Announcing Mini-Expansion #1
Welcome to Sky everyone! I'm so excited to be able to share this amazing news with all of you today! The Game Design team has been hard at work developing some fantastic new cards, and on December 22nd, just in time for the holidays, we'll be releasing Skyweaver’s first ever 'Mini-Expansion' to commemorate our first month of Soft Launch!
This will mark the first time new cards have been added to the game since Noctourna was added in Patch #64 back in February, and the first time ever that the number of playable cards in Skyweaver has exceeded 500!
What is a Mini-Expansion, you may ask? Well, while we continue our journey towards Open Beta, and what lies beyond, we're going to periodically add new cards to the game in the form of 10 card Mini-Expansions. These will be released every 4-6 weeks moving forwards, and each of will have a theme or focus, and introduce a set of 10 cards to support it, split across all five Prisms, allowing us to gradually expand the gameplay and Prisms of Skyweaver through adding new options to the metagame.
The goal of this first mini-set was to expand the play space of our Prisms through unique and thematically resonant cards, while also adding in more representation of our Skyweaver characters within the cards of the game themselves, through the addition of a set of five Spell cards that represent the Mono-Prism Skyweaver Heroes of the game - Ada, Samya, Lotus, Bouran, and Ari, with the intention of presenting their personalities and character through the Spells’ effects. And I'm proud to be able to reveal one such card here today!

Ari is a prodigious Intellect, becoming a Skyweaver at just 15 years old, always seeking to expand his knowledge of Sky. He has a good relationship with his Uncle Banjo, who serves as his mentor and confidant. Ari is currently searching for the core of the Dreamfield, drawn to the vast secrets it contains.
Reflecting Ari's intellect and capacity for planning, and the themes of the Intellect Prism as a whole, