Knitting Kitty - Patch #89

From Water Sitti, to Fox Burn and some Zam and Titus Etherwail, the metagame has seen a rather diverse collection of decks rise up. With this patch we're aiming to tune down some of the more prevalent tools that the best decks are using, and buff a few underplayed ones. Also, we have Sequence Swap!

📺 Now you can swap cryptocurrencies directly from your Sequence Wallet!
New Features ⭐
- Now you can swap your tokens on Polygon and Ethereum. Trade between $USDC $MATIC $WETH $DAI $USDT $AVAX $WBTC receiving the best rate! And because you’re using the Sequence Wallet, you can pay the required gas fee in USDC or other tokens! Check out the video above ☝️
Improvements 🦾
- Ranked leaderboard rewards are now shown in the feed on your profile.
- The "download game assets" screen now shows accurate total sizes & currently downloaded sizes. This feature is unavailable on Android for now.
- Increased the size of Skytags in-game.
- The deck & graveyard sidebars are now scrolled to the top when opened, regardless of their last position.
Bugfixes 🐛
- Fixed Gold card balances not displaying correctly in the cart.
- Fixed some balances in the cart missing a quantity input textbox.
- Removed the image on the "Skyweaver has lost internet connection" popup.
- Fixed a bug where your selected cards could keep a white border after the card selection ended.
- Fixed a bug where Mind Control's preview would show a Summon icon on the targeted unit.
- Fixed a bug where you could get stuck on the end-of-match "Continue" screen, after tapping the button.
- Fixed a bug where using Illusion on Trinketeer with a cost-modified Illusion could make Trinketeer bring back the Illusion. 😵💫
- Fixed a bug where Conjured & created cards would appear backwards in the portal.
- Fixed a bug where the Cube in the tutorial wouldn't put its spotlight on the Mana indicator.
- Fixed a bug where the game could get stuck at the start or end of a turn, preventing you from playing moves.
- Fixed daily XP boosts being off-by-one.
- Fixed the position of the deck element & type counters when your UI scale wasn't 100%.
- Improved the readability of some text on the Conquest page.
- Fixed a bug where your emote ring would be broken if you tried to emote during the card selection.
- OpenSea has re-enabled trading on their platform for Skyweaver items.
Welcome to Patch #89 everyone! We’ve got a bit of a smaller patch this week, focusing on tuning down a few overperformers and problematic cards, while buffing some weaker cards that have been languishing in obscurity for some time now. As a whole, the metagame has seen a rather diverse collection of decks rise up, from Water Sitti, to Fox Burn and some Zam and Titus Etherwail, so we’re not aiming to upend the metagame, but rather tune down some of the more prevalent tools that the best decks are using, and buff a few underplayed ones.
Only cards with modified discovery odds are shown here, but the CSV contains all cards.
ID | Name | Prism | Discovery Rate | Discovery Rate Change | Conquest Discovery Winrate | Ranked Discovery Winrate |
1072 | Air Rune | agy | 1.078% | -0.098% | 49.46% | 48.62% |
1098 | Blitz | agy | 1.078% | -0.098% | 48.55% | 47.53% |
1016 | Canopy Archer | agy | 0.931% | +0.049% | 51.51% | 51.13% |
1087 | Fly Guy | agy | 0.882% | +0.098% | 51.69% | 51.73% |
1070 | Fox Familiar | agy | 0.882% | +0.098% | 52.51% | 51.44% |
1088 | Frost Claw | agy | 1.078% | -0.098% | 49.57% | 47.86% |
1066 | Grim Reprisal | agy | 1.078% | +0.049% | 50.32% | 48.92% |
1004 | Kook Book | agy | 1.029% | -0.049% | 50.37% | 49.80% |
