Illustrious Gaze - Patch #32
This week includes 5 new redesigned cards including Zapeta, Bird Knight, Screech, Forest Fire, and Ensnare!

- Cool little sound effect plays when a match is found 🔉

"More quality of life improvements for Discovery. As usual, not all changes included, such as prism shifts."
D Battery (659)
Text: Death: Give your left unit in hand +1/+1.
=> Death: Give units in your hand +1 Health.
Attack: 2
=> 1
Health: 2
=> 3
Fills a more defensive role, and less opening hand order rng.
Xythe (75)
Cost: 3
=> 2
Health: 4
=> 3
These cheaper stats should make the effect better on tempo, and the spell got +1c and banner.
Maelstrom (485)
Text: Return target enemy unit to deck. Double its cost.
=> Return target enemy unit to deck with +3 cost. The enemy gets 3 less mana next turn.
Trying a more unique effect.
Hulk Shark (738)
Attack: 3
=> 4
Stat buff after looking at win rate data.
Montage (865)
Cost: 1
=> 2
Montage lets you double your hero attack, and double is powerful. As this archetype gets more support, this core piece needs a worse rate. I expect cost reduction, especially in Air, to pick up the slack.
Edgelord (881)
Attack: 2
=> 1
Stat nerf based on winrate data. Edgelord represents a lot of guard health, curious to see if it still performs that role an attack nerf.
Stellar (1005)
Cost: 6
=> 5
Health: 4
=> 3
More cost reduction to help Discovery.
Earth Spike (815)
Cost: 4
=> 3
Text: Give a target Roots. Dust your top dead earth card to do 4 Damage to it.
=> Give a target Roots. Dust your top dead earth card to do 3 Damage to it.
Prism: str
=> wis
Reducing the damage of a few Earth cards. I like that the base cost to root a target is cheaper.
Carbonite (585)
Attack: 2
=> 1
Health: 1
=> 2
Stat swap, should be a better ping blocker.
Deep Cut (787)
Cost: 3
=> 4
Keywords: lifesteal,wither
=> banner,lifesteal,wither
Classic +1c banner, I wanted to slow this down and I like the banner synergy with Xythe.
Tide Hunter (1002)
Cost: 5
=> 4
Attack: 6
=> 5
Health: 6
=> 5
I like this card's role, which it should serve better at the lower cost.
Dive Bomb (825)
Keywords: wither
=> banner
Mixing up the keyword, hopefully a buff overall.
Sparky (944)
Health: 4
=> 5
Buff aimed at helping Wisdom in Discovery.
Garuda (831)
Text: Glory: Give allies banner.
=> Glory: Give ally units banner.
Attack: 5
=> 6
Nerfing the glory potential to give better upfront stats.
Soul Shepherd (436)
Keywords: stealth
=> stealth,lifesteal
Added lifesteal to counteract the life loss from fatigue.
Priestess (964)
Keywords: wither
=> guard
Attack: 3
=> 0
Health: 3
=> 8
Remixed with more different stats.
Jakintsu (513)
Keywords: lifesteal
=> banner
Swapped keywords to be a better tempo play.
Three Lashes (1044)
Text: Do 1 Damage to enemies. Do 1 Damage to enemy units. Do 1 Damage to the enemy hero.
=> Do 1 Damage to a target. Do 1 Damage to enemies. Do 1 Damage to enemy units.
Prism: hrt
=> agy
Buffed to be higher impact.
Honk (1049)
Attack: 1
=> 4
Health: 3
=> 2
Re-statted, more of an aggro threat but easier to remove.
Minstrel (1054)
Health: 6
=> 5
Small nerf, I see potential here.
Armored Cavalry (1057)
Text: Summon: Draw an armor unit. Give it +1/+1.
=> Summon: Draw an armor unit. Give it -1c.
Slight tweak, I like that it can hurry another armor unit into play.
Gemini (985)
Cost: 10
=> 8
Attack: 8
=> 6
Health: 8
=> 6
Shifting this one down, should still threaten good damage, but a pair of 6/6's should be easier to answer.
Elderfall (846)
Cost: 3
=> 2
Text: Do 3 Damage to a target. Summon Elderwood.
=> Do 2 Damage to a target. Summon Elderwood.
Shifting some earth damage down the curve.
Bury in Snow (850)
Text: Return target unit to hand. Give it Frozen.
=> Return target unit to hand. Give it Frozen if you have no mana.
Trying the no mana clause to nerf a high performer, though it buffs the ability to return an ally.
Psyche (423)
Health: 5
=> 4
Nerf based on win rate data.
Deep Freeze (1019)
Text: Give target unit Frozen. Do 1 Damage to enemies. Has wither if you have no mana.
=> Give target unit Frozen. Do 1 Damage to enemies. Get 1 mana for each killed.
Removing a no mana clause for once, trying something new.
Trapper Keeper (39)
Spell: None
=> Shroud
Trying a buff to defend against dusting.
Shogun (1051)
Health: 2
=> 3
Should be a welcome buff to the low end of the Wisdom curve.
Teenage Witch (696)
Cost: 5
=> 4
Keywords: stealth,lifesteal
=> stealth
Lower cost to focus role.
Dream Dragon (340)
Text: Gets +1/+1 when returned to deck from anywhere.
=> Gets +1/+2 when mulliganed.
Keywords: guard,lifesteal
