Show Starter - Patch #96

Last month we revealed our plans to revise the new player experience through the use of Starter decks; a more approachable onboarding focused around the Constructed game type. Starting this patch players will receive 5 unique decks all within the first 12 levels! We’re also including shiny cards 😮

📺 Silver and Gold cards get a glow up!
New Features ⭐
Starter decks! New players will find a more approachable onboarding focused around the Constructed game type and will now unlock a set of five 25 card Starter decks (one per Prism). This allows new players to start playing Constructed right away and participate in deckbuilding. All existing players will receive Starter decks and the associated Base cards—provided they have reached the respected level requirements. Learn more about Starter decks

Improvements 🦾
- Shiny Silver and Gold cards with a pretty glint effect when played ✨
- Added animations and sound for Shrink Ray, Deactivate, Subjugate, and Insomnia.
- There are now 5 variations of the Death trigger sound, so destroying a board of Zomboids sounds extra cool.
- Added new animations and sounds for Scythe Mantis.
- Loading card art in-game is much faster now. 🏃♀️
- Improved the animations when your opponent draws a card.
- Clicking “watch replay” will always open Replays from your point of view.
- Added forwards & backwards buttons to Replays, so you can stay paused and go move-by-move.
- Conceding during card selection now hides those cards.
- Re-positioned the casting zone slightly for better visibility.
Changes ⚙️
To compensate for the faster unlocking speed of Base cards due to the addition of Starter decks, we will also be increasing the amount of experience needed to level up beyond level 100. For every 100 levels a player has, they will require 20 more experience points per level—up until level 500.

This will make unlocking all the cards in the long term slightly slower than it was previously. However, when accounting for the +125 Base cards awarded via Starter decks, the unlocking process for the first 500 Base cards takes about the same time that it does now.
Bugfixes 🐛
- The exit tutorial button in options is no longer disabled upon completion of a tutorial level.
- Improved the reliability of copy to clipboard in Replays.
- We’re shipping a potential fix for a rare bug that causes Silver & Golds in your deck to be replaced with random Base cards, especially on mobile. We’re doing our best to solve this strange bug. Please let us know if you encounter this after this patch is released.
- X cost cards in deck stay 0c now. This fixes a weird interaction between Doubling Cube and Eldritch Lore.
- Fixed a rare bug where you could win the game at the same time as your turn timer expired or you lost internet connection, and your client would show you the "victory" screen even though you hadn't won the game yet.
- Fixed the missing progress bar on the rank down screen.
- Fixed enchant wreaths clipping with Traits on Units; Armor, Wither, etc.
- Fixed the “Draw” preview icon clipping into the deck.
- Fixed a bug where Geod made Wash Ashore fizzle if you had the exact amount of mana required to use Wash Ashore.
Welcome to Patch #96 everyone! We have a few minor buffs to some aggro tools, as well as some adjustments to remove a bit of randomness from a few cards, and some nerfs to some Agility and Heart overperformers. The metagame has been pretty stable lately so we’re just making some minor adjustments. We've also got our Starter deck system releasing this week, which is sure to shake up the metagame at lower levels!
Only cards with modified discovery odds are shown here, but the CSV contains all cards.
ID | Name | Prism | Discovery Rate | Discovery Rate Change | Conquest Discovery Winrate | Ranked Discovery Winrate |
1050 | Backstab | agy | 0.943% | -0.094% | 50.88% | 51.03% |
1016 | Canopy Archer | agy | 0.566% | -0.283% | 51.83% | 52.13% |
1001 | Ensnare | agy | 0.943% | -0.189% | 50.94% | 51.02% |
1081 | Fire Rune | agy | 0.849% | +0.283% | 52.82% | 51.20% |
1087 | Fly Guy | agy | 0.660% | -0.094% | 52.67% | 52.08% |
1070 | Fox Familiar | agy | 0.566% | -0.189% | 52.39% | 52.52% |
1088 | Frost Claw | agy | 1.321% | +0.094% | 50.73% | 49.49% |