1062 | Mechurai | agy | 0.882% | +0.049% | 52.30% | 51.21% |
1086 | Puppet Strings | agy | 0.931% | -0.049% | 50.95% | 50.79% |
1013 | Saber | agy | 0.882% | +0.098% | 51.40% | 52.71% |
1101 | Samya's Speed | agy | 1.078% | -0.098% | 48.75% | 47.96% |
1051 | Skip | agy | 0.882% | +0.049% | 52.52% | 51.49% |
1058 | Speedster | agy | 0.882% | +0.049% | 52.73% | 51.65% |
1026 | Yellowjack | agy | 0.931% | -0.049% | 50.75% | 50.89% |
1017 | Anoint in Flame | agy | 1.078% | -0.098% | 48.88% | 48.27% |
1073 | Chain Golem | agy | 0.882% | +0.049% | 51.74% | 51.27% |
1041 | Coffin Moth | agy | 1.029% | -0.098% | 49.57% | 49.85% |
1053 | Cube Junior | agy | 0.882% | +0.098% | 53.21% | 52.49% |
1037 | Hannah | agy | 0.980% | -0.049% | 51.05% | 50.21% |
1056 | Headcase | agy | 0.931% | -0.049% | 51.22% | 50.73% |
1028 | Huntaro | agy | 0.931% | +0.098% | 52.78% | 50.57% |
1021 | Lightning Vial | agy | 1.029% | -0.049% | 51.02% | 49.75% |
1025 | Noctourna | agy | 0.882% | -0.098% | 50.33% | 51.35% |
1032 | Pair of Jacks | agy | 0.931% | +0.049% | 51.96% | 50.90% |
1064 | Pistol Shrimp | agy | 0.931% | -0.049% | 51.66% | 50.93% |
1039 | Rave | agy | 1.078% | -0.098% | 49.97% | 47.93% |
1036 | Rite Knight | agy | 0.980% | +0.049% | 50.84% | 50.61% |
1080 | Shredder | agy | 0.931% | +0.049% | 51.56% | 51.13% |
1090 | Sky Keeper | agy | 0.980% | -0.049% | 50.53% | 50.43% |
1079 | Slash | agy | 0.882% | +0.049% | 52.61% | 51.42% |
1052 | Snap Trap | agy | 1.029% | +0.049% | 51.63% | 49.86% |
1045 | Supersonic | agy | 1.029% | -0.049% | 50.83% | 49.78% |
1033 | Trailblazer | agy | 1.029% | -0.098% | 50.32% | 49.73% |
1007 | Burn Out | agy | 1.078% | -0.049% | 50.99% | 48.36% |
1059 | Card Sling | agy | 1.029% | -0.049% | 51.14% | 49.21% |
1027 | Dawn Blade | agy | 1.078% | +0.147% | 50.71% | 48.16% |
1048 | Deep Xlice | agy | 1.078% | -0.049% | 50.31% | 49.07% |
1043 | Ember Mask | agy | 1.078% | -0.098% | 49.55% | 48.12% |
1011 | Fan of Knives | agy | 0.980% | +0.098% | 52.08% | 50.24% |
1019 | Gale | agy | 1.078% | -0.098% | 49.19% | 48.78% |
1077 | Honk | agy | 0.980% | +0.049% | 51.71% | 50.30% |
1054 | Hot Dog | agy | 1.029% | -0.147% | 50.73% | 49.38% |
1093 | Lau Sensei | agy | 0.980% | -0.049% | 51.39% | 50.51% |
1089 | Righteous | agy | 0.980% | +0.049% | 50.74% | 50.12% |
1092 | Run Wild | agy | 0.931% | +0.049% | 51.47% | 50.88% |
1047 | Songrider | agy | 0.882% | +0.049% | 53.11% | 51.47% |
1076 | Speed Boots | agy | 1.078% | -0.098% | 49.31% | 48.04% |
1042 | Strikestorm | agy | 1.078% | -0.049% | 49.19% | 48.61% |
1099 | Tox | agy | 0.931% | +0.049% | 51.83% | 51.07% |
1029 | Treasure Chest | agy | 1.029% | -0.098% | 50.54% | 49.15% |
1067 | Vyper Charmer | agy | 0.882% | +0.098% | 52.26% | 51.22% |
1000 | Wane Blade | agy | 1.078% | -0.049% | 50.19% | 47.61% |
1035 | Clapback | agy | 1.029% | -0.049% | 51.19% | 49.57% |
1095 | Crusher | agy | 0.980% | -0.049% | 50.19% | 50.27% |
1100 | Disciple of Gusto | agy | 0.882% | +0.098% | 53.20% | 50.99% |
1069 | Flank Rider | agy | 0.980% | -0.049% | 52.04% | 50.10% |
1085 | Flurry | agy | 0.882% | +0.049% | 53.67% | 50.87% |
1038 | Hail of Arrows | agy | 0.931% | -0.049% | 52.18% | 50.59% |
1014 | Head in the Clouds | agy | 1.078% | -0.049% | 50.67% | 48.95% |
1065 | Mamba | agy | 0.931% | +0.049% | 49.91% | 50.94% |
1063 | Montage | agy | 1.078% | -0.098% | 48.78% | 47.71% |
1075 | Strige Strike | agy | 1.029% | -0.049% | 51.19% | 49.78% |
1018 | Uppercut | agy | 1.029% | +0.049% | 50.56% | 49.66% |
1008 | Zapeta | agy | 0.980% | +0.147% | 52.75% | 50.32% |
1055 | Zoomie | agy | 1.029% | -0.049% | 50.32% | 49.68% |
