Warm-blooded - Patch #121

We've got two new Hero Abilities this patch for our Dual Prism friends: Pack Leader and Nurturer! For card changes, there's been a focus on buffing some midrange threats for Strength and Heart, while addressing a few cards that have been over performing in Agility and Intellect.

New Features ⭐
- Two new Hero Abilities! Pack Leader and Nurturer!

Improvements 🦾
- Added cause-and-effect lines to show where effects come from.
- Improved the performance of the Play screen, especially when switching gamemodes.
- A new fancy finding match indicator.
- You can no longer edit the deck you're queued with, to remove the conception that those changes would take effect.
- Massively improved the loading time on the Play screen cross-device, especially on Firefox.
Changes ⚙️
- We are updating the Skypass Silver purchase flow. This update will now require an additional 5 Silvers, making the total required 15. Please note that this number likely will change based on external market factors. Consequently, the Premium Skypass price will better align with the USDC payment option. Considering the current state of the Silver card economy, we are contemplating further adjustments in the near future if certain negative trends persist.
Bugfixes 🐛
- Fixed a bug where cards returned from the graveyard could get stuck looking gray.
- Fixed prioritization on some art assets and code, so the game is more responsive when loading.
- Fixed a bug that caused the error "Entity already contains component of type frontFacesVisible" in-game.
- Fixed the timing on Ada's Empower animation.
- Fixed a bug where you could complete the Mighty Thick/Mighty Strike quests using your Hero.
- Fixed a bug where quests that specified that your deck must meet a certain condition would always complete in Discovery mode.
- Fixed the Dino Discount quest to match Chromeosaur's new effect.
- Fixed a bug where the Sequence quest counted the Hero Ability as a card.
- Fixed a bug where the quest A Small Sacrifice wouldn't complete when playing Seal of Doom or other cards that decrease HP without damaging.
Welcome to Patch 121 everyone! We’ve got a few more changes than usual for a check-in patch, to coincide with the release of our new Hero Abilities “Pack Leader” and “Nurturer”, for Fox and Titus respectively! Our focus this patch was buffing some midrange threats for Strength, and Heart, while addressing a few cards that have been over performing in Agility and Intellect, and we’ve also dialed back a few of our changes to Wisdom cards last patch, as they proved a bit too oppressive for the Prism’s success.
Fox - Strength & Agility
Hero Ability - Pack Leader
Fast and furious, Fox tears to the front of the competition with his new ‘Pack Leader’ Hero Ability. Playing into Agility’s focus on attacking with its Hero, and Strength’s focus on their Units, Pack Leader allows Fox to push his aggressive game plan further by giving him +1 power for every two Units he controls during the turn it is used.
This ability will help further boost and support Fox’s aggressive playstyle, rewarding him for building a pack and letting him hit harder. Pack Leader can be used three times per game, at a cost of zero mana.
Titus - Strength & Wisdom
Hero Ability - Nurturer
Taking it easy as always, Titus possesses a similarly patient Hero Ability, ‘Nurturer’. Building on Wisdom’s themes of mana management and Strength’s penchant for playing high cost Units to swing the tide of battle, Nurturer rewards you for taking it easy during games. If you end a turn with one or more* of your mana unspent, Nurturer will reward you by granting you one additional mana on your following turn.
This ability will help support Titus’ midrange and control strategies by helping him play large Units ahead of the curve. While being able to bank mana is very powerful, the cost of passing a turn with mana unspent should force players to think carefully about using it.
*NOTE: You will only ever receive one mana from the ability, regardless of how much mana was left.
Geod (3)
