Tundrake - Patch #97

This week we have some much needed improvements that should make the everyday Skyweaver a happy Skyweaver, the most notable being specific Private match game type queues. Now only Discovery players will match with other Discovery players!

Improvements 🦾
- Private matches will now only match Discovery players with other Discovery players and Constructed players with other Constructed players.
- Added set filters to card search.
- Improved design for the Constructed deck and Hero selector buttons + tooltips.
- Inspire 1 cost units now have correctly colored text.
- Improved filters when searching for cards—including a set filter.
- Adjusted the position of your hand and improved hovers on mobile.
Changes ⚙️
- Flipped the order events show up in the Action History.
- Action history is now closed by default on Mobile and in the Tutorial.
Bugfixes 🐛
- Fixed the timing of Claw Swipe and Deep Xlice’s animations.
- Fixed the feed events on your profile page missing information.
- Fixed the orange arrows in the rank information section.
- Fix some margin and spacing.
Welcome to patch #97 everyone! We’ve got a number of small tune ups this week, adjusting up some underperformers and tuning down some overperformers. Again, the meta has looked more stable lately, so we’re not aiming to upend it, just tweak some cards to adjust its top and bottom performers a little.
Only cards with modified discovery odds are shown here, but the CSV contains all cards.
ID | Name | Prism | Discovery Rate | Discovery Rate Change | Conquest Discovery Winrate | Ranked Discovery Winrate |
1050 | Backstab | agy | 1.038% | +0.094% | 51.30% | 51.09% |
1016 | Canopy Archer | agy | 0.849% | +0.283% | 52.39% | 52.10% |
1001 | Ensnare | agy | 1.038% | +0.094% | 51.04% | 51.54% |
1081 | Fire Rune | agy | 0.660% | -0.189% | 52.67% | 51.65% |
1087 | Fly Guy | agy | 0.755% | +0.094% | 52.44% | 51.88% |
1070 | Fox Familiar | agy | 0.849% | +0.283% | 51.97% | 52.35% |
1088 | Frost Claw | agy | 1.226% | -0.094% | 50.85% | 49.63% |
1066 | Grim Reprisal | agy | 1.226% | +0.094% | 50.42% | 50.44% |
1004 | Kook Book | agy | 1.132% | -0.094% | 50.91% | 50.15% |
1062 | Mechurai | agy | 0.849% | +0.283% | 52.52% | 52.10% |
1086 | Puppet Strings | agy | 1.132% | +0.189% | 51.48% | 51.16% |
1013 | Saber | agy | 0.849% | +0.189% | 51.37% | 52.43% |
1101 | Samya's Speed | agy | 1.321% | -0.094% | 49.72% | 48.73% |
1026 | Yellowjack | agy | 1.226% | +0.283% | 50.90% | 50.64% |
1073 | Chain Golem | agy | 1.321% | +0.377% | 49.87% | 50.87% |
1037 | Hannah | agy | 0.849% | -0.189% | 51.90% | 50.58% |
1056 | Headcase | agy | 0.755% | +0.094% | 51.69% | 52.21% |
1028 | Huntaro | agy | 0.472% | -0.283% | 53.34% | 52.42% |
1103 | Hunter's Howl | agy | 1.415% | +0.094% | 49.39% | 48.98% |
1082 | Impostor | agy | 1.132% | +0.094% | 51.75% | 50.54% |
1021 | Lightning Vial | agy | 1.038% | -0.094% | 51.44% | 50.55% |
1025 | Noctourna | agy | 1.321% | +0.566% | 49.77% | 51.49% |
1032 | Pair of Jacks | agy | 0.566% | -0.283% | 53.79% | 51.34% |
1064 | Pistol Shrimp | agy | 0.472% | -0.472% | 54.44% | 51.81% |
1036 | Rite Knight | agy | 1.038% | +0.094% | 51.36% | 51.25% |
1080 | Shredder | agy | 0.660% | -0.189% | 52.50% | 50.90% |
1090 | Sky Keeper | agy | 1.226% | +0.283% | 50.70% | 50.92% |
1079 | Slash | agy | 0.472% | -0.189% | 53.82% | 52.25% |
1052 | Snap Trap | agy | 0.660% | -0.377% | 52.06% | 50.88% |
1045 | Supersonic | agy | 0.849% | -0.283% | 51.68% | 50.74% |
1091 | Void Knight | agy | 0.849% | +0.094% | 52.34% | 51.99% |
1068 | Vyper Ambush | agy | 1.321% | +0.472% | 49.69% | 50.97% |
1000 | Wane Blade | agy | 1.226% | +0.189% | 50.46% | 50.73% |
1094 | Xero | agy | 1.038% | -0.094% | 50.98% | 50.80% |
1031 | Bolt | agy | 0.660% | -0.283% | 52.75% | 50.82% |
1007 | Burn Out | agy | 1.038% | -0.189% | 51.06% | 49.97% |
1059 | Card Sling | agy | 0.566% | -0.189% | 52.89% | 51.39% |
1006 | Champ | agy | 1.226% | +0.094% | 50.71% | 50.90% |
1053 | Cube Junior | agy | 0.566% | +0.094% | 53.05% | 53.23% |
1027 | Dawn Blade | agy | 1.038% | +0.094% | 51.73% | 51.29% |