1066 | Grim Reprisal | agy | 1.132% | -0.094% | 50.16% | 50.22% |
1062 | Mechurai | agy | 0.566% | -0.094% | 51.79% | 52.28% |
1086 | Puppet Strings | agy | 0.943% | -0.094% | 51.74% | 51.12% |
1013 | Saber | agy | 0.660% | -0.094% | 52.74% | 52.12% |
1051 | Skip | agy | 0.660% | -0.094% | 52.46% | 51.88% |
1017 | Anoint in Flame | agy | 1.415% | +0.094% | 49.59% | 48.61% |
1073 | Chain Golem | agy | 0.943% | -0.189% | 49.80% | 50.90% |
1037 | Hannah | agy | 1.038% | +0.094% | 51.80% | 50.51% |
1056 | Headcase | agy | 0.660% | -0.094% | 52.32% | 51.86% |
1028 | Huntaro | agy | 0.755% | +0.094% | 53.17% | 51.42% |
1082 | Impostor | agy | 1.038% | -0.189% | 51.26% | 50.57% |
1021 | Lightning Vial | agy | 1.132% | +0.189% | 51.39% | 50.47% |
1025 | Noctourna | agy | 0.755% | -0.377% | 50.41% | 51.68% |
1032 | Pair of Jacks | agy | 0.849% | +0.377% | 53.98% | 51.24% |
1064 | Pistol Shrimp | agy | 0.943% | +0.283% | 53.60% | 51.09% |
1036 | Rite Knight | agy | 0.943% | -0.094% | 51.47% | 50.88% |
1080 | Shredder | agy | 0.849% | +0.189% | 52.62% | 51.17% |
1090 | Sky Keeper | agy | 0.943% | -0.094% | 50.99% | 50.96% |
1079 | Slash | agy | 0.660% | +0.094% | 54.15% | 51.80% |
1052 | Snap Trap | agy | 1.038% | +0.189% | 52.33% | 50.60% |
1045 | Supersonic | agy | 1.132% | +0.283% | 52.07% | 50.36% |
1091 | Void Knight | agy | 0.755% | -0.189% | 51.95% | 51.41% |
1068 | Vyper Ambush | agy | 0.849% | -0.377% | 50.02% | 51.15% |
1000 | Wane Blade | agy | 1.038% | -0.094% | 50.65% | 50.60% |
1094 | Xero | agy | 1.132% | +0.189% | 51.46% | 50.33% |
1031 | Bolt | agy | 0.943% | +0.283% | 52.63% | 50.80% |
1007 | Burn Out | agy | 1.226% | +0.189% | 51.14% | 49.85% |
1059 | Card Sling | agy | 0.755% | +0.094% | 52.49% | 51.34% |
1027 | Dawn Blade | agy | 0.943% | -0.189% | 51.43% | 50.94% |
1048 | Deep Xlice | agy | 1.226% | +0.094% | 51.01% | 49.88% |
1043 | Ember Mask | agy | 1.321% | -0.094% | 50.08% | 49.26% |
1011 | Fan of Knives | agy | 0.660% | +0.094% | 53.43% | 51.74% |
1019 | Gale | agy | 1.321% | -0.094% | 49.36% | 49.22% |
1077 | Honk | agy | 0.943% | +0.094% | 52.24% | 51.06% |
1054 | Hot Dog | agy | 1.226% | +0.283% | 51.60% | 49.97% |
1093 | Lau Sensei | agy | 0.660% | -0.189% | 52.08% | 51.77% |
1010 | Pandora | agy | 1.132% | -0.094% | 50.31% | 50.46% |
1089 | Righteous | agy | 0.849% | -0.094% | 51.77% | 51.32% |
1092 | Run Wild | agy | 0.943% | +0.094% | 51.04% | 50.83% |
1076 | Speed Boots | agy | 1.415% | +0.094% | 49.93% | 48.64% |
1104 | Swarmsinger | agy | 1.132% | +0.472% | 52.48% | 50.45% |
1099 | Tox | agy | 0.660% | -0.189% | 52.75% | 51.75% |
1033 | Trailblazer | agy | 1.226% | +0.094% | 50.23% | 50.17% |
1029 | Treasure Chest | agy | 1.226% | +0.283% | 51.02% | 50.15% |
1067 | Vyper Charmer | agy | 0.566% | -0.283% | 52.06% | 52.26% |
1035 | Clapback | agy | 1.038% | +0.094% | 51.83% | 50.69% |
1095 | Crusher | agy | 1.132% | +0.189% | 51.09% | 50.39% |
1069 | Flank Rider | agy | 1.038% | +0.377% | 52.60% | 50.73% |
1014 | Head in the Clouds | agy | 1.226% | +0.189% | 51.41% | 49.83% |
1057 | Riptide | agy | 0.943% | +0.189% | 52.38% | 50.74% |
1075 | Strige Strike | agy | 1.038% | +0.094% | 51.68% | 50.71% |
1071 | Sworn Oni | agy | 0.943% | -0.283% | 51.16% | 50.88% |
1040 | Talonous | agy | 0.849% | +0.094% | 52.60% | 51.13% |
1018 | Uppercut | agy | 1.132% | +0.094% | 50.94% | 50.21% |
1008 | Zapeta | agy | 0.660% | +0.189% | 54.22% | 51.93% |
1055 | Zoomie | agy | 1.226% | +0.283% | 52.02% | 49.91% |
1083 | Blademaster | agy | 1.226% | -0.094% | 50.18% | 49.99% |
1096 | Dead Beats | agy | 1.038% | +0.094% | 52.17% | 50.54% |
1060 | Epic Eagle | agy | 0.472% | -0.189% | 54.59% | 53.05% |
1078 | Flame Volley | agy | 0.943% | -0.189% | 50.20% | 50.73% |
1030 | Flock | agy | 1.038% | +0.377% | 52.54% | 50.65% |
1097 | Gusto's Retort | agy | 0.849% | -0.189% | 51.30% | 51.26% |
1034 | King Slay | agy | 0.755% | -0.094% | 51.97% | 51.44% |
1012 | Plane Ranger | agy | 0.660% | -0.283% | 51.47% | 51.81% |
1009 | Toh Tem | agy | 0.472% | -0.094% | 53.67% | 53.04% |
1020 | Vlad | agy | 0.849% | +0.094% | 52.08% | 51.19% |
1015 | Catch! | agy | 0.849% | -0.094% | 51.30% | 51.20% |
1003 | Hurricane | agy | 1.132% | -0.094% | 51.26% | 50.46% |
