaching Blind to the resurrected units, Ancients Rise instead attaches Shield, buffing rather than weakening them. This should help make the card more appealing to build around.
Fireball (20018)
Do 9 damage to target enemy and 1 damage to other enemies.
Do 10 damage to target enemy and 1 damage to other enemies.
A fairly exciting buff to the payoff of a major underperformer. Flame Phoenix remains a very popular but very underpowered in the current meta, and one of the design directions we're continuing to move in is improving the power of finishers, to make the lategame of skyweaver more dynamic and close-fought, rather than relying on Out-Of-Decking or Conjuring value.
Grasp of Kraken (20052)
Do damage to target unit equal to your available mana.
Do damage to target unit equal to the highest power among ally
A rework to a card with a pretty awkward design, reworking to the inverse version of Stomp, making it more useful and simple, while providing a buff to an underperforming card in Krakus.
Wash Ashore (20046)
Spend mana equal to target enemy unit's cost to return it to
Spend your mana to return target enemy unit of that cost or less to
Another partial rework for the sake of simplicity, reworking Wash Ashore to work like other X-cost Spells. Wash Ashore will now spend all its player's mana to return a target enemy unit of equal or less cost to hand. This may appear to be a small nerf, but can also be a buff in many cases, as Wash Ashore is only found on Shoal Siren, which wants your mana to be empty to activate its effect.
With the advent of autumn upon us, the Festival of Invention draws to a close, with all our contestants and visitors giving their last and greatest hurrah! Twenty new cards are joining Skyweaver and expanding upon the themes established in Clash of Inventors. Agility pushes beyond their limits, striving for greatness. Heart infuses both living and dead allies with new life. Intellect further supports and utilizes its trinkets and gizmos. Strength summons huge units to tower over their competition, While wisdom draws new strength from its vast accumulation of knowledge! All the contestants are ready, lets dive in!

A potentially massive threat for Strength decks, Blood of Yxxath's ability to both draw a unit and gain its stats allows it to serve as a potent double threat for decks focused on large units.

Another big unit focused card for Strength, Crystalceratops gets cheaper depending on the amount of High-cost cards in your hand. In the right deck, you can potentially throw this unit down on the first or second turn, so we'll be keeping an eye on it to make sure it is not becoming an issue.

Another high-cost payoff for Strength decks that helps decks with a large number of higher cost cards to draw several early-to-mid game plays for just 2 mana. Beyond that, Tune-Up was also designed to let strength fetch some key build-around cards in the 3c slot, like Amaruath's Will and Glorious Mane, offering decks using the prism more reliability in finding their key cards.

A simple but powerful card, Hugeify is a proactive buff spell that sets your unit to 8/8 and grants Dash, opening up for massive damage and trade potential. It's also one of several cards to receive a new and exciting animation!

A potent new early-game unit for Agility which scales up as your hero loses health, and possesses both stealth and dash to help it take advantage of the buffs it accrues.

A powerful finisher and possible removal option for Agility, Wu-Kin Scrapper will follow your hero's attacks, beating down on any target your hero clashes against. With cards like Montage or Samya's Speed, it's very possible for this obstinate ape to tear into opposing heroes or units multiple times per turn!

Another Dash enabler for Agility that provides double the payoff if you're low on health, making it potent both early and late, and playing into Agility's self-damage theme.

A thematic removal spell for Agility, Searing Rage lets you obliterate any enemy unit, at the cost of your hero taking its health as damage. Rage plays upon Agility's weakness at removing large units, providing an option for a prism that typically lacks them at a steep cost.

A hand-size reward for Wisdom, Fatcat Banker allows you to draw a card for each card your opponent plays, but the larger reward happens if your hand is full, as it'll start producing 3/3 micron drones to take a bite out of your opponents health, instead of their wallet!

A particularly potent hand size reward for Wisdom. Lorekeeper allows you to play the left and right most cards in your hand for free, but only if your hand is entirely full! This makes chaining its effect multiple times very tricky, but the potential reward is huge!

Stoke is another tool Wisdom can use to accelerate games into their mid-and late stages, where its plethora of removal and resource advantage tools can dominate. In combination with other ramp spells, Stoke can help wisdom gain a significant amount of mana very early in the game.

Shield Bash is a unique tool we're providing wisdom to allow it to use its typically high health units to push damage directly, giving it a new option for mid to late game damage pushes.

An aggressive tool for tempo-focused strategies, Mechaboid expands upon the underlying hand-buff theme for Heart while serving as an aggressive 1-cost unit.

With Festival Cannon, our goal was to design a large payload for death-effect centered decks. Try combos with cards like Molten Heart, Phoenix Plume, or Grave Roil to smoke your opponents, or even use it alongside the newly buffed Fireball for massive late game burn damage. One aspect of the design we particularly love is that, in a pinch, the cannon can "light itself" using its attached Scorch spell!

Another tool to expand Heart's hand-buffing repertoire, Boon of Nettles provides a decent baseline effect, but really shines when you can trigger its bonus effect, getting an additional 2/4 Whipvine in hand, if you managed to sacrifice one of your own units before casting it, helping reinforce Heart's death-focused sub-themes as well.

A straightforward and powerful tool for Heart, Rising Doom provides a powerful counterplay to aggressive and midrange strategies through dropping a pair of massive roadblocks in their way, and can serve as a good tempo play in its own right. 6/12 worth of wither + guard stats for 8c is no joke!

Continuing Intellect's 1-cost theme is Big Friend, a midrange threat for decks that utilize 1 cost spells and units. Big Friend adds some bulk to the 1 cost themed decks, giving players some more chunky units to deal with opposing threats, as well making for a great Clone Army target alongside Fren-Z!

A kooky and fun tool for Intellect decks. Don't be fooled by Bit Shifter's middling stats. Its low power will instead be swapped with an enemy unit, allowing it to tear into your foes while sustaining minimal damage itself!

Another tool to support Micron Drones and 1-cost centric decks. Overdrive is among the first cards that permanently augment the game through giving +1/+1 to all of your 1 cost units, even those you haven't conjured or summoned yet!

Sister card to Etherwail, and a fun tool for intellect decks that have a desire to go deep on units and play a few big spells as payoff.

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