1048 | Deep Xlice | agy | 1.132% | -0.094% | 50.88% | 49.81% |
1011 | Fan of Knives | agy | 0.566% | -0.094% | 52.38% | 51.78% |
1019 | Gale | agy | 1.415% | +0.094% | 49.38% | 49.29% |
1077 | Honk | agy | 1.038% | +0.094% | 51.74% | 51.70% |
1054 | Hot Dog | agy | 1.038% | -0.189% | 51.08% | 50.12% |
1093 | Lau Sensei | agy | 0.755% | +0.094% | 51.98% | 51.94% |
1010 | Pandora | agy | 1.226% | +0.094% | 50.07% | 50.68% |
1092 | Run Wild | agy | 1.038% | +0.094% | 50.61% | 50.27% |
1042 | Strikestorm | agy | 1.415% | +0.094% | 49.94% | 49.37% |
1104 | Swarmsinger | agy | 0.755% | -0.377% | 52.17% | 50.88% |
1033 | Trailblazer | agy | 1.415% | +0.189% | 50.04% | 50.17% |
1029 | Treasure Chest | agy | 1.132% | -0.094% | 50.74% | 50.39% |
1067 | Vyper Charmer | agy | 0.755% | +0.189% | 52.68% | 52.15% |
1102 | Chainlasher | agy | 0.566% | -0.189% | 53.24% | 51.58% |
1035 | Clapback | agy | 0.849% | -0.189% | 51.63% | 50.56% |
1095 | Crusher | agy | 1.038% | -0.094% | 51.50% | 50.69% |
1100 | Disciple of Gusto | agy | 0.472% | -0.094% | 53.57% | 52.90% |
1005 | Drum Up | agy | 1.132% | +0.094% | 50.72% | 50.79% |
1069 | Flank Rider | agy | 0.660% | -0.377% | 52.52% | 51.20% |
1085 | Flurry | agy | 0.472% | -0.094% | 54.29% | 52.52% |
1014 | Head in the Clouds | agy | 0.849% | -0.377% | 51.99% | 50.30% |
1065 | Mamba | agy | 0.566% | -0.283% | 53.47% | 51.48% |
1057 | Riptide | agy | 0.660% | -0.283% | 53.11% | 51.18% |
1075 | Strige Strike | agy | 0.849% | -0.189% | 51.55% | 51.00% |
1071 | Sworn Oni | agy | 1.132% | +0.189% | 51.36% | 50.92% |
1040 | Talonous | agy | 0.755% | -0.094% | 52.36% | 51.04% |
1018 | Uppercut | agy | 1.226% | +0.094% | 50.68% | 50.70% |
1008 | Zapeta | agy | 0.472% | -0.189% | 54.32% | 52.62% |
1055 | Zoomie | agy | 0.755% | -0.472% | 51.91% | 50.15% |
1096 | Dead Beats | agy | 0.755% | -0.283% | 51.90% | 50.62% |
1078 | Flame Volley | agy | 1.321% | +0.377% | 49.96% | 50.48% |
1030 | Flock | agy | 0.755% | -0.283% | 52.23% | 50.60% |
1097 | Gusto's Retort | agy | 1.038% | +0.189% | 51.33% | 51.16% |
1034 | King Slay | agy | 0.849% | +0.094% | 51.70% | 52.12% |
1012 | Plane Ranger | agy | 1.038% | +0.377% | 51.91% | 51.89% |
1020 | Vlad | agy | 0.660% | -0.189% | 52.61% | 51.32% |
1015 | Catch! | agy | 1.132% | +0.283% | 51.28% | 51.48% |
1049 | Queen of Jacks | agy | 0.849% | +0.094% | 51.12% | 51.01% |
1024 | Scythe Mantis | agy | 0.660% | -0.094% | 52.15% | 51.64% |
1002 | Trydra | agy | 1.321% | +0.566% | 51.51% | 51.46% |
1084 | Maelstrom | agy | 1.415% | +0.094% | 49.65% | 49.52% |
1061 | Norsudovest | agy | 1.415% | +0.472% | 49.56% | 50.75% |
1046 | Supercharge | agy | 1.132% | -0.189% | 51.32% | 50.16% |
3018 | Avatar of Light | hrt | 1.226% | +0.377% | 46.95% | 47.66% |
3025 | Bad Dreams | hrt | 0.472% | -0.094% | 42.48% | 46.39% |
3011 | Bone Mask | hrt | 0.660% | -0.094% | 43.45% | 47.35% |
3016 | Buckler Up | hrt | 0.566% | -0.094% | 44.41% | 46.95% |
3051 | Crypto | hrt | 0.849% | -0.472% | 46.35% | 49.79% |
3061 | Dark Rune | hrt | 0.472% | -0.377% | 43.68% | 47.22% |
3105 | Food Chain | hrt | 0.660% | +0.094% | 44.54% | 45.42% |
3000 | Fun Guy | hrt | 0.849% | -0.377% | 45.66% | 48.86% |
3065 | Grubbs | hrt | 1.226% | +0.377% | 46.35% | 47.33% |
3005 | Jacko | hrt | 0.472% | -0.425% | 43.19% | 47.27% |
3094 | Krystal | hrt | 1.132% | +0.094% | 45.00% | 47.77% |
3035 | Light Rune | hrt | 0.472% | -0.189% | 40.74% | 46.74% |
3091 | Pyrecrafter | hrt | 1.415% | +0.094% | 49.64% | 50.07% |
3093 | See Shore | hrt | 1.226% | +0.236% | 46.70% | 47.51% |
3084 | Shade | hrt | 0.755% | -0.283% | 44.60% | 48.45% |
3069 | Toil & Trouble | hrt | 1.132% | +0.236% | 48.12% | 47.48% |
3039 | Vialet | hrt | 1.415% | +0.283% | 47.86% | 48.61% |
3015 | Undragon | hrt | 0.660% | -0.094% | 46.21% | 47.33% |
3029 | Beloved | hrt | 0.472% | -0.189% | 42.80% | 45.82% |
3102 | Broom Shroom | hrt | 1.038% | +0.047% | 46.24% | 47.95% |
3085 | Burning Blade | hrt | 1.038% | +0.047% | 44.77% | 47.75% |
3083 | Carrion Crow | hrt | 0.566% | -0.189% | 44.64% | 47.11% |
3089 | Eye Spider | hrt | 1.132% | -0.094% | 48.33% | 49.04% |
3055 | Friendly Fawn | hrt | 1.415% | +0.283% | 47.27% | 48.72% |