1049 | Queen of Jacks | agy | 0.755% | -0.283% | 51.49% | 51.34% |
1024 | Scythe Mantis | agy | 0.755% | -0.189% | 52.12% | 51.41% |
1002 | Trydra | agy | 0.755% | -0.566% | 50.74% | 51.37% |
1061 | Norsudovest | agy | 0.943% | -0.283% | 49.26% | 50.74% |
1046 | Supercharge | agy | 1.321% | +0.189% | 51.15% | 49.68% |
3018 | Avatar of Light | hrt | 0.849% | -0.189% | 46.86% | 47.04% |
3025 | Bad Dreams | hrt | 0.566% | -0.094% | 42.80% | 45.57% |
3016 | Buckler Up | hrt | 0.660% | -0.236% | 44.91% | 46.19% |
3051 | Crypto | hrt | 1.321% | +0.094% | 45.99% | 50.05% |
3061 | Dark Rune | hrt | 0.849% | -0.047% | 43.80% | 46.95% |
3000 | Fun Guy | hrt | 1.226% | +0.566% | 45.25% | 48.71% |
3036 | Icaru | hrt | 1.226% | -0.094% | 47.60% | 48.86% |
3005 | Jacko | hrt | 0.896% | +0.142% | 43.32% | 47.06% |
3094 | Krystal | hrt | 1.038% | -0.094% | 46.41% | 47.81% |
3035 | Light Rune | hrt | 0.660% | +0.094% | 40.88% | 45.94% |
3091 | Pyrecrafter | hrt | 1.321% | +0.094% | 48.96% | 49.44% |
3093 | See Shore | hrt | 0.991% | -0.142% | 46.35% | 47.40% |
3084 | Shade | hrt | 1.038% | +0.142% | 44.91% | 47.80% |
3069 | Toil & Trouble | hrt | 0.896% | -0.094% | 46.95% | 47.12% |
3039 | Vialet | hrt | 1.132% | +0.094% | 47.25% | 48.55% |
3015 | Undragon | hrt | 0.755% | +0.189% | 44.10% | 46.69% |
3102 | Broom Shroom | hrt | 0.991% | -0.330% | 45.61% | 47.68% |
3085 | Burning Blade | hrt | 0.991% | +0.142% | 44.04% | 47.41% |
3055 | Friendly Fawn | hrt | 1.132% | -0.094% | 47.35% | 48.23% |
3082 | Glacia | hrt | 1.226% | +0.236% | 44.46% | 48.57% |
3097 | Homebrew | hrt | 0.991% | +0.094% | 47.24% | 47.52% |
3020 | Identity Crisis | hrt | 0.849% | +0.189% | 44.75% | 46.88% |
3072 | Impale | hrt | 0.755% | -0.377% | 45.89% | 46.68% |
3040 | Light Knight | hrt | 1.321% | +0.330% | 46.23% | 49.40% |
3078 | Molten Heart | hrt | 0.566% | -0.189% | 45.27% | 45.52% |
3067 | Shoal Siren | hrt | 1.132% | +0.094% | 47.25% | 48.35% |
3044 | Sick Burn | hrt | 0.660% | -0.236% | 45.32% | 45.70% |
3030 | Take Flight | hrt | 0.566% | -0.094% | 42.67% | 44.57% |
3046 | Teenage Witch | hrt | 0.896% | -0.094% | 47.68% | 47.15% |
3001 | Unfallow | hrt | 0.849% | -0.142% | 46.05% | 46.90% |
3101 | Bouran's Ethos | hrt | 0.849% | -0.189% | 46.47% | 46.84% |
3087 | Chill | hrt | 0.991% | -0.142% | 45.20% | 47.44% |
3038 | Dark Adept | hrt | 1.038% | +0.142% | 45.31% | 47.93% |
3060 | Dead Weight | hrt | 0.755% | -0.377% | 45.71% | 46.66% |
3026 | Funeral Moon | hrt | 0.755% | -0.236% | 46.61% | 46.66% |
3004 | Grimlord | hrt | 1.226% | +0.377% | 44.08% | 48.77% |
3081 | Hexed Doll | hrt | 0.991% | -0.142% | 48.61% | 47.41% |
3070 | Life Stream | hrt | 0.566% | -0.189% | 40.47% | 45.35% |
3037 | Old Fogy | hrt | 1.132% | +0.283% | 45.38% | 48.28% |
3019 | Olympia | hrt | 0.991% | -0.047% | 45.51% | 47.69% |
3099 | Phoenix Plume | hrt | 0.566% | -0.094% | 44.49% | 44.92% |
3006 | Soul Guide | hrt | 1.226% | +0.236% | 45.77% | 48.58% |
3056 | Spore Blast | hrt | 1.038% | +0.189% | 45.50% | 48.00% |
3053 | Temple Watch | hrt | 0.896% | -0.094% | 47.10% | 47.08% |
3068 | Trident True | hrt | 1.038% | -0.094% | 44.52% | 48.03% |
3041 | Twisted Metal | hrt | 0.849% | -0.047% | 43.64% | 46.90% |
3066 | Vishiva | hrt | 0.991% | -0.236% | 49.20% | 47.42% |
3042 | Angelo | hrt | 0.991% | +0.094% | 43.28% | 47.66% |
3103 | Bewitching Brew | hrt | 0.849% | +0.189% | 44.39% | 47.05% |
3052 | Blood Hunter | hrt | 0.991% | +0.094% | 44.53% | 47.56% |
3095 | Casket | hrt | 1.226% | +0.189% | 45.30% | 48.62% |
3086 | Chain Storm | hrt | 0.755% | -0.283% | 47.36% | 46.38% |
3073 | Chief Justice | hrt | 1.226% | -0.094% | 48.45% | 48.80% |
3024 | Death's King | hrt | 0.660% | -0.094% | 43.69% | 45.85% |
3028 | Dirge | hrt | 1.132% | +0.377% | 43.83% | 48.34% |
3058 | Eclipse | hrt | 1.132% | -0.189% | 48.33% | 48.40% |
3075 | Evermore | hrt | 0.896% | -0.094% | 44.56% | 47.22% |
3048 | Full Bloom | hrt | 0.660% | -0.189% | 44.77% | 46.30% |
3098 | Ma Shroom | hrt | 1.321% | +0.425% | 46.16% | 49.58% |
3031 | Mind Control | hrt | 1.132% | -0.094% | 45.63% | 48.52% |
3023 | Raise Arms | hrt | 0.896% | -0.330% | 47.24% | 47.36% |
3071 | Cosmicon | hrt | 0.896% | -0.425% | 48.79% | 47.08% |