1096 | Dead Beats | agy | 1.029% | -0.049% | 51.48% | 49.40% |
1060 | Epic Eagle | agy | 0.980% | +0.049% | 51.23% | 50.24% |
1078 | Flame Volley | agy | 1.029% | -0.049% | 50.99% | 49.90% |
1097 | Gusto's Retort | agy | 1.029% | +0.049% | 50.70% | 49.68% |
1044 | Honor Guard | agy | 0.882% | +0.098% | 53.32% | 52.73% |
1034 | King Slay | agy | 0.931% | +0.049% | 52.49% | 50.71% |
1012 | Plane Ranger | agy | 0.931% | +0.049% | 51.93% | 50.64% |
1009 | Toh Tem | agy | 0.882% | +0.098% | 53.06% | 52.53% |
1020 | Vlad | agy | 0.931% | +0.049% | 52.72% | 50.84% |
1023 | Mighty Steed | agy | 0.882% | +0.098% | 53.70% | 52.00% |
1024 | Scythe Mantis | agy | 0.980% | +0.049% | 50.96% | 50.25% |
1002 | Trydra | agy | 0.931% | +0.098% | 51.09% | 50.78% |
1084 | Maelstrom | agy | 1.078% | -0.049% | 49.60% | 48.32% |
1074 | Mountain Lion | agy | 0.882% | +0.098% | 52.10% | 53.21% |
1022 | Great Gusto | agy | 0.882% | +0.098% | 52.09% | 51.81% |
1061 | Norsudovest | agy | 0.882% | -0.098% | 49.69% | 51.49% |
1046 | Supercharge | agy | 1.078% | -0.049% | 50.95% | 48.60% |
3025 | Bad Dreams | hrt | 0.980% | -0.098% | 45.40% | 49.51% |
3011 | Bone Mask | hrt | 1.078% | -0.049% | 46.67% | 48.53% |
3016 | Buckler Up | hrt | 1.078% | -0.049% | 45.86% | 47.50% |
3051 | Crypto | hrt | 0.882% | +0.098% | 50.60% | 51.49% |
3061 | Dark Rune | hrt | 1.029% | -0.098% | 46.68% | 48.67% |
3000 | Fun Guy | hrt | 0.882% | +0.049% | 47.45% | 51.46% |
3036 | Icaru | hrt | 0.882% | +0.098% | 50.69% | 50.70% |
3005 | Jacko | hrt | 0.980% | -0.098% | 46.29% | 50.29% |
3035 | Light Rune | hrt | 1.078% | -0.098% | 45.80% | 47.92% |
3091 | Pyrecrafter | hrt | 0.882% | +0.098% | 49.14% | 51.79% |
3093 | See Shore | hrt | 0.980% | -0.049% | 47.51% | 49.37% |
3084 | Shade | hrt | 0.980% | +0.049% | 48.90% | 49.96% |
3049 | Grave Roil | hrt | 1.029% | -0.049% | 46.56% | 48.53% |
3015 | Undragon | hrt | 1.029% | -0.098% | 46.22% | 48.77% |
3029 | Beloved | hrt | 1.078% | -0.049% | 46.30% | 47.53% |
3083 | Carrion Crow | hrt | 1.029% | -0.049% | 47.37% | 49.14% |
3089 | Eye Spider | hrt | 0.882% | +0.098% | 50.68% | 51.29% |
3082 | Glacia | hrt | 0.882% | +0.098% | 49.46% | 51.39% |
3065 | Grubbs | hrt | 1.029% | -0.049% | 46.85% | 49.58% |
3032 | Gus | hrt | 0.882% | +0.049% | 50.02% | 50.99% |
3072 | Impale | hrt | 1.029% | -0.049% | 47.51% | 48.98% |
3070 | Life Stream | hrt | 1.078% | -0.098% | 46.43% | 47.73% |
3040 | Light Knight | hrt | 0.882% | +0.098% | 49.91% | 51.58% |
3078 | Molten Heart | hrt | 1.078% | -0.098% | 46.51% | 47.96% |
3090 | Opal Golem | hrt | 0.882% | +0.049% | 49.08% | 51.45% |
3067 | Shoal Siren | hrt | 0.931% | +0.049% | 48.29% | 50.23% |
3044 | Sick Burn | hrt | 1.029% | +0.049% | 49.48% | 48.51% |
3046 | Teenage Witch | hrt | 0.931% | +0.098% | 49.95% | 50.31% |
3064 | Wed Dead | hrt | 1.078% | -0.098% | 45.75% | 47.02% |
3007 | Xythe | hrt | 0.882% | +0.098% | 51.30% | 51.06% |
3096 | Chester | hrt | 0.931% | +0.049% | 49.44% | 50.34% |
3008 | Forest Fire | hrt | 1.078% | -0.098% | 45.55% | 47.73% |
3026 | Funeral Moon | hrt | 1.078% | -0.049% | 46.17% | 48.17% |
3021 | Gift of Qai | hrt | 1.078% | -0.049% | 46.41% | 47.87% |
3004 | Grimlord | hrt | 0.980% | +0.049% | 48.39% | 50.06% |
3081 | Hexed Doll | hrt | 0.931% | +0.098% | 49.56% | 50.37% |
3037 | Old Fogy | hrt | 0.931% | +0.049% | 49.49% | 50.41% |
3099 | Phoenix Plume | hrt | 1.078% | -0.098% | 45.34% | 47.28% |
3006 | Soul Guide | hrt | 0.931% | +0.049% | 48.51% | 50.36% |
3056 | Spore Blast | hrt | 0.931% | +0.049% | 47.50% | 50.35% |