3082 | Glacia | hrt | 0.660% | -0.566% | 45.19% | 49.02% |
3032 | Gus | hrt | 1.415% | +0.094% | 49.00% | 49.64% |
3097 | Homebrew | hrt | 1.415% | +0.425% | 48.05% | 47.78% |
3020 | Identity Crisis | hrt | 1.038% | +0.189% | 45.50% | 47.42% |
3072 | Impale | hrt | 0.566% | -0.189% | 44.17% | 47.21% |
3040 | Light Knight | hrt | 1.132% | -0.189% | 47.02% | 49.18% |
3078 | Molten Heart | hrt | 0.755% | +0.189% | 46.38% | 45.70% |
3090 | Opal Golem | hrt | 1.132% | -0.189% | 46.99% | 49.34% |
3067 | Shoal Siren | hrt | 1.321% | +0.189% | 48.61% | 49.00% |
3044 | Sick Burn | hrt | 0.849% | +0.189% | 45.44% | 46.07% |
3104 | Strige Swarm | hrt | 0.849% | +0.283% | 46.15% | 44.49% |
3030 | Take Flight | hrt | 0.472% | -0.094% | 43.69% | 44.60% |
3046 | Teenage Witch | hrt | 1.321% | +0.425% | 47.42% | 47.66% |
3001 | Unfallow | hrt | 1.226% | +0.377% | 46.91% | 47.29% |
3064 | Wed Dead | hrt | 0.660% | +0.094% | 45.11% | 45.15% |
3101 | Bouran's Ethos | hrt | 1.132% | +0.283% | 47.25% | 47.77% |
3096 | Chester | hrt | 1.321% | +0.189% | 48.05% | 48.88% |
3087 | Chill | hrt | 0.755% | -0.236% | 45.00% | 48.15% |
3038 | Dark Adept | hrt | 0.849% | -0.189% | 46.47% | 48.64% |
3008 | Forest Fire | hrt | 0.472% | -0.094% | 43.00% | 46.22% |
3026 | Funeral Moon | hrt | 1.038% | +0.283% | 45.68% | 47.62% |
3021 | Gift of Qai | hrt | 0.755% | +0.094% | 44.27% | 47.19% |
3004 | Grimlord | hrt | 0.660% | -0.566% | 45.46% | 49.32% |
3081 | Hexed Doll | hrt | 1.226% | +0.236% | 45.97% | 48.00% |
3057 | Meranda | hrt | 1.321% | +0.283% | 48.93% | 48.29% |
3037 | Old Fogy | hrt | 0.849% | -0.283% | 45.97% | 48.49% |
3019 | Olympia | hrt | 0.849% | -0.142% | 45.80% | 48.61% |
3099 | Phoenix Plume | hrt | 0.755% | +0.189% | 44.39% | 45.57% |
3006 | Soul Guide | hrt | 1.038% | -0.189% | 46.27% | 48.80% |
3053 | Temple Watch | hrt | 1.226% | +0.330% | 47.12% | 47.03% |
3068 | Trident True | hrt | 0.566% | -0.472% | 44.72% | 48.24% |
3041 | Twisted Metal | hrt | 0.566% | -0.283% | 43.93% | 47.24% |
3027 | Undragon's Pact | hrt | 0.472% | -0.094% | 40.67% | 45.14% |
3066 | Vishiva | hrt | 1.415% | +0.425% | 48.43% | 48.16% |
3042 | Angelo | hrt | 0.472% | -0.519% | 42.97% | 48.27% |
3052 | Blood Hunter | hrt | 0.755% | -0.236% | 45.45% | 47.89% |
3095 | Casket | hrt | 1.038% | -0.189% | 47.38% | 48.80% |
3086 | Chain Storm | hrt | 1.321% | +0.566% | 47.22% | 47.13% |
3073 | Chief Justice | hrt | 1.415% | +0.189% | 48.88% | 49.18% |
3047 | Cleo | hrt | 1.415% | +0.094% | 49.32% | 49.46% |
3024 | Death's King | hrt | 0.472% | -0.189% | 43.54% | 46.20% |
3028 | Dirge | hrt | 0.755% | -0.377% | 46.29% | 49.01% |
3058 | Eclipse | hrt | 1.321% | +0.189% | 47.66% | 49.08% |
3075 | Evermore | hrt | 0.660% | -0.236% | 44.92% | 47.68% |
3003 | Flame Phoenix | hrt | 0.849% | -0.377% | 45.23% | 49.07% |
3017 | Glacial Tomb | hrt | 0.755% | +0.094% | 43.72% | 46.36% |
3023 | Raise Arms | hrt | 1.132% | +0.236% | 45.69% | 47.38% |
3009 | Swamp Walker | hrt | 1.415% | +0.189% | 48.55% | 49.57% |
3088 | Bill | hrt | 1.226% | +0.236% | 47.55% | 48.31% |
3071 | Cosmicon | hrt | 1.321% | +0.425% | 46.62% | 48.06% |
3010 | Doom Shroom | hrt | 1.038% | -0.094% | 45.33% | 48.92% |
3012 | Earth Golem | hrt | 1.132% | +0.236% | 45.87% | 47.41% |
3013 | Forest Hart | hrt | 0.849% | -0.189% | 45.33% | 48.33% |
3074 | Gravekin | hrt | 1.038% | +0.377% | 46.01% | 46.35% |
3062 | Scorpio | hrt | 0.566% | -0.330% | 43.61% | 48.01% |
3077 | Three Lashes | hrt | 1.415% | +0.425% | 47.96% | 48.29% |
3076 | Wartlock | hrt | 0.849% | +0.094% | 45.30% | 47.15% |
3034 | Bard Rock | hrt | 0.755% | -0.236% | 44.47% | 47.88% |
3059 | Glacial Hulk | hrt | 0.660% | -0.377% | 44.42% | 48.00% |
3050 | Undergrowth | hrt | 1.038% | +0.189% | 45.90% | 47.75% |
3022 | Wall of Dead | hrt | 1.226% | +0.094% | 47.58% | 49.03% |
3002 | Allbane | hrt | 1.132% | +0.236% | 46.68% | 47.93% |
3033 | Broodwitch | hrt | 0.566% | -0.330% | 43.34% | 47.67% |
3054 | Jar of Souls | hrt | 1.038% | +0.142% | 46.14% | 47.96% |
3079 | Maw Worm | hrt | 0.566% | -0.189% | 43.98% | 47.43% |