3010 | Doom Shroom | hrt | 1.132% | -0.094% | 46.41% | 48.50% |
3012 | Earth Golem | hrt | 0.896% | -0.236% | 45.47% | 47.23% |
3013 | Forest Hart | hrt | 1.038% | +0.189% | 44.36% | 47.83% |
3074 | Gravekin | hrt | 0.660% | -0.189% | 46.89% | 45.92% |
3062 | Scorpio | hrt | 0.896% | +0.330% | 44.42% | 47.38% |
3043 | Second Chance | hrt | 1.038% | +0.142% | 46.11% | 48.07% |
3077 | Three Lashes | hrt | 0.991% | -0.047% | 47.99% | 47.69% |
3076 | Wartlock | hrt | 0.755% | -0.236% | 44.91% | 46.80% |
3034 | Bard Rock | hrt | 0.991% | +0.425% | 43.96% | 47.41% |
3059 | Glacial Hulk | hrt | 1.038% | +0.283% | 44.55% | 47.76% |
3050 | Undergrowth | hrt | 0.849% | +0.094% | 45.85% | 46.89% |
3002 | Allbane | hrt | 0.896% | -0.094% | 45.42% | 47.22% |
3033 | Broodwitch | hrt | 0.896% | +0.330% | 43.22% | 47.29% |
3054 | Jar of Souls | hrt | 0.896% | +0.047% | 45.41% | 47.11% |
3100 | Pharonis | hrt | 1.321% | +0.330% | 46.20% | 49.70% |
3014 | Smite | hrt | 0.755% | -0.142% | 44.22% | 46.62% |
4016 | Alight | int | 0.943% | +0.094% | 48.72% | 47.20% |
4101 | Ari's Insight | int | 0.802% | -0.047% | 49.79% | 46.08% |
4020 | B Unit | int | 1.085% | +0.142% | 49.11% | 48.40% |
4038 | Cinder | int | 0.943% | +0.047% | 50.46% | 46.97% |
4074 | Doubling Cube | int | 0.849% | -0.094% | 49.27% | 46.32% |
4095 | Eye Spy | int | 0.896% | -0.236% | 51.80% | 46.74% |
4091 | Forcefield | int | 0.802% | -0.047% | 48.95% | 46.06% |
4042 | Gato | int | 0.943% | -0.189% | 53.32% | 47.26% |
4028 | Ghost Duster | int | 0.802% | -0.094% | 48.35% | 46.17% |
4052 | Hax | int | 0.802% | +0.047% | 47.86% | 46.06% |
4046 | Mulch | int | 0.943% | -0.142% | 53.28% | 47.53% |
4080 | Scooter | int | 0.849% | -0.094% | 51.51% | 46.29% |
4029 | Shockpaw | int | 1.085% | +0.047% | 50.37% | 48.53% |
4031 | Water Rune | int | 0.943% | -0.189% | 52.04% | 47.09% |
4034 | Whipvine | int | 1.132% | +0.047% | 52.22% | 49.83% |
4006 | Wing Construct | int | 0.943% | +0.142% | 48.15% | 47.11% |
4088 | Angler | int | 0.802% | -0.236% | 50.94% | 46.19% |
4062 | Bauble | int | 0.991% | +0.047% | 51.92% | 47.93% |
4067 | Bubbles | int | 1.038% | +0.094% | 50.65% | 48.14% |
4061 | Cobalt | int | 0.943% | +0.189% | 50.09% | 47.44% |
4037 | Cross Reference | int | 0.755% | -0.283% | 50.13% | 45.49% |
4075 | Deactivate | int | 1.085% | +0.094% | 50.62% | 48.38% |
4026 | Electron | int | 1.085% | +0.094% | 52.55% | 48.70% |
4096 | Germinate | int | 0.802% | -0.142% | 49.37% | 45.84% |
4041 | Ivy | int | 1.132% | +0.094% | 50.91% | 49.22% |
4098 | Jackrabbit | int | 1.038% | +0.142% | 51.50% | 48.07% |
4076 | Mad Hat | int | 1.085% | +0.189% | 49.67% | 48.49% |
4036 | Mad Vibes | int | 1.038% | -0.094% | 52.37% | 48.21% |
4093 | Professor | int | 0.943% | -0.047% | 51.11% | 47.00% |
4082 | Rage Cage | int | 1.038% | +0.094% | 50.93% | 47.98% |
4063 | Sparky | int | 1.132% | +0.047% | 51.09% | 48.87% |
4015 | Starfield | int | 0.896% | +0.094% | 49.17% | 46.85% |
4099 | Subjugate | int | 0.943% | +0.094% | 48.88% | 47.20% |
4014 | Sudden Gust | int | 0.849% | -0.094% | 49.56% | 46.34% |
4060 | Teleport | int | 0.943% | +0.047% | 50.60% | 47.50% |
4000 | Blow Away | int | 0.896% | +0.047% | 49.49% | 46.83% |
4009 | Clone Army | int | 0.755% | -0.094% | 49.24% | 44.99% |
4084 | Defragment | int | 0.991% | +0.047% | 50.67% | 47.73% |
4039 | Doctor Vile | int | 0.849% | +0.094% | 48.70% | 46.25% |
4033 | Electric Eel | int | 0.991% | +0.047% | 51.07% | 47.77% |
4104 | Frostmaiden | int | 1.132% | +0.283% | 52.82% | 48.97% |
4103 | Gift of Yxxath | int | 0.755% | -0.047% | 48.78% | 44.60% |
4049 | Illusion | int | 0.849% | +0.047% | 49.55% | 46.56% |
4078 | Mechabun | int | 1.132% | +0.047% | 52.24% | 49.14% |
4056 | Nessie | int | 0.991% | -0.142% | 50.54% | 47.66% |
4005 | Nimbus | int | 0.991% | -0.094% | 51.57% | 47.90% |
4059 | Overmind | int | 0.755% | -0.142% | 48.07% | 44.96% |
4025 | Seek | int | 0.755% | -0.142% | 47.55% | 45.12% |
4035 | Shrink Ray | int | 0.896% | -0.047% | 50.17% | 46.92% |
4097 | Soul Shield | int | 0.896% | +0.142% | 47.43% | 46.65% |
4077 | Supermind | int | 1.085% | -0.047% | 53.49% | 48.26% |
4002 | Trapper Keeper | int | 1.038% | +0.047% | 50.28% | 48.21% |