3030 | Take Flight | hrt | 1.078% | -0.098% | 44.18% | 46.79% |
3053 | Temple Watch | hrt | 1.029% | -0.049% | 46.91% | 49.18% |
3068 | Trident True | hrt | 0.882% | +0.098% | 50.96% | 51.40% |
3041 | Twisted Metal | hrt | 1.029% | -0.049% | 47.93% | 49.10% |
3027 | Undragon's Pact | hrt | 1.078% | -0.098% | 44.65% | 47.45% |
3052 | Blood Hunter | hrt | 0.931% | -0.098% | 46.62% | 50.76% |
3086 | Chain Storm | hrt | 1.078% | -0.098% | 46.75% | 47.16% |
3073 | Chief Justice | hrt | 0.931% | +0.049% | 50.25% | 50.45% |
3047 | Cleo | hrt | 0.882% | +0.098% | 50.64% | 51.95% |
3024 | Death's King | hrt | 1.078% | -0.098% | 46.09% | 48.49% |
3028 | Dirge | hrt | 0.980% | +0.049% | 48.44% | 49.65% |
3058 | Eclipse | hrt | 0.931% | +0.098% | 50.41% | 50.76% |
3003 | Flame Phoenix | hrt | 0.931% | +0.049% | 47.90% | 50.54% |
3048 | Full Bloom | hrt | 1.078% | -0.049% | 46.78% | 48.13% |
3017 | Glacial Tomb | hrt | 1.078% | -0.098% | 46.95% | 47.87% |
3098 | Ma Shroom | hrt | 0.882% | +0.098% | 50.13% | 52.38% |
3031 | Mind Control | hrt | 0.931% | +0.098% | 48.83% | 50.66% |
3023 | Raise Arms | hrt | 0.931% | -0.049% | 47.43% | 50.45% |
3009 | Swamp Walker | hrt | 0.882% | +0.049% | 49.39% | 51.40% |
3071 | Cosmicon | hrt | 1.029% | +0.049% | 48.42% | 49.32% |
3010 | Doom Shroom | hrt | 0.882% | +0.049% | 48.29% | 51.28% |
3013 | Forest Hart | hrt | 0.980% | +0.049% | 49.11% | 50.13% |
3074 | Gravekin | hrt | 1.078% | -0.049% | 46.37% | 48.40% |
3080 | Hope | hrt | 0.882% | +0.049% | 50.29% | 51.69% |
3043 | Second Chance | hrt | 0.980% | +0.049% | 47.90% | 50.01% |
3077 | Three Lashes | hrt | 1.029% | +0.049% | 48.83% | 48.93% |
3059 | Glacial Hulk | hrt | 0.931% | -0.049% | 46.59% | 50.12% |
3050 | Undergrowth | hrt | 1.078% | -0.049% | 46.96% | 48.11% |
3002 | Allbane | hrt | 1.029% | +0.049% | 49.50% | 49.12% |
3033 | Broodwitch | hrt | 0.931% | -0.049% | 46.06% | 50.47% |
3054 | Jar of Souls | hrt | 0.980% | -0.049% | 47.01% | 49.43% |
3079 | Maw Worm | hrt | 0.980% | -0.049% | 45.82% | 49.55% |
3063 | Ancients Rise | hrt | 1.029% | -0.049% | 46.97% | 48.93% |
3045 | Hydrex | hrt | 1.029% | +0.049% | 45.78% | 49.33% |
3100 | Pharonis | hrt | 0.882% | +0.098% | 49.80% | 51.71% |
4016 | Alight | int | 0.980% | +0.049% | 50.98% | 49.47% |
4020 | B Unit | int | 0.980% | -0.098% | 53.78% | 51.54% |
4038 | Cinder | int | 0.980% | -0.049% | 51.77% | 51.19% |
4074 | Doubling Cube | int | 0.980% | +0.098% | 50.77% | 48.60% |
4091 | Forcefield | int | 0.980% | +0.098% | 50.93% | 49.93% |
4028 | Ghost Duster | int | 0.980% | +0.098% | 50.94% | 49.43% |
4052 | Hax | int | 0.980% | +0.098% | 50.83% | 49.65% |
4080 | Scooter | int | 0.980% | -0.049% | 53.29% | 51.12% |
4029 | Shockpaw | int | 0.980% | -0.049% | 53.56% | 51.25% |
4034 | Whipvine | int | 0.980% | -0.098% | 53.61% | 52.79% |
4006 | Wing Construct | int | 0.980% | +0.098% | 50.75% | 49.12% |
4070 | Iron Mask | int | 0.980% | +0.098% | 49.91% | 48.64% |
4088 | Angler | int | 0.980% | +0.098% | 51.70% | 49.49% |
4062 | Bauble | int | 0.980% | -0.049% | 53.89% | 51.43% |
4067 | Bubbles | int | 0.980% | -0.098% | 54.20% | 51.49% |
4037 | Cross Reference | int | 0.980% | +0.098% | 50.84% | 48.63% |
4026 | Electron | int | 0.980% | -0.098% | 54.41% | 50.87% |
4066 | Fish | int | 0.980% | +0.049% | 51.17% | 49.82% |
4096 | Germinate | int | 0.980% | +0.098% | 50.37% | 48.65% |
4041 | Ivy | int | 0.980% | -0.098% | 54.00% | 51.40% |
4098 | Jackrabbit | int | 0.980% | -0.049% | 52.86% | 51.23% |
4076 | Mad Hat | int | 0.980% | -0.049% | 52.94% | 51.58% |
4036 | Mad Vibes | int | 0.980% | -0.049% | 53.98% | 51.06% |
