Progression Overview
With the arrival of the Skypass launching with Hexbound Invasion, we thought it'd be a good time to publish a post in advance organizing all there is to know about the upcoming changes to the Skyweaver progression system 🥇

🙋 Completely new to Skyweaver? Check out our Getting Started guide!
Right off the bat, new players will jump into their first tutorial match. Upon completion, they will unlock their first Hero and Starter deck. Heroes determine the types of cards you can wield in a match and therefore are tied to Starter decks. Upon reaching levels 6, 12, 18, and 24 you will unlock all remaining Starter decks. And when level 50 is reached, all the remaining Heroes will be unlocked—a total of 15 of them!

Together the five Starter decks a new player unlocks at the start of their journey will grant +125 new Base cards they can use to build custom decks. While Base cards might not look as cool as Silver and Gold cards, they are equivalent in terms of power!
Leveling up is the tried and true method for measuring progress in a game. In Skyweaver, players level up by playing matches and acquiring experience points (XP). The amount of XP required in order to level up is 100. And every time you level up you'll be able to claim a reward.

Players gain 10 XP every time they complete a match. The winner receives an additional 20 XP. If a player concedes the match before turn 5 is reached, they’ll forfeit all XP.

Lastly, when a new season begins (every 28 days), a player's level will reset. This is due to the new Skypass (more on this below). With the introduction of the Skypass, the all-time level that you see on your Skytag will now be your seasonal level. Everyone can still view someone's all-time account level through the profile screen under the stats tab.

Note: While XP is always awarded in Ranked and Conquest mode, it is only awarded in Tutorial, Practice, and Private mode up to level 30.
Daily Quests exist in many games to encourage players to participate often. They help pace the leveling system—so those who have less time to play don’t fall too far behind their friends. In Skyweaver, these quests are quite simple for now. All you need to do is play a match to earn the bonus XP.
- Players receive 3 Daily Quests per day regardless if they login
- They can stack up a total of 10 (this is also the amount new player accounts will start with)
- Each Daily Quest grants a bonus of 40 XP for completing a match
It's the main event—the place where players receive all their rewards!

Here you’ll be able to claim rewards like Hexbound Invasion Base cards each time you level up during a season. When the season ends, new rewards will populate the progression track. Purchase the premium pass and you’ll unlock Base cards even more rapidly, as well as a limited edition tradable Hexbound Card Back!

It’s super easy to use. Access the Skypass by tapping on the SKYPASS icon top right of the menu. Then, tap where it says CLAIM anytime in order to obtain or unlock the items presented. Regarding the premium track, the choice is yours to make anytime during a season! However, once a season is over, all the tradable rewards—aside from persistent items like Conquest Tickets—will never be offered again.
Alrighty, so you completed the tutorial and tried your hand at the practice bot. It's time to enter the ranks! There are 6 ranks to achieve, each one more difficult to obtain than the last. All players begin as a Wanderer—a state of innocent bliss. To ascend the ranks, you need to obtain rank points (RP), which you accumulate by winning matches.

Above is a table displaying all the ranks and their respective requirements, resets, and rewards. For a deep dive of this ranking system, head over here!
Skyweaver gives the power to its players. You create tradable cards by playing the game, and the cards you win are your property ⚔️ Conquest is the next level of competition in Skyweaver: a single-elimination tournament-style PvP experience where everyone can win rewards just by participating!

Skyweaver seasons last one month—or 28 days to be exact. Every Monday at 10:00am ET free Silver cards and Conquest Tickets are distributed to the top performing players in Ranked mode! A consolidated list of the top players in Ranked mode based on their RP is used to determine the winners. All players are able to view their current placement in-game by tapping on the RANKS icon top right of the menu.

We do this every week to encourage players to rank at the top of the leaderboard throughout the entire season, rather than only the last few days of the month. Check out the exact distribution model.
Note: The Wanderer rank is treated as an "introductory rank". Players with this rank do not show up on the leaderboard, nor are they eligible to receive the weekly rewards.
Whether you fancy playing Constructed (where you build a tailed deck) or the more whimsical Discovery game type (where the cards are randomly pooled from the chosen Hero's Prism), you’ll be placed onto a separate leaderboard. You could potentially become a Grandweaver and receive rewards for each game type if you play both!

You might be thinking "this is cool and all but what's with the lack of diversity in Quests? Can we have more variety in non-tradable rewards? What the heck do I do after I unlock all the Base cards?". We hear you. Hopefully you can stick with us as we continue to add more awesome features to the game. Progression systems constantly evolve as the game matures. And the constant need for more content will always be a never-ending mission.
The addition of new cosmetic items such as Stickers, Hero skins, and most recently Card backs that have been introduced have begun to widen the doors for rewarding players beyond Base cards. It will take some time to get it just right, as Skyweaver is a lot different from other digital card games on account of the genuine tradability. However, as we hope we’ve been able to demonstrate, it’s only going to get better in the months and years ahead!
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Skyweaver is in Open Beta. You can play for free at or download the game on Windows, Mac, Linux, IOS, and Android!

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