4030 | Trinketeer | int | 0.849% | -0.142% | 51.44% | 46.34% |
4024 | Volcanic Potion | int | 0.755% | -0.189% | 49.62% | 45.52% |
4001 | Wicked Twister | int | 0.943% | +0.047% | 49.83% | 47.45% |
4094 | Andromeda | int | 0.943% | -0.047% | 50.13% | 47.35% |
4008 | Anti Mago | int | 0.896% | +0.094% | 48.49% | 46.65% |
4105 | Eliminate | int | 0.802% | +0.047% | 48.46% | 45.65% |
4102 | Encantadora | int | 0.991% | -0.094% | 49.79% | 47.87% |
4043 | Gear Grind | int | 0.896% | -0.094% | 50.16% | 46.65% |
4050 | Manage Memory | int | 0.755% | -0.047% | 49.76% | 45.01% |
4089 | Nakamoto | int | 0.991% | -0.047% | 51.41% | 47.94% |
4051 | Necrosiss | int | 1.038% | +0.047% | 50.93% | 48.22% |
4048 | Octomage | int | 0.943% | -0.047% | 50.69% | 47.11% |
4047 | School of Fish | int | 0.896% | -0.047% | 50.15% | 46.97% |
4010 | Tempest Brew | int | 0.991% | -0.047% | 50.56% | 47.93% |
4003 | Tooth Hurty | int | 0.943% | +0.094% | 48.32% | 47.30% |
4081 | Vial Vendor | int | 0.849% | -0.094% | 49.31% | 46.59% |
4017 | Dual Boot | int | 0.849% | +0.047% | 49.59% | 46.41% |
4011 | Encapsulate | int | 0.991% | -0.094% | 52.43% | 47.88% |
4004 | Frigid Blizzard | int | 1.085% | +0.142% | 50.31% | 48.31% |
4055 | It's a Trap! | int | 0.943% | -0.094% | 51.58% | 47.35% |
4100 | Mercurial Mimic | int | 0.849% | -0.094% | 48.54% | 46.31% |
4092 | Puppet Master | int | 0.849% | -0.047% | 49.82% | 46.42% |
4023 | Sapphire | int | 1.038% | +0.189% | 49.27% | 48.01% |
4045 | Frog King | int | 0.943% | -0.142% | 51.27% | 47.51% |
4007 | Mass Confuse | int | 1.085% | +0.047% | 53.28% | 48.79% |
4027 | Mootichi | int | 1.038% | -0.047% | 50.76% | 48.19% |
4032 | Orion | int | 0.943% | +0.047% | 47.15% | 47.33% |
4086 | Shell Officer | int | 1.085% | +0.047% | 51.70% | 48.58% |
4053 | Soul Forge | int | 0.802% | +0.047% | 46.74% | 45.53% |
4040 | Extinction Event | int | 0.896% | -0.047% | 50.13% | 46.67% |
4083 | Magnanimous | int | 0.943% | +0.094% | 49.18% | 47.44% |
4018 | Zam | int | 0.896% | +0.094% | 49.92% | 46.67% |
4064 | Enigma Golem | int | 1.038% | +0.094% | 50.37% | 48.00% |
4071 | Gemini | int | 1.132% | +0.142% | 50.94% | 49.08% |
4012 | Cryogen | int | 0.991% | +0.236% | 48.06% | 47.64% |
51 | Amalgam | str | 0.755% | +0.047% | 47.80% | 52.28% |
32 | Arcane Ray | str | 1.132% | +0.283% | 47.48% | 50.98% |
33 | Axolotl | str | 1.132% | +0.425% | 49.28% | 51.01% |
10 | Call to Action | str | 0.991% | +0.283% | 49.03% | 51.60% |
86 | Earth Rune | str | 1.226% | +0.094% | 46.61% | 49.88% |
27 | Ember Wolf | str | 0.896% | -0.283% | 46.16% | 51.70% |
42 | Engine Blade | str | 0.755% | -0.330% | 45.16% | 52.09% |
34 | Flashbang | str | 0.708% | +0.047% | 49.51% | 52.42% |
100 | Icy Touch | str | 1.038% | +0.189% | 48.11% | 51.23% |
60 | Metal Rune | str | 1.226% | +0.047% | 45.98% | 49.49% |
65 | On the Hunt | str | 1.132% | +0.425% | 48.38% | 50.91% |
85 | Skeeter | str | 1.038% | -0.094% | 46.93% | 51.24% |
16 | Stone Fist | str | 0.991% | +0.189% | 47.30% | 51.43% |
47 | Strike Down | str | 0.849% | +0.094% | 48.86% | 51.89% |
41 | Unikron | str | 1.038% | +0.236% | 47.92% | 51.22% |
77 | Titanic | str | 0.660% | -0.142% | 48.23% | 52.94% |
70 | Boulder | str | 1.038% | -0.094% | 47.43% | 51.24% |
19 | Brimstone | str | 0.991% | +0.236% | 47.83% | 51.41% |
79 | Charkram | str | 0.755% | +0.094% | 50.13% | 52.11% |
56 | Elderfall | str | 0.755% | +0.047% | 49.35% | 52.04% |
78 | Fan Dancer | str | 1.038% | +0.189% | 48.05% | 51.39% |
4 | Firesight | str | 1.226% | +0.189% | 48.00% | 49.87% |
24 | Grimstone | str | 0.708% | -0.377% | 47.50% | 52.51% |
76 | Grunk | str | 0.991% | -0.047% | 47.68% | 51.56% |
14 | Hyper Beam | str | 0.991% | +0.189% | 47.72% | 51.51% |
21 | Psyche | str | 0.708% | -0.094% | 48.10% | 52.73% |
96 | Redwood | str | 0.660% | -0.519% | 46.42% | 52.88% |
80 | Shogun | str | 1.179% | -0.047% | 46.12% | 50.63% |
6 | Stomp | str | 0.991% | +0.142% | 48.04% | 51.53% |
91 | Sunder | str | 0.991% | -0.047% | 48.04% | 51.55% |
82 | Aqua Sword | str | 1.132% | -0.047% | 46.59% | 50.83% |
28 | Browl | str | 1.179% | +0.094% | 47.06% | 50.54% |
66 | Ether Mask | str | 0.991% | +0.142% | 47.93% | 51.49% |
87 | Flame Sword | str | 1.179% | +0.047% | 46.79% | 50.46% |