4058 | Mutate | int | 0.980% | +0.049% | 53.60% | 49.99% |
4082 | Rage Cage | int | 0.980% | -0.049% | 52.60% | 50.79% |
4063 | Sparky | int | 0.980% | -0.049% | 54.14% | 51.11% |
4015 | Starfield | int | 0.980% | +0.098% | 51.24% | 49.59% |
4014 | Sudden Gust | int | 0.980% | +0.098% | 51.50% | 49.28% |
4060 | Teleport | int | 0.980% | -0.049% | 52.89% | 50.80% |
4054 | Think Twice | int | 0.980% | +0.098% | 50.24% | 48.26% |
4000 | Blow Away | int | 0.980% | +0.049% | 51.83% | 50.06% |
4009 | Clone Army | int | 0.980% | +0.098% | 50.20% | 48.69% |
4044 | Coal Dozer | int | 0.980% | +0.098% | 49.86% | 49.61% |
4084 | Defragment | int | 0.980% | -0.049% | 52.99% | 51.04% |
4039 | Doctor Vile | int | 0.980% | +0.049% | 50.25% | 50.03% |
4072 | Enfuego | int | 0.980% | -0.098% | 53.52% | 50.78% |
4049 | Illusion | int | 0.980% | +0.098% | 50.72% | 49.58% |
4090 | Leonitus | int | 0.980% | -0.098% | 53.86% | 51.97% |
4078 | Mechabun | int | 0.980% | -0.098% | 55.48% | 51.43% |
4005 | Nimbus | int | 0.980% | -0.098% | 54.20% | 51.76% |
4059 | Overmind | int | 0.980% | +0.098% | 50.57% | 48.99% |
4025 | Seek | int | 0.980% | +0.098% | 49.67% | 48.32% |
4035 | Shrink Ray | int | 0.980% | +0.049% | 51.86% | 49.35% |
4097 | Soul Shield | int | 0.980% | +0.049% | 51.41% | 50.24% |
4077 | Supermind | int | 0.980% | -0.098% | 54.90% | 51.27% |
4002 | Trapper Keeper | int | 0.980% | -0.098% | 53.65% | 51.51% |
4030 | Trinketeer | int | 0.980% | +0.049% | 51.71% | 50.57% |
4024 | Volcanic Potion | int | 0.980% | +0.049% | 52.59% | 49.85% |
4094 | Andromeda | int | 0.980% | -0.049% | 53.76% | 50.86% |
4008 | Anti Mago | int | 0.980% | +0.049% | 52.10% | 50.33% |
4065 | Curious | int | 0.980% | +0.049% | 51.75% | 50.43% |
4085 | Lilly | int | 0.980% | -0.098% | 55.68% | 52.90% |
4050 | Manage Memory | int | 0.980% | +0.098% | 50.80% | 48.29% |
4013 | Mother Ethera | int | 0.980% | -0.049% | 53.35% | 51.23% |
4051 | Necrosiss | int | 0.980% | -0.098% | 53.15% | 51.32% |
4048 | Octomage | int | 0.980% | +0.049% | 52.12% | 50.50% |
4047 | School of Fish | int | 0.980% | -0.049% | 52.14% | 50.56% |
4003 | Tooth Hurty | int | 0.980% | +0.049% | 51.73% | 49.90% |
4081 | Vial Vendor | int | 0.980% | +0.049% | 52.58% | 49.94% |
4087 | Anchor Drop | int | 0.980% | +0.049% | 51.97% | 50.26% |
4017 | Dual Boot | int | 0.980% | +0.098% | 51.20% | 49.50% |
4011 | Encapsulate | int | 0.980% | -0.049% | 53.75% | 50.83% |
4004 | Frigid Blizzard | int | 0.980% | -0.098% | 54.83% | 51.41% |
4021 | Hive | int | 0.980% | -0.098% | 55.81% | 52.76% |
4055 | It's a Trap! | int | 0.980% | -0.098% | 54.78% | 50.79% |
4100 | Mercurial Mimic | int | 0.980% | +0.049% | 50.55% | 49.26% |
4092 | Puppet Master | int | 0.980% | +0.049% | 51.16% | 50.34% |
4023 | Sapphire | int | 0.980% | -0.049% | 52.01% | 50.96% |
4069 | Timber | int | 0.980% | -0.098% | 53.78% | 53.03% |
4057 | Tundra Wyrm | int | 0.980% | -0.049% | 52.41% | 51.09% |
4007 | Mass Confuse | int | 0.980% | -0.098% | 54.02% | 52.07% |
4027 | Mootichi | int | 0.980% | -0.049% | 53.52% | 50.40% |
4086 | Shell Officer | int | 0.980% | -0.098% | 52.90% | 51.93% |
4053 | Soul Forge | int | 0.980% | +0.098% | 49.13% | 48.48% |
4083 | Magnanimous | int | 0.980% | +0.049% | 51.73% | 50.58% |
4018 | Zam | int | 0.980% | +0.049% | 51.62% | 49.54% |
4064 | Enigma Golem | int | 0.980% | -0.098% | 52.26% | 51.24% |
4022 | Floodwater | int | 0.980% | +0.098% | 50.04% | 47.98% |
4071 | Gemini | int | 0.980% | -0.098% | 54.23% | 52.31% |
4068 | Krakus | int | 0.980% | -0.049% | 52.67% | 50.94% |
4012 | Cryogen | int | 0.980% | -0.049% | 51.47% | 50.86% |