3049 | Grave Roil | hrt | 1.226% | +0.377% | 46.56% | 47.61% |
3045 | Hydrex | hrt | 0.566% | -0.330% | 43.06% | 47.38% |
3100 | Pharonis | hrt | 0.849% | -0.472% | 45.24% | 49.94% |
3014 | Smite | hrt | 0.849% | +0.094% | 46.97% | 47.43% |
4016 | Alight | int | 0.849% | -0.094% | 50.02% | 47.10% |
4101 | Ari's Insight | int | 0.896% | +0.094% | 49.79% | 47.05% |
4020 | B Unit | int | 0.991% | -0.094% | 51.25% | 49.12% |
4038 | Cinder | int | 0.896% | -0.047% | 50.88% | 47.17% |
4074 | Doubling Cube | int | 0.755% | -0.094% | 49.46% | 46.41% |
4095 | Eye Spy | int | 1.132% | +0.236% | 51.80% | 47.36% |
4091 | Forcefield | int | 0.708% | -0.094% | 49.72% | 46.49% |
4042 | Gato | int | 1.226% | +0.283% | 53.87% | 48.04% |
4028 | Ghost Duster | int | 0.755% | -0.047% | 49.66% | 46.59% |
4073 | Glitter | int | 1.179% | +0.236% | 51.67% | 48.12% |
4052 | Hax | int | 0.660% | -0.142% | 47.91% | 46.56% |
4046 | Mulch | int | 1.226% | +0.283% | 53.15% | 47.58% |
4080 | Scooter | int | 1.132% | +0.283% | 51.72% | 47.22% |
4029 | Shockpaw | int | 1.038% | -0.047% | 51.70% | 48.93% |
4031 | Water Rune | int | 1.179% | +0.236% | 52.08% | 48.16% |
4034 | Whipvine | int | 1.179% | +0.047% | 52.35% | 49.71% |
4006 | Wing Construct | int | 0.708% | -0.236% | 48.48% | 47.00% |
4070 | Iron Mask | int | 0.660% | -0.094% | 48.39% | 45.42% |
4088 | Angler | int | 1.132% | +0.330% | 51.35% | 47.16% |
4062 | Bauble | int | 1.179% | +0.189% | 51.45% | 48.13% |
4067 | Bubbles | int | 1.132% | +0.094% | 51.16% | 49.14% |
4061 | Cobalt | int | 0.755% | -0.189% | 49.50% | 47.46% |
4075 | Deactivate | int | 1.132% | +0.047% | 51.79% | 49.36% |
4026 | Electron | int | 1.226% | +0.142% | 52.69% | 49.05% |
4066 | Fish | int | 0.708% | -0.094% | 48.34% | 46.78% |
4096 | Germinate | int | 0.849% | +0.047% | 49.37% | 45.82% |
4041 | Ivy | int | 0.991% | -0.142% | 51.42% | 49.78% |
4098 | Jackrabbit | int | 1.179% | +0.142% | 52.81% | 48.42% |
4076 | Mad Hat | int | 0.849% | -0.236% | 49.42% | 48.89% |
4036 | Mad Vibes | int | 1.179% | +0.142% | 52.65% | 48.96% |
4058 | Mutate | int | 1.132% | +0.189% | 51.53% | 47.76% |
4093 | Professor | int | 1.038% | +0.094% | 50.93% | 47.50% |
4082 | Rage Cage | int | 0.896% | -0.142% | 50.82% | 48.69% |
4063 | Sparky | int | 1.038% | -0.094% | 51.39% | 48.74% |
4015 | Starfield | int | 0.755% | -0.142% | 49.67% | 47.01% |
4099 | Subjugate | int | 0.708% | -0.236% | 48.80% | 47.94% |
4014 | Sudden Gust | int | 0.896% | +0.047% | 49.96% | 47.02% |
4060 | Teleport | int | 0.991% | +0.047% | 51.04% | 48.23% |
4054 | Think Twice | int | 0.708% | -0.094% | 47.77% | 46.43% |
4000 | Blow Away | int | 0.755% | -0.142% | 48.65% | 46.90% |
4084 | Defragment | int | 0.896% | -0.094% | 50.73% | 47.84% |
4039 | Doctor Vile | int | 0.708% | -0.142% | 47.35% | 46.88% |
4033 | Electric Eel | int | 1.132% | +0.142% | 51.42% | 48.16% |
4072 | Enfuego | int | 1.179% | +0.094% | 51.25% | 49.01% |
4104 | Frostmaiden | int | 1.226% | +0.094% | 53.26% | 49.72% |
4103 | Gift of Yxxath | int | 0.660% | -0.094% | 48.08% | 45.27% |
4049 | Illusion | int | 0.896% | +0.047% | 50.20% | 46.70% |
4090 | Leonitus | int | 1.038% | -0.094% | 51.24% | 49.67% |
4056 | Nessie | int | 1.038% | +0.047% | 50.90% | 47.73% |
4005 | Nimbus | int | 1.179% | +0.189% | 53.03% | 48.38% |
4059 | Overmind | int | 0.660% | -0.094% | 48.25% | 46.11% |
4079 | Savage Garden | int | 1.132% | +0.189% | 51.71% | 47.85% |
4025 | Seek | int | 0.660% | -0.094% | 47.63% | 45.54% |
4097 | Soul Shield | int | 0.660% | -0.236% | 48.19% | 47.19% |
4077 | Supermind | int | 1.226% | +0.142% | 54.03% | 48.77% |
4002 | Trapper Keeper | int | 0.896% | -0.142% | 50.59% | 48.99% |
4030 | Trinketeer | int | 1.038% | +0.189% | 50.71% | 47.23% |
4024 | Volcanic Potion | int | 0.991% | +0.236% | 50.64% | 46.59% |
4001 | Wicked Twister | int | 0.991% | +0.047% | 50.68% | 47.59% |
4094 | Andromeda | int | 0.896% | -0.047% | 49.27% | 47.86% |
4008 | Anti Mago | int | 0.849% | -0.047% | 49.88% | 47.60% |
4065 | Curious | int | 0.991% | +0.047% | 51.36% | 48.01% |
4105 | Eliminate | int | 0.849% | +0.047% | 49.46% | 46.91% |