62 | Griff Scout | str | 0.708% | -0.047% | 48.75% | 52.47% |
83 | Howl Geist | str | 0.896% | +0.142% | 49.29% | 51.76% |
92 | Ironshell | str | 0.849% | -0.236% | 46.22% | 51.83% |
105 | Jungle Guide | str | 0.991% | +0.189% | 47.52% | 51.53% |
52 | Rocket | str | 0.896% | -0.142% | 47.24% | 51.72% |
44 | Rubble Devil | str | 0.708% | -0.142% | 48.45% | 52.76% |
69 | Sabletooth | str | 0.708% | -0.094% | 47.85% | 52.71% |
48 | Soul Taunt | str | 1.179% | +0.047% | 46.21% | 50.34% |
75 | Squiddy | str | 0.896% | -0.189% | 46.79% | 51.62% |
9 | Tatt | str | 0.991% | -0.047% | 47.83% | 51.59% |
20 | Unstoppable Chop | str | 0.991% | -0.047% | 47.40% | 51.40% |
30 | Archeloth | str | 1.179% | -0.047% | 45.78% | 50.82% |
73 | Beatle | str | 0.660% | -0.377% | 48.19% | 52.94% |
93 | Cloud Guard | str | 0.991% | -0.236% | 46.74% | 51.62% |
64 | Crystal Cache | str | 1.038% | +0.189% | 47.85% | 51.30% |
5 | Demon Pact | str | 1.132% | +0.283% | 47.09% | 51.07% |
1 | Foul Stench | str | 1.179% | +0.142% | 46.54% | 50.67% |
7 | Ifrit | str | 0.849% | +0.094% | 48.86% | 51.94% |
98 | Mortal Blow | str | 0.708% | -0.142% | 48.06% | 52.41% |
36 | Mushka | str | 1.132% | -0.094% | 45.70% | 50.85% |
63 | Nightmare | str | 0.896% | +0.236% | 49.78% | 51.75% |
38 | Polar Bear | str | 0.991% | +0.142% | 47.31% | 51.47% |
67 | Puddo | str | 0.755% | -0.377% | 47.07% | 52.28% |
49 | Rodent Problem | str | 1.038% | -0.142% | 46.61% | 51.19% |
50 | Volcanic Blast | str | 1.226% | +0.142% | 47.30% | 50.01% |
88 | Aegis of Light | str | 0.755% | -0.283% | 47.19% | 52.01% |
58 | Chomp | str | 0.849% | +0.189% | 49.21% | 51.89% |
29 | Frank | str | 0.708% | -0.330% | 48.03% | 52.43% |
55 | Garuda | str | 0.849% | +0.094% | 48.31% | 51.86% |
89 | Ground Pound | str | 1.179% | +0.377% | 48.00% | 50.40% |
84 | Hammerhead | str | 0.708% | +0.047% | 49.25% | 52.77% |
81 | Heavy Cavalry | str | 0.849% | +0.189% | 49.64% | 51.82% |
72 | Khan | str | 0.896% | +0.189% | 48.73% | 51.68% |
106 | Nurtured Bond | str | 1.226% | +0.047% | 45.17% | 50.24% |
2 | Reinforce | str | 0.660% | -0.142% | 48.73% | 53.27% |
90 | Rhumbo | str | 0.660% | -0.047% | 48.59% | 53.76% |
8 | Breacher | str | 0.896% | +0.094% | 46.47% | 51.64% |
11 | Burninate | str | 0.896% | +0.189% | 48.07% | 51.75% |
3 | Geod | str | 0.849% | -0.236% | 47.28% | 51.78% |
15 | Gift of Swords | str | 0.896% | -0.142% | 47.43% | 51.63% |
35 | The Beast | str | 0.755% | +0.047% | 49.66% | 52.19% |
18 | Band Together | str | 1.038% | -0.142% | 46.04% | 51.23% |
46 | El Monstruo | str | 1.132% | +0.047% | 46.31% | 50.84% |
39 | Mothermander | str | 1.132% | +0.047% | 47.85% | 51.04% |
74 | Colossoid | str | 0.896% | -0.236% | 46.64% | 51.68% |
59 | Kha's Wrath | str | 0.660% | -0.094% | 48.51% | 52.88% |
61 | Moltenous | str | 0.755% | -0.472% | 45.15% | 51.98% |
12 | Weighted Die | str | 0.896% | +0.142% | 48.34% | 51.73% |
31 | Dracomantium | str | 0.896% | -0.189% | 46.95% | 51.63% |
23 | Tiamat | str | 0.896% | -0.236% | 45.80% | 51.66% |
2002 | Seer's Mask | wis | 0.660% | -0.094% | 48.32% | 47.03% |
2085 | Canny Mask | wis | 0.896% | +0.142% | 49.23% | 48.11% |
2052 | Century Key | wis | 0.896% | -0.236% | 52.04% | 48.16% |
2054 | Charmling | wis | 1.132% | +0.047% | 51.11% | 48.87% |
2067 | Cloud Kid | wis | 0.566% | -0.283% | 50.04% | 46.37% |
2010 | Hydrate | wis | 0.566% | -0.189% | 48.94% | 45.43% |
2074 | Insomnia | wis | 1.132% | +0.236% | 50.88% | 48.85% |
2031 | Matchstick | wis | 1.321% | +0.189% | 52.41% | 50.33% |
2087 | Mind Rune | wis | 0.660% | -0.142% | 48.67% | 46.85% |
2039 | Niko | wis | 1.226% | +0.236% | 51.08% | 49.39% |
2016 | Potion Seller | wis | 0.991% | +0.094% | 49.71% | 48.63% |
2026 | Rosewater Charm | wis | 0.896% | +0.047% | 51.52% | 48.01% |
2062 | Sphinx Mask | wis | 1.226% | +0.189% | 49.84% | 49.15% |
2088 | Tactician | wis | 0.896% | -0.094% | 49.64% | 48.16% |
2086 | Thanite | wis | 0.755% | -0.283% | 49.89% | 47.42% |
2000 | Tragic Poet | wis | 0.849% | -0.047% | 48.76% | 47.73% |
2035 | Touch the Sky | wis | 0.660% | -0.142% | 48.71% | 47.04% |
2070 | Birb | wis | 0.991% | -0.094% | 51.24% | 48.52% |
2040 | Bogi Bogi | wis | 1.132% | +0.047% | 49.77% | 48.93% |
2072 | Earth Warden | wis | 0.660% | -0.142% | 49.28% | 46.87% |
2099 | Eradicate | wis | 0.849% | -0.047% | 49.93% | 47.84% |
2073 | Fuji | wis | 0.896% | +0.047% | 49.27% | 48.02% |
2069 | Giza | wis | 1.038% | -0.094% | 51.12% | 48.77% |
2071 | Incinerate | wis | 1.226% | +0.047% | 53.06% | 49.14% |
2089 | Luna | wis | 0.566% | -0.236% | 48.96% | 46.70% |
2061 | Mer Mask | wis | 0.566% | -0.189% | 48.19% | 46.47% |
2068 | Nefurti | wis | 1.132% | +0.094% | 51.65% | 48.98% |
2095 | Nettle | wis | 1.132% | +0.236% | 49.08% | 49.11% |
2018 | Ponderous | wis | 0.896% | +0.047% | 48.12% | 47.95% |
2103 | Runecalling | wis | 0.755% | -0.236% | 51.44% | 47.17% |
2025 | Spirit of Sleep | wis | 0.660% | -0.142% | 49.15% | 46.95% |
2041 | Throne Blade | wis | 1.132% | +0.094% | 50.69% | 48.95% |
2005 | Turtor | wis | 0.660% | -0.047% | 47.91% | 46.80% |
2007 | Whisk Away | wis | 0.660% | -0.377% | 50.33% | 46.88% |
2046 | Wish Deck | wis | 1.226% | +0.047% | 51.43% | 49.40% |
2058 | Xavi | wis | 0.991% | -0.189% | 52.44% | 48.62% |
2080 | Auntuga | wis | 0.755% | -0.047% | 50.26% | 47.35% |
2049 | Burn to a Crisp | wis | 0.849% | -0.047% | 49.62% | 47.56% |
2078 | Cryogen's Ire | wis | 1.321% | +0.236% | 51.76% | 49.45% |
2066 | Dreams Undreamt | wis | 0.849% | -0.047% | 48.84% | 47.73% |
2096 | Ebb & Flo | wis | 1.226% | +0.189% | 51.13% | 49.31% |
2091 | Fire Noble | wis | 1.226% | +0.047% | 53.31% | 49.23% |
2033 | Grover | wis | 0.896% | +0.094% | 48.58% | 48.19% |
2038 | Ill Will | wis | 0.660% | -0.047% | 47.72% | 46.71% |
2027 | Inspirator | wis | 1.038% | -0.094% | 52.15% | 48.80% |
2065 | Judgement | wis | 1.038% | +0.047% | 50.83% | 48.76% |
2105 | Meng'Long's Wish | wis | 0.849% | +0.142% | 49.57% | 47.84% |
2064 | Ominous Hoo | wis | 0.896% | +0.142% | 48.95% | 47.97% |
2021 | Orchid | wis | 0.849% | +0.094% | 48.24% | 47.62% |
2083 | Scrollkeeper | wis | 1.226% | +0.142% | 52.33% | 49.20% |
2056 | Spiderella | wis | 0.991% | -0.094% | 50.43% | 48.52% |
2057 | Thought Leader | wis | 0.755% | -0.047% | 49.55% | 47.19% |
2053 | Whelm | wis | 0.566% | -0.142% | 48.06% | 45.98% |
2076 | Windweave | wis | 0.896% | +0.094% | 49.23% | 47.85% |
2044 | Desire | wis | 0.991% | +0.094% | 50.89% | 48.72% |
2101 | Lotus' Reflection | wis | 0.566% | -0.142% | 48.55% | 45.79% |
2082 | Minstrel | wis | 1.038% | -0.094% | 51.86% | 48.74% |
2028 | Miss Aya | wis | 1.226% | +0.047% | 50.61% | 49.21% |
2012 | Mr. Whiskers | wis | 0.991% | -0.142% | 51.05% | 48.41% |
2079 | Nomad | wis | 1.038% | -0.047% | 51.81% | 48.77% |
2042 | Quadra | wis | 1.321% | +0.330% | 49.86% | 49.94% |
2097 | Salvage | wis | 1.038% | -0.142% | 53.02% | 48.83% |
2020 | Sea Mage | wis | 0.991% | +0.236% | 49.73% | 48.51% |
2023 | Spite & Malice | wis | 1.038% | +0.047% | 49.55% | 48.84% |
2017 | Waterline | wis | 0.896% | -0.094% | 51.12% | 48.00% |
2024 | Webweaver | wis | 1.321% | +0.189% | 51.63% | 50.01% |
2015 | Book Casey | wis | 1.226% | +0.047% | 53.69% | 49.32% |
2060 | Deepus | wis | 0.849% | -0.142% | 49.92% | 47.78% |
2047 | Gift of Aya | wis | 0.755% | -0.142% | 48.75% | 47.20% |
2100 | Grasping Maiden | wis | 1.321% | +0.142% | 51.70% | 50.72% |
2032 | Jakintsu | wis | 1.038% | -0.142% | 51.69% | 48.78% |
2030 | Lost in the Fog | wis | 0.896% | +0.047% | 50.78% | 47.92% |
2014 | Scraggy | wis | 1.226% | +0.377% | 50.51% | 49.13% |
2102 | Silent Warden | wis | 1.321% | +0.189% | 51.58% | 49.95% |
2059 | Turn the Tide | wis | 0.566% | -0.283% | 48.64% | 46.40% |
2050 | Twist & Turn | wis | 0.566% | -0.142% | 48.69% | 45.88% |
2055 | Cloud Sloth | wis | 0.849% | -0.047% | 49.70% | 47.57% |
2084 | Doomsday | wis | 0.660% | -0.047% | 49.79% | 46.89% |
2081 | Frost Adept | wis | 1.321% | +0.283% | 50.70% | 49.58% |
2075 | Kha Meht | wis | 1.321% | +0.236% | 51.90% | 50.48% |
2090 | Libra | wis | 0.991% | +0.094% | 49.98% | 48.53% |
2037 | Eldest | wis | 0.566% | -0.189% | 47.59% | 46.63% |
2034 | Etherwail | wis | 0.755% | +0.047% | 47.82% | 47.48% |
2104 | Genesis Avatar | wis | 1.132% | +0.425% | 49.98% | 49.06% |
2029 | Octavian | wis | 0.991% | -0.094% | 50.52% | 48.35% |
2011 | Prismata | wis | 0.660% | -0.142% | 49.55% | 46.84% |
2043 | Sky Phoenix | wis | 1.321% | +0.236% | 51.24% | 49.97% |