4019 | Cast in Chrome | int | 0.980% | +0.049% | 52.45% | 49.93% |
51 | Amalgam | str | 0.882% | -0.049% | 46.32% | 50.61% |
10 | Call to Action | str | 0.882% | -0.049% | 46.99% | 50.80% |
22 | Claw Bear | str | 0.882% | -0.098% | 46.21% | 50.61% |
86 | Earth Rune | str | 1.176% | -0.098% | 45.33% | 49.05% |
27 | Ember Wolf | str | 0.784% | -0.098% | 45.99% | 51.21% |
42 | Engine Blade | str | 0.784% | -0.098% | 45.23% | 52.04% |
34 | Flashbang | str | 0.784% | +0.098% | 47.15% | 51.55% |
100 | Icy Touch | str | 1.078% | -0.098% | 45.65% | 49.09% |
60 | Metal Rune | str | 1.176% | -0.196% | 45.00% | 48.33% |
65 | On the Hunt | str | 0.980% | -0.049% | 47.60% | 49.84% |
85 | Skeeter | str | 0.980% | -0.098% | 44.81% | 50.26% |
16 | Stone Fist | str | 1.176% | +0.392% | 47.05% | 47.89% |
47 | Strike Down | str | 1.078% | +0.098% | 46.87% | 49.60% |
41 | Unikron | str | 0.980% | -0.098% | 46.33% | 50.11% |
77 | Titanic | str | 0.882% | +0.294% | 46.51% | 50.37% |
70 | Boulder | str | 0.882% | -0.147% | 45.07% | 50.49% |
19 | Brimstone | str | 0.980% | +0.049% | 46.77% | 49.97% |
79 | Charkram | str | 0.980% | +0.196% | 47.78% | 50.18% |
78 | Fan Dancer | str | 0.980% | -0.049% | 45.24% | 50.42% |
4 | Firesight | str | 1.176% | -0.098% | 45.65% | 48.16% |
24 | Grimstone | str | 0.882% | +0.098% | 46.54% | 50.94% |
76 | Grunk | str | 0.882% | -0.098% | 45.89% | 50.71% |
13 | Halcyon | str | 0.784% | -0.147% | 46.55% | 51.22% |
14 | Hyper Beam | str | 1.078% | +0.049% | 46.18% | 49.48% |
21 | Psyche | str | 0.784% | +0.098% | 48.36% | 52.73% |
96 | Redwood | str | 0.882% | +0.098% | 46.93% | 51.00% |
80 | Shogun | str | 0.980% | -0.196% | 45.44% | 49.90% |
54 | Sidekick | str | 0.882% | +0.196% | 48.55% | 50.72% |
95 | Suit Up | str | 0.980% | +0.098% | 46.60% | 50.38% |
91 | Sunder | str | 1.078% | +0.049% | 46.21% | 49.04% |
37 | Wind Sword | str | 1.176% | -0.098% | 45.33% | 47.28% |
102 | Ada's Valor | str | 1.176% | -0.196% | 44.57% | 48.71% |
28 | Browl | str | 1.078% | -0.098% | 44.83% | 49.20% |
99 | Claw Swipe | str | 1.176% | -0.098% | 45.56% | 48.91% |
94 | Earwig | str | 1.078% | -0.196% | 45.12% | 49.00% |
66 | Ether Mask | str | 1.078% | +0.098% | 47.32% | 49.30% |
87 | Flame Sword | str | 1.176% | -0.098% | 45.37% | 46.49% |
71 | Getum Gang | str | 1.078% | -0.098% | 45.01% | 49.79% |
26 | Gladiator | str | 0.980% | -0.049% | 45.96% | 50.14% |
40 | Glorious Mane | str | 1.176% | -0.098% | 44.54% | 47.10% |
62 | Griff Scout | str | 0.980% | +0.294% | 46.80% | 50.26% |
83 | Howl Geist | str | 0.784% | +0.098% | 45.62% | 51.75% |
92 | Ironshell | str | 0.784% | -0.098% | 45.80% | 51.62% |
68 | Lead Goblet | str | 1.176% | -0.098% | 44.52% | 48.56% |
25 | Olifant | str | 0.784% | +0.098% | 47.10% | 51.65% |
44 | Rubble Devil | str | 0.784% | +0.098% | 46.97% | 52.02% |
69 | Sabletooth | str | 0.784% | +0.098% | 47.24% | 51.36% |
48 | Soul Taunt | str | 1.176% | -0.098% | 45.02% | 48.42% |
75 | Squiddy | str | 0.980% | -0.049% | 45.49% | 50.08% |
43 | Stink Eye | str | 0.980% | -0.049% | 44.88% | 50.31% |
9 | Tatt | str | 0.882% | -0.049% | 45.65% | 50.34% |
20 | Unstoppable Chop | str | 1.078% | -0.098% | 45.53% | 49.07% |
73 | Beatle | str | 0.784% | +0.196% | 47.52% | 51.88% |
97 | Blaze of Glory | str | 1.176% | -0.196% | 44.63% | 47.94% |
93 | Cloud Guard | str | 0.882% | -0.098% | 45.43% | 50.59% |
64 | Crystal Cache | str | 1.078% | +0.098% | 46.05% | 49.04% |
5 | Demon Pact | str | 1.176% | -0.196% | 45.42% | 45.60% |
1 | Foul Stench | str | 1.176% | -0.098% | 46.06% | 48.20% |
98 | Mortal Blow | str | 1.078% | +0.098% | 46.19% | 49.35% |