4102 | Encantadora | int | 0.896% | -0.094% | 49.96% | 48.79% |
4085 | Lilly | int | 1.226% | +0.094% | 54.41% | 50.30% |
4013 | Mother Ethera | int | 1.038% | +0.094% | 51.69% | 48.25% |
4089 | Nakamoto | int | 1.038% | +0.047% | 50.94% | 47.98% |
4051 | Necrosiss | int | 0.991% | -0.047% | 51.66% | 48.95% |
4048 | Octomage | int | 0.991% | +0.047% | 49.38% | 47.43% |
4047 | School of Fish | int | 0.991% | +0.094% | 51.35% | 47.66% |
4010 | Tempest Brew | int | 0.849% | -0.142% | 50.02% | 48.42% |
4003 | Tooth Hurty | int | 0.660% | -0.283% | 48.15% | 47.71% |
4081 | Vial Vendor | int | 0.896% | +0.047% | 50.08% | 47.46% |
4017 | Dual Boot | int | 0.896% | +0.047% | 50.53% | 47.15% |
4011 | Encapsulate | int | 1.226% | +0.236% | 51.99% | 48.53% |
4004 | Frigid Blizzard | int | 0.991% | -0.094% | 51.11% | 48.68% |
4021 | Hive | int | 1.179% | +0.047% | 53.05% | 49.90% |
4055 | It's a Trap! | int | 1.179% | +0.236% | 52.72% | 48.22% |
4100 | Mercurial Mimic | int | 0.708% | -0.142% | 47.58% | 46.62% |
4092 | Puppet Master | int | 0.991% | +0.142% | 50.74% | 47.66% |
4023 | Sapphire | int | 0.849% | -0.189% | 50.00% | 48.70% |
4069 | Timber | int | 1.226% | +0.094% | 53.08% | 49.71% |
4057 | Tundra Wyrm | int | 0.708% | -0.236% | 49.26% | 47.69% |
4087 | Anchor Drop | int | 0.755% | -0.189% | 50.04% | 47.11% |
4045 | Frog King | int | 1.038% | +0.094% | 50.92% | 48.25% |
4007 | Mass Confuse | int | 1.226% | +0.142% | 53.55% | 49.56% |
4027 | Mootichi | int | 0.849% | -0.189% | 50.61% | 49.00% |
4032 | Orion | int | 0.660% | -0.283% | 48.44% | 48.18% |
4086 | Shell Officer | int | 1.132% | +0.047% | 51.31% | 49.40% |
4053 | Soul Forge | int | 0.660% | -0.142% | 47.57% | 46.37% |
4040 | Extinction Event | int | 0.991% | +0.094% | 51.22% | 47.24% |
4083 | Magnanimous | int | 0.708% | -0.236% | 50.65% | 48.09% |
4018 | Zam | int | 0.849% | -0.047% | 49.55% | 46.85% |
4064 | Enigma Golem | int | 0.991% | -0.047% | 51.55% | 48.75% |
4071 | Gemini | int | 1.038% | -0.094% | 50.92% | 49.64% |
4068 | Krakus | int | 1.226% | +0.189% | 52.83% | 48.92% |
4012 | Cryogen | int | 0.708% | -0.283% | 48.29% | 48.16% |
4022 | Floodwater | int | 0.660% | -0.094% | 46.40% | 45.36% |
4019 | Cast in Chrome | int | 0.849% | -0.094% | 49.89% | 47.85% |
51 | Amalgam | str | 0.849% | +0.094% | 47.15% | 51.44% |
32 | Arcane Ray | str | 0.943% | -0.189% | 46.63% | 50.13% |
33 | Axolotl | str | 0.802% | -0.330% | 47.51% | 50.39% |
10 | Call to Action | str | 0.802% | -0.189% | 47.46% | 51.35% |
22 | Claw Bear | str | 0.896% | +0.142% | 45.90% | 51.37% |
86 | Earth Rune | str | 0.991% | -0.236% | 45.44% | 49.22% |
27 | Ember Wolf | str | 1.132% | +0.236% | 44.93% | 51.07% |
42 | Engine Blade | str | 1.132% | +0.377% | 43.46% | 51.14% |
34 | Flashbang | str | 0.802% | +0.094% | 48.34% | 51.53% |
100 | Icy Touch | str | 0.896% | -0.142% | 46.26% | 50.86% |
60 | Metal Rune | str | 1.085% | -0.142% | 44.70% | 48.98% |
65 | On the Hunt | str | 0.849% | -0.283% | 46.25% | 50.57% |
85 | Skeeter | str | 0.991% | -0.047% | 45.22% | 50.45% |
47 | Strike Down | str | 0.802% | -0.047% | 47.99% | 51.34% |
41 | Unikron | str | 0.849% | -0.189% | 47.20% | 50.36% |
77 | Titanic | str | 0.943% | +0.283% | 46.08% | 52.35% |
70 | Boulder | str | 0.991% | -0.047% | 45.49% | 50.59% |
19 | Brimstone | str | 0.896% | -0.094% | 45.37% | 50.84% |
53 | Earth Spike | str | 0.943% | -0.189% | 45.92% | 50.31% |
94 | Earwig | str | 1.132% | -0.094% | 44.27% | 48.95% |
78 | Fan Dancer | str | 0.943% | -0.094% | 45.84% | 50.71% |
4 | Firesight | str | 0.943% | -0.283% | 46.09% | 49.17% |
68 | Goblet of Armis | str | 1.085% | -0.142% | 45.79% | 49.29% |
24 | Grimstone | str | 0.943% | +0.236% | 45.94% | 51.94% |
76 | Grunk | str | 0.896% | -0.094% | 46.91% | 50.85% |
13 | Halcyon | str | 0.802% | -0.047% | 48.40% | 51.56% |
14 | Hyper Beam | str | 0.943% | -0.047% | 46.16% | 50.86% |
21 | Psyche | str | 0.943% | +0.236% | 46.27% | 51.77% |
96 | Redwood | str | 1.038% | +0.377% | 45.27% | 52.21% |
80 | Shogun | str | 0.991% | -0.189% | 44.96% | 49.64% |
54 | Sidekick | str | 0.755% | +0.094% | 48.92% | 52.03% |