We’re looking to buff Units in our 4 cost to 7 cost range as they generally tend to be somewhat weak, in order to better support midrange decks. Geod is receiving such a buff, going from a 5/5 to a 6/6 while dropping Lead to keep it simpler.
El Monstruo (46)
Sunset: Both players Draw a 1 cost card.
Buffing another midrange underperformer with +1 power and +1 health to 10/10, and trading its effect for a Barrier attachment to simplify it and make it more resistant to removal.
Queen of Jacks (1049)
A minor nerf to an over-performer. The buff to Queen of Jacks proved a bit too much, but we want to allow stronger midrange cards, so we’re just dropping her health from 8 to 7.
Bloodletter (1108)
Vile Vial
Nerfing and simplifying an aggressive Agility tool by removing its synergistic attachment, giving it a lower ceiling and removing incidental card draw.
Righteous (1089)
Wind Blade
Another simplification and adjustment, giving Righteous +1 power in exchange for dropping its attachment, making it easier to interact with.
Allbane (3002)
An iconic card we would like to have a larger role in the metagame but which has largely fallen behind in the current metagame, we will be buffing Allbane from 3/3 to 5/5 as it hasn’t been a meta relevant threat in a number of months.
Cleo (3047)
Buffing an underperforming midrange from 3 power and 2 health to 3 power and 3 health. Royal Mummy was also nerfed a bit with the release of starter decks, so Cleo deserved a buff to compensate.
Joinboid (3144)
Joinboid was meant as a mid game powerhouse for Heart, but has been underperforming currently, so we’ve given it a buff from 4/4 to 5/5 to help it fill its role better.
Cryogen (4012)
Play & Sunrise: Attach Frostbite to enemies and do 1 damage to
Play: Attach Frostbite to enemies and do 1 damage to them.
Nerfing an over-represented finisher. Cryogen no longer re-applies its effect on Sunrise, making it less of an issue to leave alive, while maintaining the immediate impact and combo-starting potential of its Play effect.
Krakus (4068)
Sunset: If you played a spell this turn, do 1 damage to a random enemy. Repeat seven more times.
Sunset: If you played a spell this turn, do 1 damage to a random enemy. Repeat five more times.
Adjusting another overtuned finisher slightly, reducing the power and sunset damage by two points each.
Frostmaiden (4104)
Inspire Water: Do 1 damage to the lowest health enemy unit and attach Frostbite to it.
Sunset: If you played a spell this turn, attach Frostbite to the lowest health enemy unit and do 1 damage to it.
Frost Claw
Nerfing and simplifying an often maligned card, removing Frostmaiden’s attachment and traits for a buff from 3/1 to 4/3, giving it a better overall body, and also reworking the effect to trigger on sunset if you played a spell, and letting it apply Frostbite before dealing damage, making the single trigger more effective, but limiting it to once per turn.
Seal of Doom (2036)
Do 4 damage to your hero and all units.
Give all units -3/-3.
Reworking and simplifying. The new design had minimal applications in the metagame, so we’ve adjusted Seal of Doom to a more familiar health and power sapping design, but kept it more in line with the expected rates of removal for 4-5 cost cards, in exchange for a higher cost and removal of its drawbacks.
Gift of Aya (2047)
Give target ally +4 health. Gain 1 Max Mana. Draw a card.
Give target ally +5 health. Gain 1 Max Mana. Draw a card.
Gift of Aya was the most popular Wisdom card but also had a very poor winrate, so we’re buffing Gift of Aya from 4 points of healing to 5 points of healing to make it a bit more valuable.
Earth Scion (2141)
Play: Gain 1 Max Mana.
Play: Give target ally +2 health. Gain 1 Max Mana.
Reverting an overnerf to a key Wisdom card. Once again grants +2 health. While we have concerns about the amount of healing Wisdom has access to, we feel that the changes to Lotus’ Hero Ability, Infinite Infinities, and Invest have addressed most of those issues, allowing Wisdom incremental healing in the midgame helps it stay alive a bit more.
Gigabloom (2115)
Gain 2 Max Mana.
Gain 2 Max Mana. Give your hero +2 health.
As with Scion, reverting an overnerf to a key Wisdom card. Once again grants +2 health.

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