36 | Mushka | str | 0.980% | -0.098% | 45.27% | 50.24% |
63 | Nightmare | str | 1.078% | +0.196% | 47.97% | 49.33% |
101 | Oni Smith | str | 0.784% | +0.196% | 48.33% | 52.09% |
38 | Polar Bear | str | 0.882% | -0.098% | 45.56% | 50.61% |
49 | Rodent Problem | str | 0.980% | -0.049% | 45.52% | 50.41% |
50 | Volcanic Blast | str | 1.176% | -0.196% | 45.57% | 47.86% |
58 | Chomp | str | 0.980% | +0.049% | 47.14% | 49.91% |
29 | Frank | str | 0.784% | +0.098% | 46.14% | 51.49% |
89 | Ground Pound | str | 1.176% | -0.196% | 45.97% | 47.20% |
81 | Heavy Cavalry | str | 0.980% | +0.196% | 48.03% | 49.91% |
72 | Khan | str | 0.980% | +0.049% | 46.90% | 50.22% |
2 | Reinforce | str | 0.882% | -0.098% | 45.49% | 50.47% |
90 | Rhumbo | str | 0.784% | +0.196% | 47.64% | 51.73% |
45 | Roothog | str | 0.784% | +0.196% | 47.92% | 51.80% |
8 | Breacher | str | 0.980% | -0.049% | 46.09% | 50.37% |
11 | Burninate | str | 1.176% | +0.098% | 47.18% | 47.60% |
3 | Geod | str | 1.078% | -0.098% | 46.17% | 49.46% |
15 | Gift of Swords | str | 1.078% | +0.147% | 46.19% | 49.56% |
35 | The Beast | str | 0.784% | +0.098% | 47.06% | 51.46% |
46 | El Monstruo | str | 1.078% | -0.098% | 44.78% | 49.47% |
39 | Mothermander | str | 0.980% | -0.098% | 46.63% | 50.28% |
74 | Colossoid | str | 1.078% | +0.147% | 45.63% | 49.68% |
59 | Kha's Wrath | str | 0.882% | +0.294% | 47.89% | 50.47% |
12 | Weighted Die | str | 0.980% | +0.049% | 45.93% | 50.02% |
31 | Dracomantium | str | 0.980% | -0.098% | 44.29% | 50.09% |
23 | Tiamat | str | 0.882% | +0.098% | 45.06% | 50.48% |
2054 | Charmling | wis | 1.029% | -0.049% | 51.69% | 50.12% |
2087 | Mind Rune | wis | 0.931% | +0.049% | 50.76% | 48.42% |
2006 | Scorch | wis | 0.980% | -0.049% | 51.88% | 50.07% |
2000 | Tragic Poet | wis | 0.980% | +0.049% | 52.02% | 49.65% |
2035 | Touch the Sky | wis | 0.980% | -0.049% | 51.97% | 49.31% |
2070 | Birb | wis | 0.931% | -0.049% | 51.17% | 49.40% |
2072 | Earth Warden | wis | 0.931% | +0.049% | 50.68% | 49.08% |
2099 | Eradicate | wis | 0.931% | -0.049% | 50.51% | 49.27% |
2073 | Fuji | wis | 0.980% | +0.049% | 50.54% | 49.58% |
2095 | Nettle | wis | 1.078% | +0.049% | 51.62% | 50.80% |
2018 | Ponderous | wis | 0.980% | +0.049% | 49.40% | 49.46% |
2041 | Throne Blade | wis | 1.029% | +0.049% | 50.64% | 50.24% |
2058 | Xavi | wis | 0.980% | -0.049% | 53.24% | 50.10% |
2045 | Archivist | wis | 1.029% | -0.049% | 52.71% | 50.56% |
2049 | Burn to a Crisp | wis | 0.931% | -0.049% | 50.95% | 49.15% |
2033 | Grover | wis | 1.029% | +0.049% | 50.13% | 50.38% |
2027 | Inspirator | wis | 0.980% | -0.049% | 52.23% | 50.07% |
2021 | Orchid | wis | 0.980% | +0.049% | 50.39% | 49.35% |
2044 | Desire | wis | 1.029% | +0.049% | 51.28% | 50.28% |
2012 | Mr. Whiskers | wis | 1.029% | -0.049% | 52.60% | 50.61% |
2020 | Sea Mage | wis | 0.980% | +0.049% | 49.31% | 49.60% |
2036 | Seal of Doom | wis | 0.882% | -0.049% | 51.95% | 48.46% |
2017 | Waterline | wis | 0.931% | -0.049% | 51.12% | 48.98% |
2004 | Arcadeum Mask | wis | 0.931% | -0.049% | 51.13% | 49.31% |
2084 | Doomsday | wis | 0.882% | -0.049% | 50.46% | 48.29% |
2077 | Guru | wis | 0.980% | +0.049% | 49.68% | 49.45% |
2034 | Etherwail | wis | 0.931% | +0.049% | 48.96% | 48.97% |
2051 | Amaruath | wis | 1.078% | +0.049% | 51.58% | 50.71% |
Crusher (1095)
Twisted Metal
A bit of a sidegrade to a very underplayed Agility tool, but should be a net benefit overall, giving Crusher a useful and thematic attached spell at the cost of its Lead enchant. This makes Crusher a little more fragile, but gives it more value in the late game.