6 | Stomp | str | 0.849% | -0.142% | 46.64% | 50.66% |
95 | Suit Up | str | 0.943% | +0.094% | 46.53% | 51.19% |
91 | Sunder | str | 0.943% | -0.047% | 46.71% | 50.92% |
37 | Wind Sword | str | 0.991% | -0.189% | 45.72% | 49.60% |
102 | Ada's Valor | str | 0.943% | -0.189% | 45.26% | 50.27% |
103 | Amaruath's Will | str | 1.085% | -0.142% | 44.65% | 49.29% |
82 | Aqua Sword | str | 1.038% | -0.094% | 44.76% | 50.14% |
97 | Blaze of Glory | str | 1.085% | -0.142% | 44.82% | 49.12% |
28 | Browl | str | 1.038% | -0.142% | 45.89% | 49.82% |
99 | Claw Swipe | str | 1.038% | -0.142% | 45.30% | 49.91% |
66 | Ether Mask | str | 0.849% | -0.142% | 47.38% | 50.90% |
87 | Flame Sword | str | 0.943% | -0.236% | 45.12% | 49.96% |
71 | Getum Gang | str | 1.038% | -0.142% | 44.74% | 50.11% |
26 | Gladiator | str | 0.991% | -0.047% | 45.82% | 50.68% |
40 | Glorious Mane | str | 1.132% | -0.094% | 42.97% | 49.15% |
62 | Griff Scout | str | 0.849% | +0.142% | 47.72% | 51.60% |
83 | Howl Geist | str | 0.802% | -0.094% | 47.98% | 51.28% |
92 | Ironshell | str | 1.132% | +0.283% | 44.92% | 50.90% |
105 | Jungle Guide | str | 0.896% | -0.094% | 46.23% | 50.86% |
25 | Olifant | str | 0.802% | +0.142% | 47.05% | 52.01% |
52 | Rocket | str | 0.943% | +0.047% | 46.93% | 51.02% |
44 | Rubble Devil | str | 0.943% | +0.236% | 47.25% | 52.06% |
69 | Sabletooth | str | 0.943% | +0.236% | 46.83% | 51.72% |
48 | Soul Taunt | str | 1.085% | -0.094% | 44.86% | 49.75% |
75 | Squiddy | str | 1.085% | +0.189% | 45.24% | 50.88% |
43 | Stink Eye | str | 0.991% | -0.047% | 44.96% | 50.52% |
9 | Tatt | str | 0.943% | -0.047% | 45.97% | 50.84% |
20 | Unstoppable Chop | str | 1.038% | +0.047% | 45.56% | 50.63% |
30 | Archeloth | str | 1.132% | -0.047% | 44.73% | 50.43% |
73 | Beatle | str | 0.943% | +0.283% | 46.44% | 52.31% |
93 | Cloud Guard | str | 1.085% | +0.094% | 45.55% | 50.73% |
64 | Crystal Cache | str | 0.849% | -0.189% | 47.47% | 50.69% |
5 | Demon Pact | str | 0.991% | -0.142% | 45.89% | 50.37% |
1 | Foul Stench | str | 1.038% | -0.142% | 45.36% | 50.00% |
7 | Ifrit | str | 0.802% | -0.047% | 46.71% | 50.99% |
104 | Jade Guardian | str | 0.896% | +0.047% | 46.98% | 51.61% |
57 | Light Ranger | str | 0.849% | +0.142% | 47.96% | 51.80% |
98 | Mortal Blow | str | 0.943% | +0.236% | 45.98% | 51.63% |
36 | Mushka | str | 1.085% | -0.047% | 44.43% | 50.48% |
63 | Nightmare | str | 0.755% | -0.142% | 48.72% | 51.32% |
101 | Oni Smith | str | 0.755% | +0.094% | 48.94% | 52.95% |
38 | Polar Bear | str | 0.943% | -0.047% | 45.37% | 50.69% |
67 | Puddo | str | 0.896% | +0.142% | 47.26% | 51.44% |
50 | Volcanic Blast | str | 0.943% | -0.283% | 46.59% | 49.37% |
88 | Aegis of Light | str | 1.038% | +0.283% | 45.40% | 51.16% |
58 | Chomp | str | 0.802% | -0.047% | 47.49% | 51.20% |
29 | Frank | str | 0.896% | +0.189% | 47.34% | 51.53% |
55 | Garuda | str | 0.943% | +0.094% | 46.15% | 51.19% |
89 | Ground Pound | str | 0.896% | -0.283% | 46.71% | 49.59% |
84 | Hammerhead | str | 0.755% | +0.047% | 47.35% | 51.95% |
81 | Heavy Cavalry | str | 0.755% | -0.094% | 46.89% | 51.32% |
72 | Khan | str | 0.849% | -0.047% | 46.15% | 51.25% |
106 | Nurtured Bond | str | 1.132% | -0.094% | 44.01% | 49.57% |
2 | Reinforce | str | 0.802% | +0.142% | 47.88% | 52.94% |
90 | Rhumbo | str | 0.896% | +0.236% | 46.29% | 52.86% |
45 | Roothog | str | 0.755% | +0.094% | 48.43% | 52.33% |
8 | Breacher | str | 1.085% | +0.189% | 43.82% | 51.19% |
11 | Burninate | str | 0.943% | +0.047% | 46.83% | 51.28% |
3 | Geod | str | 0.943% | +0.094% | 46.46% | 50.96% |
15 | Gift of Swords | str | 0.943% | +0.047% | 45.89% | 51.30% |
39 | Mothermander | str | 0.849% | -0.283% | 47.25% | 50.65% |
74 | Colossoid | str | 1.085% | +0.189% | 44.82% | 51.09% |
59 | Kha's Wrath | str | 0.943% | +0.283% | 46.04% | 52.42% |
61 | Moltenous | str | 1.132% | +0.377% | 44.54% | 51.30% |
12 | Weighted Die | str | 0.943% | +0.047% | 46.50% | 51.17% |
31 | Dracomantium | str | 0.991% | +0.094% | 45.74% | 50.94% |
23 | Tiamat | str | 1.132% | +0.236% | 44.21% | 51.13% |
2085 | Canny Mask | wis | 0.991% | +0.094% | 50.81% | 48.85% |
2052 | Century Key | wis | 1.321% | +0.425% | 53.26% | 48.99% |