2063 | Skychannel | wis | 0.755% | -0.094% | 48.12% | 47.17% |
2051 | Amaruath | wis | 1.132% | +0.094% | 49.37% | 48.90% |
2019 | Meng'Long | wis | 1.321% | +0.142% | 53.78% | 51.10% |
2092 | Eldritch Lore | wis | 0.755% | -0.236% | 50.64% | 47.33% |
2009 | Invest | wis | 0.566% | -0.142% | 47.46% | 45.11% |
Void Knight (1091)
Small nerf to an overperformer, swapping Knight from 2/3 to 3/2, as many community members had suspected. Should make it slightly more reasonable.
Shogun (80)
Inspire Guard: Gain +2 health.
Inspire Guard: Gain +1/+1.
Buff to a longtime underperformer, giving Shogun +1 power but also giving him +1/+1 upon playing a guard unit, rather than +2 health, to allow him to serve as a more aggressive threat, rather than a passive wall.
Lightning Vial (1021)
Do 3 damage to a random enemy unit.
If lethal, dust it.
Do 3 damage to the lowest health enemy. If lethal, dust it.
A buff and slight role reversion change to a card that felt awkward and relied on RNG a bit too much. Lightning vial now damages the lowest-health enemy, making it easier to control the unit it hits, and also allowing it to once again go face if the enemy hero is alone or has only higher health units.
Quadra (2042)
Death: Do 1 damage to a random enemy unit without armor, four times.
Death: Attach Chains to the lowest health enemy unit and do 1 damage to it. Repeat three times.
Slight rework + showcase of another use of ‘lowest health’ - now prioritizes the lowest health enemies rather than random, and also attaches chains so it can deal with pesky armor units. This should make it a more viable option to counter early and mid game aggression.
Frigid Blizzard (4004)
Attach Frostbite to enemy units. Do
1 damage to all units.
Attach Frostbite to all units, and do
1 damage to them.
Nerf to an over performing sweeper, now attaches frostbite to allies as well, making it less one sided and preventing people from breaking parity on it as easily. Notably it still synergizes well with units in Intellect that have lead or vapors.
Saber (1013)
A small trade, swapping lifesteal for +1hp on Saber. Intended as a net buff, we considered leaving Lifesteal but it felt like it could be really swingy and lead to massive early game life differentials in the event Saber did survive a few turns.
Yellowjack (1026)
Summon: Attack a random enemy unit, or the enemy hero, if they have no units.
Summon: Attack the lowest health enemy.
A buff through a consistency update, Yellowjack will now attack the lowest-health enemy, making it easier to predict where it will attack, allowing it to serve as a more reliable removal tool.
Death's King (3024)
Small +1pow Buff to an underperformer, letting it work slightly better as a curve play and trade a bit better.
Crypto (3051)
Nerf and change, trading 1 health and wither on Crypto for Stealth, better befitting a Graverobber’s sneaky nature. Crypto is a flagship 1c unit, and often makes other 1c units look weak due to being able to draw a card on death, so we’re nerfing his durability and usefulness as a trading tool by dropping wither and 1hp for stealth.
Opal Golem (3090)
Death: Give units in your hand -1 cost and guard.
Death: Give the left and right-most units in your hand guard and -1 cost.
A frankly nutty card that’s been on the watchlist for some time, golem’s ability to discount the hand was a bit too powerful on such an early game unit, so we’ve changed it to just discount the left and right-most units.
Thought Leader (2057)
Draw a mind unit. Give attachments on the left and right most units in your hand and on allies -1 cost.
Draw a mind unit. Give -1 cost to attachments on allies and the left and right most attachments on units in your hand.
Both an internal and external change here - Thought Leader will now skip over units without attachments for ones that do have attachments when trying to apply its discounts, making it harder for it to whiff. Additionally, there's an unstated internal change - Spells like Thought Leader and Gear Grind will now avoid discounting 0c cards, so if you have a 0c spell/unit at the right/left of your hand, the next right/leftmost will be discounted instead.

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