Blitz (1098)
Return your hand to deck. Draw three cards. Do 2 damage to your hero.
Return your hand to deck. Draw three cards.
A small buff to an underperforming card. Self-damage will remain an important part of Agility’s identity moving forwards, but some new cards like Samya’s Speed have helped reinforce that part of the identity already, and Blitz can use a buff. Blitz also ties into Agility’s theme of rewarding players for playing out their hand and having a low hand size.
Psyche (21)
A small nerf to a card that served as a stonewall to more aggressive strategies, Psyche’s body is already durable, and taking a hit from it and/or having to hit it with your hero could result in a life gap that could prove insurmountable in aggressive games. We’ve dropped lifesteal over nerfing the body, leaving it as an overstatted unit with a downside, but reducing its ability to create massive life differentials.
Card Sling (1059)
Do 2 damage to a target. Discard your left-most card in hand. Draw two cards.
Do 3 damage to a target. Discard your left-most card in hand. Draw two cards.
Another buff to an underperforming Agility tool that rewardings a low hand sizes. Card Sling has been languishing in the realm of unplayability for some time now, so we’re giving it +1 damage to give Agility a new tool to work with. It seems like it should be quite potent, so we’ll be keeping an eye on it.
Tragic Poet (2000)
Death: Give spells in your hand -1 cost.
Death: Give the left and right-most spells in your hand -1 cost.
A nerf to a card that was allowing for some huge spell discounts. Similar to Trailblazer, Poet now discounts only the left and right most spells in hand, rather than all spells. This change can also serve as a berf in certain cases, as it can allow a player to double-discount a spell in hand if it’s the only spell available.
Gift of Aya (2047)
A nerf to Gift of Aya by removing Banner. Gift of Aya is near ubiquitously played in Wisdom decks, giving board control, healing, ramp, and a draw, usually Etherwail. We felt like Gift provided slightly too much value for the cost, so we’re dropping Banner as a small nerf. This also serves to nerf Miss Aya slightly.
Bubbles (4067)
Inspire Water: Gain +1 health. If that card is 1 cost or more, gain +1 power as well.
Inspire Water: If that card is 1 cost or more, gain +1/+1.
Bubbles is getting a nerf to no longer benefit from Mana Potions. Bubbles was a rising star the last two weeks, predominantly in the Sitti Water deck. Bubbles is a fun card that rewards you for playing Water cards, especially Life Stream. In practice we observed it scaling too easily in the early game, via the three Mana Potions often generated by Trident True and Life Stream, so we’ve removed it’s ability to gain Health from 0 mana cards.
Mr. Whiskers (2012)
A much requested nerf to a Wisdom over-performer, we’ll have to see if the card remains playable in this state, it seems like it should, based on current trends, but prior to its 7 Health statline, it saw very little play, so we’ll have to see. As a rule, we’d prefer control decks to have the option to contest the board with defensive units rather than just using endless AOE and board clears, but it was clear that Whiskers was placing a bit too much pressure on aggro decks.
Earth Warden (2072)
Earth Warden is losing one Health to help reduce its durability against aggressive and midrange stratagies. Earth Warden is a powerful card that usually finds Rosewater Charm or Take Root and usually prevents 6 damage to your hero. Those spells help you ramp into the late game and give you access to board clears, powerful spells, or large units. We felt that Earth Warden was consistently hard for units to clear, stopping Aggro and midrange in their tracks, so we’ve reduced its Health by 1 to reduce this walling ability slightly.
Frigid Blizzard (4004)
Attach Frostbite to enemy units. Do
2 damage to all units.
Attach Frostbite to enemy units. Do
1 damage to all units.
Frigid Blizzard is getting a nerf from 2 to 1 damage to all units, a change much requested by Discovery and Constructed players alike. Frigid Blizzard was one of the cards adjusted in pursuit of buffing Intellects board clears, and went from completely unplayable to a staple, which we were pretty happy about. We like the mana breakpoint it’s at now, competing with It’s a Trap! But in practice it’s a bit too efficient at removing enemy units, so we’ve toned it down to only deal 1 damage to units, while still attaching Frostbite to enemy units, which has the benefit of synergizing with Intellect’s many armor units.

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