2054 | Charmling | wis | 0.991% | -0.142% | 52.25% | 49.13% |
2067 | Cloud Kid | wis | 0.755% | +0.189% | 49.20% | 46.97% |
2039 | Niko | wis | 0.991% | -0.236% | 51.76% | 49.69% |
2016 | Potion Seller | wis | 0.849% | -0.142% | 50.60% | 48.91% |
2026 | Rosewater Charm | wis | 1.226% | +0.330% | 51.99% | 49.06% |
2062 | Sphinx Mask | wis | 0.991% | -0.236% | 51.07% | 49.42% |
2086 | Thanite | wis | 0.849% | +0.094% | 49.04% | 47.26% |
2000 | Tragic Poet | wis | 0.660% | -0.189% | 50.61% | 48.62% |
2035 | Touch the Sky | wis | 0.755% | +0.094% | 49.91% | 47.74% |
2070 | Birb | wis | 1.226% | +0.236% | 51.86% | 49.27% |
2040 | Bogi Bogi | wis | 0.991% | -0.142% | 50.54% | 49.48% |
2072 | Earth Warden | wis | 0.991% | +0.330% | 50.83% | 47.36% |
2099 | Eradicate | wis | 0.896% | +0.047% | 50.47% | 48.21% |
2073 | Fuji | wis | 0.755% | -0.142% | 50.33% | 48.78% |
2069 | Giza | wis | 1.132% | +0.094% | 51.58% | 48.81% |
2071 | Incinerate | wis | 1.321% | +0.094% | 53.13% | 49.59% |
2089 | Luna | wis | 0.849% | +0.283% | 50.07% | 46.93% |
2061 | Mer Mask | wis | 0.660% | +0.094% | 48.53% | 47.06% |
2068 | Nefurti | wis | 1.038% | -0.094% | 52.51% | 49.29% |
2095 | Nettle | wis | 0.755% | -0.377% | 50.00% | 49.86% |
2018 | Ponderous | wis | 0.566% | -0.330% | 49.70% | 48.67% |
2008 | Reefus | wis | 1.226% | +0.094% | 53.37% | 49.93% |
2103 | Runecalling | wis | 1.038% | +0.283% | 51.24% | 47.39% |
2025 | Spirit of Sleep | wis | 0.849% | +0.189% | 50.87% | 47.18% |
2048 | Take Root | wis | 0.566% | -0.189% | 47.32% | 47.76% |
2041 | Throne Blade | wis | 0.991% | -0.142% | 52.00% | 48.94% |
2007 | Whisk Away | wis | 0.896% | +0.236% | 50.55% | 47.17% |
2058 | Xavi | wis | 1.132% | +0.142% | 51.81% | 48.71% |
2045 | Archivist | wis | 1.226% | +0.094% | 52.23% | 49.67% |
2080 | Auntuga | wis | 0.896% | +0.142% | 49.77% | 48.35% |
2013 | Bane She | wis | 1.038% | +0.047% | 50.60% | 49.27% |
2049 | Burn to a Crisp | wis | 0.991% | +0.142% | 51.02% | 48.30% |
2093 | Cygnus | wis | 1.132% | +0.094% | 51.41% | 49.32% |
2066 | Dreams Undreamt | wis | 0.566% | -0.283% | 48.84% | 48.31% |
2096 | Ebb & Flo | wis | 1.132% | -0.094% | 51.87% | 49.12% |
2091 | Fire Noble | wis | 1.321% | +0.094% | 54.10% | 50.16% |
2033 | Grover | wis | 0.755% | -0.142% | 49.55% | 48.90% |
2038 | Ill Will | wis | 0.566% | -0.094% | 48.40% | 47.48% |
2027 | Inspirator | wis | 1.321% | +0.283% | 52.90% | 49.16% |
2105 | Meng'Long's Wish | wis | 0.896% | +0.047% | 50.81% | 49.19% |
2001 | Moonbeam | wis | 1.132% | +0.142% | 51.61% | 49.46% |
2064 | Ominous Hoo | wis | 0.755% | -0.142% | 49.39% | 48.28% |
2021 | Orchid | wis | 0.566% | -0.283% | 48.84% | 48.23% |
2083 | Scrollkeeper | wis | 1.321% | +0.094% | 52.97% | 50.04% |
2057 | Thought Leader | wis | 0.896% | +0.142% | 50.30% | 47.24% |
2076 | Windweave | wis | 0.660% | -0.236% | 49.21% | 47.72% |
2044 | Desire | wis | 1.038% | +0.047% | 51.71% | 49.14% |
2101 | Lotus' Reflection | wis | 0.896% | +0.330% | 49.98% | 46.57% |
2082 | Minstrel | wis | 1.226% | +0.189% | 52.55% | 49.29% |
2028 | Miss Aya | wis | 0.896% | -0.330% | 50.44% | 48.83% |
2012 | Mr. Whiskers | wis | 0.896% | -0.094% | 50.81% | 48.47% |
2003 | Nature's Grasp | wis | 1.132% | +0.236% | 51.73% | 48.69% |
2079 | Nomad | wis | 1.132% | +0.094% | 51.97% | 49.14% |
2042 | Quadra | wis | 0.991% | -0.330% | 51.92% | 50.62% |
2097 | Salvage | wis | 1.321% | +0.283% | 52.68% | 49.47% |
2020 | Sea Mage | wis | 0.755% | -0.236% | 48.86% | 49.19% |
2036 | Seal of Doom | wis | 0.991% | +0.094% | 52.25% | 48.73% |
2023 | Spite & Malice | wis | 0.755% | -0.283% | 50.56% | 49.24% |
2017 | Waterline | wis | 0.991% | +0.094% | 51.33% | 48.41% |
2024 | Webweaver | wis | 1.132% | -0.189% | 52.19% | 50.07% |
2094 | World Tree | wis | 0.896% | -0.142% | 51.02% | 49.20% |
2004 | Arcadeum Mask | wis | 0.849% | -0.142% | 50.58% | 49.42% |
2015 | Book Casey | wis | 1.321% | +0.094% | 53.39% | 50.21% |
2060 | Deepus | wis | 0.755% | -0.094% | 49.71% | 48.45% |
2047 | Gift of Aya | wis | 0.660% | -0.094% | 49.16% | 47.66% |
2100 | Grasping Maiden | wis | 1.226% | -0.094% | 51.88% | 51.01% |
