Sky Blue Boon - Patch #119

10 Heroes awaiting their Abilities have received a boon from Sky this patch! All Dual-Prism Heroes will now start with +4 health. This isn’t intended to completely equalize the heroes power-levels, but to provide some support to Dual-Prism Heroes while we roll out their actual Hero Abilities.

Improvements 🦾
- Added an animation for Spear Shot.
- The detailed view of a card now locks the card image at the top-left while scrolling.
- The Skypass now shows your progress towards your next level.
- Improved the quality of many images and icons.
- Revamped the Premium Skypass page.
- Improved animations for Flame Kick, Tiamat, Zomboid, Hex, Vulpine Spy, Vulpine Mage, and more!
- Added particles when claiming Titles.
- Made bots a littttle smarter 🤓
- Added the ability to use cheats when you're switching sides in Sandbox mode.
- Removed the "you abandoned too many games recently" penalty for early concedes.
- Improved the start-of-game intro animation.
Bugfixes 🐛
- Fixed a rare bug where matches could fail to complete and record successfully.
- Fixed sorting decks by last modified.
- Fixed a bug where decks were overlapping on some mobile devices.
- Fixed some cards not considering a unit being summoned from grave if it was buffed on the way out.
- Opening a card in the Items tab no longer starts scrolled-down.
- Fixed a bug where deleted accounts could still show up in leaderboards and ranks.
- Fixed a bug where the NEW badge could overlap your profile on some mobile phones.
- Fixed a bug where claiming a base card in the Skypass could cause a flash of the wrong animation.
- Fixed a bug where there could be a hole or a double-entry in the Leaderboards.
- Fixed the Tutorial Cube's animation when it disappears.
- Added many missing artist credits.
- Fixed a bug where the DOOMED quest could complete for random reasons.
- Fixed a bug where the bot could get stuck.
- Fixed a bug where the bot could play mana crystal, then end turn.
Welcome to Patch 119, everyone! This is a smaller check-in patch, so we’re aiming to address specific metagame issues rather than making large sweeping changes. In particular, a few new Skypass cards had unforeseen or unintended impacts on the game, so we’ve taken action to address them.
Additionally, we would like to provide a foreword that we have opted not to make balance changes to the initial five Hero Abilities at this time. While they have proven powerful, that was the intended goal, and after a significant amount of consideration, we’ve opted to leave the new Hero Abilities untouched, to give more time for players to experiment, and the metagame time to adapt, now that several problematic cards have been revised or adjusted. We've also added a temporary Ability as means of boosting the Dual-Prism heroes while they await their full Abilites.
Dual Prism Heroes
The remaining ten Heroes awaiting their Abilities have received a boon from Sky. All Dual-Prism Heroes will now start with +4 health. This isn’t intended to completely equalize the heroes power-levels, but to provide some support to Dual-Prism Heroes while we roll out their Hero Abilities. We’ll have more updates on that in our next patch!
Infinite Infinities (2134)
Draw a card. Gain a Max Mana for every 5 Max Mana you have. Return this
spell to deck.
Draw a card. Gain a Max Mana for every 5 Max Mana you have. Return this
spell to deck at the end of this turn.
In service of fixing an entertaining but unbalanced oversight, we’ve adjusted Infinite Infinities to return itself to deck at the end of the turn. This limits the number of times you can cast Infinities per turn. Another benefit of this change is resetting any cost modifications when it’s cast, as it will enter the grave and thus have its cost reset to base. This change should serve to close off most, if not all of the abuse cases we’ve observed, and return Infinite Infinities to the slower, accrued advantage win condition it was intended as, rather than the overpowered combo tool it became.
Blightcrafter (2123)
When this unit takes damage, add two Blight to the enemy deck.
When an enemy spell, unit, or hero damages this unit, add two Blight to
the enemy deck.
A slight rework to a frustrating card. Blightcrafter only adds Blights to the enemy deck when it takes damage from an enemy Hero, Unit, or Spell, as opposed to whenever it takes damage. This change is made to prevent players from using their own cards like Overdraft to flood the enemy deck with Blights, a frustrating interaction players were abusing in the recent metagame.
Solara (1134)
As expected, Solara has been overperforming, so we’ve given her +1 cost. While this does leave her weaker, She is still an effective 3/4 Banner at worst thanks to the Songbird she summons, so we firmly believe she’ll remain a valuable piece of Agility decks in future metas.
Elder Shroom (3037)
We’re moving Elder Shroom up the curve due to concerns about the speed at which it can come down and start accruing Max Mana increases through Bouran’s Hero Ability, or similar effects like Molten Heart and Phoenix Plume.
Nessie (4056)
Sunset: Spend your mana to gain that much power.
Sunset: Gain power equal to your unspent mana.
Nessie is receiving a simplification. Rather than spending your mana to increase its power, it simply gains power equal to your unspent mana. This allows multiple Nessie to work together, and serves to simplify the ability overall. We have also opted to simplify Nessie by removing its Capsize attachment, (as it’s not used anywhere else in the game) and giving it +1 health to compensate.
Scooter (4080)
Sunset: Spend two Mana to Draw a card.
Sunset: If you have two or more unspent mana, Draw a card.
Like Nessie, Scooter is receiving a simplification to draw you a card if you have two or more leftover mana, rather than spending two mana to draw. This is in service of keeping its effect more consistent with other sunset effects by removing the odd ‘spend mana’ clause, and also allows multiple copies to work together.
Enigma Golem (4064)
Summon: Draw and attach a Mind spell to this unit. Give it
-8 cost.
Summon: Draw and attach a Mind spell to this unit. it has -8 cost this
While most of the current issues we’ve seen with Enigma Golem were tied to Infinite Infinities, it has shown us a potential weakness in our design where permanent cost decreases are concerned, particularly when they are sizable. We’ve adjusted Golem to only give -8 cost for a single turn, which should have little impact on its usual play patterns, but help curb these unintended interactions in the future. In pursuit of strengthening finishers, we’ve also increased Golem’s power by +2 to allow it to hit harder.

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