Tender Loving Care - Patch #62

Hello Weavers! ❤️ Last patch included a massive animation overhaul. This week, the animations have been given more TLC after your detailed feedback: Faster mulligans, casting, and summoning along with a ton of little tweaks we hope you’ll enjoy!

📺 Bruno the turtle might be just as snappy as these improved animations, but he's no match for mamabear Mander!
Improvements 🦾
- Animations have been improved: Faster mulligans, casting, and summoning.
- The glow on playable cards is now muted while you're targeting, so only targetable cards glow.
- Attachment dust/add animations in Deck / Graveyard will no longer play or make a sound, to speed up gameplay.
- Hovering a glowing-green card will cause the hover popup card to glow too.
- Trying to play a card when it's not your turn will now show "not your turn" instead of "not enough mana".
- Adjusted the targeting arrow so its tip is on your mouse cursor.
- Sunset & Sunrise effects are now synchronized visually with the sun's rise/set timing.
- Bot games now show the day/night cycle.
- Added a ping 🏓 display option in settings.
Bugfixes 🐛
- Fixed a bug preventing Skyweaver from working on iOS 12 & other older devices/browsers.
- Fixed a bug where all cards & units would sometimes disappear on reconnect.
- Fixed a bug where Champ's glory trigger icon would stay after Champ gave its attachment to another unit. The ball's 🏀 in your court now Skyweaver game engine!
- Added missing Glory tooltip in-game.
- Fixed a bug causing mana +/- preview text to always be red.
- Fixed a bug where Play:/Summon: tooltips were being shown on cards without Play or Summon effects.
Another smallish patch here, with a few ongoing tweaks/simplifications, and pseudo-reversions of certain experimental card changes. Shouldn’t be anything meta-defining, but should help keep things fresh and polish the meta a bit further, while simplifying a few cards.
Lightning Vial (448)
Text: Do 4 damage to a random enemy unit. If lethal, dust it.
➞ Do 3 damage to a random enemy unit. If lethal, dust it.
A sizable nerf here, but the buff back to 4dmg was one I knew wouldn’t stick, but wanted to try it as a bit of a compromise since it lost the ability to go face with the “random” update back in Dec, but since its primary role has always been unit dusting, and it was powerful at 3dmg too, I expect it to remain a valuable removal tool.
Confuse Ray (508)
Text: Target unit attacks itself. Mulligan spells in its player's hand.
➞ Deal damage to target unit equal to its power. Mulligan spells in its player's hand.
A slightly complicated change here. I realized this wasn’t actually being blocked by shields. However, this made me consider that Confuse Ray is unique in that it is a spell that causes “combat damage” without actually providing “combat feedback” by causing the unit to make an attack (as something like enrage would) which could lead to confusion, so in the interest of greater readability and consistency, I changed this and Mass Confuse to simply deal damage to units equal to their attack, sacrificing a bit of flavor and value vs wither units for greater consistency. Now Confuse Ray/Mass Confuse ignore Shield but are blocked by Barrier, since they deal effect damage.
Mass Confuse (134)
Text: Each unit attacks itself. Give each unit Dazed.
➞ Deal damage to each unit equal to its power. Give each unit Dazed.
Received the same changes as Confuse Ray.
Frank (591)
Power: 4
➞ 5
A small +1pow buff to a midrange underperformer.
Mothermander (694)
Text: Summon: Reveal fire cards in your hand. Summon Firemander with stealth for each.
➞ Summon: Summon a Firemander with stealth for each fire card in your hand.
Removed her need to reveal Fire cards in hand, not so much for balance but to make the text cleaner and remove any ambiguity, since she didn’t actually need to reveal fire cards to summon Firemanders, as revealing was not a cost.
Twist & Turn (716)
Text: Dust target unit to draw and summon a unit of its element for its player. Give it Dazed.
➞ Dust target unit to draw and summon a unit of its element for its player.
Berf/Simplification here, removing the dazed clause to make it more powerful as a means of cheating in your own large units, and less powerful when dusting enemy units, since you no longer have the safety net of dazed to stop them from attacking. Should provide a bit more incentive to build decks aiming to use it aggressively.
Headcase (832)
Text: Sunset: Dust your top dead spell to gain power equal to its cost.
➞ Sunset: Dust your top highest cost dead spell to gain power equal to its cost.
A small but significant usability buff here. Now he always eats your most expensive dead spell, which leaves his power ceiling in roughly the same place, but brings the power floor up significantly, since it's now much easier to get the result you want with him.
Flame Volley (1058)
Keywords: None
➞ banner
Adding Banner for a bit more power, it seems small but Banner can often be a larger boon than expected, so I’m interested to see how this pans out. I always like making midrange tools a bit stronger for aggressive Prisms.
Sunder (1131)
Text: Do 2 damage to a target. Do 6 damage instead if it has armor or guard.
➞ Do 2 damage to a target. Do 6 damage instead if it has armor or guard, then it loses armor and guard.
A minor buff here. Now shatters the target’s guard/armor entirely, allowing it to serve as another hard clear on hero armor, expanding the total number of hero armor perma-clears to 3, providing more options.
Tox (1197)
Power: 3
➞ 4
A small buff to a unique card that has been underperforming.
Dracomantium (634)
Text: Death: Dust your top ten dead cards to give your hero armor.
➞ Death: Dust your top three dead metal cards to give your hero armor.
Changing back to 3 metal cards. The “Dust 10” change I made last time was intended to be a bit of a buff for it, since I was worried removing Lead would be too much of a nerf, but I was always around 50-50 on whether to do the “dust 10” or leave the effect as it was, and opted to try Dust 10. After hearing the community talk about it, I’m happy to bring back the old “3 metal” clause, and I’ve also been listening to people talk about “5 metal cards” which I think is likely a bit much, but I could see “4 metal cards” if this is still oppressive.
Touch the Sky (562)
Text: Dust each unit. Give the enemy hero Blind. Give your hero Shield, banner, and set it to 10 health.
➞ Dust each unit. Set your hero to 16 health.
A tweak/simplification I’ve been contemplating for some time, trading the enchant-placing and hero banner for a chunk of extra health, now setting your hero to half their starting total, which feels clean and should also make the risk of Touch the Sky slightly less terrifying. Should still carry reasonable risk, but may actually be worth main-decking in some instances.

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