2030 | Lost in the Fog | wis | 1.226% | +0.330% | 51.03% | 48.64% |
2014 | Scraggy | wis | 1.132% | -0.094% | 50.95% | 49.45% |
2102 | Silent Warden | wis | 1.226% | -0.094% | 53.01% | 50.44% |
2059 | Turn the Tide | wis | 0.849% | +0.283% | 50.21% | 46.87% |
2050 | Twist & Turn | wis | 0.660% | +0.094% | 48.21% | 46.40% |
2084 | Doomsday | wis | 0.896% | +0.236% | 50.29% | 47.57% |
2081 | Frost Adept | wis | 1.038% | -0.283% | 51.30% | 49.50% |
2077 | Guru | wis | 0.660% | -0.189% | 49.62% | 48.41% |
2075 | Kha Meht | wis | 1.226% | -0.094% | 52.28% | 50.68% |
2090 | Libra | wis | 0.896% | -0.094% | 50.58% | 48.96% |
2034 | Etherwail | wis | 0.660% | -0.094% | 49.39% | 48.09% |
2104 | Genesis Avatar | wis | 1.038% | -0.094% | 51.71% | 50.39% |
2029 | Octavian | wis | 1.038% | +0.047% | 50.97% | 48.94% |
2011 | Prismata | wis | 0.849% | +0.189% | 50.59% | 47.49% |
2043 | Sky Phoenix | wis | 1.038% | -0.283% | 50.98% | 50.54% |
2063 | Skychannel | wis | 0.566% | -0.189% | 47.94% | 48.10% |
2051 | Amaruath | wis | 0.849% | -0.283% | 50.30% | 49.55% |
2092 | Eldritch Lore | wis | 0.896% | +0.142% | 50.78% | 47.92% |
Tundra Wyrm (4057)
Wyrm gains +1 health. Wyrm had one of the worst win rates, so its receiving a fairly sizable buff.
Sidekick (54)
A nerf to a Strength overperformer. Strength has been doing very well in the constructed metagame so we’re applying a small nerf to one of its premium earlygame tempo units by trading 1 of Sidekick’s health for attack, which should make it easier to remove.
Earwig (94)
Buff to an underperforming card, while it was an issue in the past, its effect has since been nerfed, so it should be more reasonable in this form.
Crystal Cache (64)
Draw a metal spell and unit. Give them -2 cost.
Draw a metal spell and unit. Give them -1 cost.
A nerf to an overperformer + design limiter, Crystal Cache is both a strong card in the current metagame, and this nerf also serves as a form of future proofing, as the power of Cache’s ability to give -2 cost had the effect of limiting design space for future metal cards, so we’ve reduced the cost reduction to just -1 cost for each card, and added banner to compensate.
Fortune Seller (2098)
Summon & Death: Mulligan all but your lowest cost cards in hand.
Summon: Mulligan all but your lowest cost cards in hand.
Another change to an underperformer in two parts. First a health for power swap - a 2/5 guard wither barrier for 3c is pretty potent, and secondly, seller’s effect no longer triggers on death, letting its user plan more around their new hand, rather than having it mulliganed away again on death.
Luna (2089)
Small adjustment, trading 1hp for 1pow and dropping stealth. Should make Luna more meaningful as an earlygame body + lifegain source.
Rocket (52)
After another ally unit is summoned, give it +1 power.
Ally units are summoned with +1 power.
A slight effect adjustment to Rocket, so it will now operate the same way as Forest Hart, buffing units as they enter play, rather than afterwards, allowing for more straightforward interaction and greater synergy with cards that attack as a play effect, like Shredder.
Trydra (1002)
Seemingly minor buff in giving Trydra guard, it remains vulnerable to dusting, but now can no longer be ignored thanks to guard, forcing your opponent to actually trade into its massive attack power, possibly costing them 1-2 units or a lot of hero health in the process, which should make Trydra more appealing.
Undragon (3015)
Summon: Summon two Zomboid.
Summon: Summon two Zomboid with guard.
A buff to allow Undragon to summon more loyal servants. The zomboids it summons now have guard. Undragon was one of the weakest cards in Heart and we’ve been buffing finishers to make them feel more impactful.
Wartlock (3076)
Wartlock is getting a +1 health buff to 4/4. This is a small reversion from a previous patch, but Wartlock was a heavy underperformer. Buffing cards with unique deck strategies also helps with deck diversity.
Oni Smith (101)
Minor nerf to an overperfomer, dropping Guard from Smith.

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