=> guard
Spell: Spell Shield
=> Waking Dream
Redesign to have higher potential. This trigger condition is pretty narrow, will keep an eye on that.
Spellblade => Enfurno (993)
Keywords: stealth,wither
=> wither
Attack: 4
=> 3
Health: 4
=> 6
Loss of stealth, stats improved.
Kook Book (191)
Health: 2
=> 1
Nerf due to consistently high win rate in both formats.
Great Gusto (453)
Health: 5
=> 4
Nerf due to a high win rate in Discovery, espeically for an 8c card.
Hydrex (693)
Health: 5
=> 4
Armored HP nerf.
Auntuga (1037)
Health: 4
=> 5
Armored HP buff, to help Wisdom in Discovery.
Puddu (933)
Spell: Shroud
=> None
The wither immunity is protection enough, Shroud was a bit much.
Maw Worm (430)
Cost: 7
=> 6
Keywords: armor
=> None
Attack: 5
=> 4
Health: 5
=> 8
Restatted to bring down the curve and remove armor.
Forcefield (930)
Text: Give ally units Spell Shield.
=> Give allies without attachments Spell Shield.
Trying a version with the option to shield your hero. This nerfs the cheapest option to clear enchants, will revisit if that nerf is too harsh.
Whelm (753)
Text: Return 3c or less units to hand. Give each +1c.
=> Return 3c or less units to hand. Give each +1c if you have no mana.
Another no mana clause nerf, has had a high constructed win rate.
Take Root (675)
Text: Give a target Roots. If it's your hero, gain 1 max mana.
=> Give your hero Roots and +3 Health. Gain 1 max mana.
Simplifying this one to focus on the role, healing should be a welcome bonus.
Castus (948)
Cost: 10
=> 9
Text: Summon: Conjures a mind spell. Give it -10c.
=> Summon: Conjures a mind spell. Give it -9c.
Attack: 5
=> 6
Health: 10
=> 9
Shifting down the curve to help Discovery stats.
Inspirator (470)
Keywords: None
=> lifesteal
Lifesteal buff to couteract fatigue.
Fury Mask (728)
Cost: 2
=> 1
Text: Your hero fights target unit. If lethal, give your hero +4 Health.
=> Your hero fights target unit.
Simplified into the space Montage left behind.
Charkram (761)
Cost: 1
=> 2
Text: Do 2 Damage to target unit. If lethal, do 1 Damage to your hero and give it this spell with +1c.
=> Do 2 Damage to a target. If you have a fire card in hand, give this spell to your hero with +1c.
Trying another reward for holding fire cards aka Hot Hand.
Gravekin (1031)
Cost: 6
=> 5
Attack: 4
=> 3
Health: 4
=> 3
Bump down the curve, in part to help discovery, and to get smaller stats holding the effect.
Supercharge (778)
Text: Give ally units Zap and lifesteal.
=> Give ally units Zap.
Keywords: None
=> banner
Toning down the long-term value.
Drag Down (799)
Text: Give target unit -1/-1 for each dark card in your grave. If lethal, dust it.
=> Give target unit -1/-1 for all dead dark cards. If lethal, dust it.
Now counts enemy dead cards as well, in part to help Discovery.
Snaptrap => Snap Trap (798)
Name: Snaptrap
=> Snap Trap
Cost: 1
=> 2
Text: Give target unit Chains if it's sleeping. Do 2 Damage to it.
=> Give target unit Chains. Do 2 Damage to it.
Simplified back to and old favorite.
Cloud Kid (921)
Keywords: stealth
=> None
Health: 2
=> 3
Simplify, and I like removing stealth from air units, since so many other air units really want stealth.
Trident True (1001)
Text: Summon: Gets Mana Potion and guard if you have no mana.
=> End Turn: Gets Big Mana Potion if you have no mana.
Keywords: None
=> guard
Trying a version that's easier to use to mana empty effects.
Breacher (237)
Health: 10
=> 9
Big whale a bit too big after recent cost reduction.
Champ (219)
Cost: 2
=> 3
Prism: agy
=> str
Attack: 2
=> 4
Slowed down by moving up the curve out of Agility.
Call to Action (248)
Text: Draw a 1c unit. Give it +1/+1 and Quest.
=> Draw a 1c unit. Give it +1/+1.
Was a fun experiment, but the string of draws was a bit much. Back to a simpler version.
Mushka (667)
Keywords: guard
=> lifesteal
Attack: 4
=> 3
Spell: Shroud
=> Inner Beast
Another bear loses Shroud, to focus on Inner Beast pressure.
Touch the Sky (562)
Text: Dust each unit. Make your hero 10 Health and give it banner.
=> Dust each unit. Make your hero 10 Health. Give your hero banner. Give the enemy hero Blind.
Thematic buff for some bonus utility.
Leo (1030)
Cost: 7
=> 6
Attack: 5
=> 4
Health: 5
=> 3
Spell: None
=> Zap
Made cheaper for Discovery, and the effect is less scary after last week's nerf.
Deepus (833)
Health: 10
=> 9
Spell: None
=> Fate
Fate helps Deepus consistently perform the role of drawing water cards, and I like getting Fate on more elements.
Nibble (845)
Libra (801)
Harpex (982)
Curious (953)
Headcase (832)

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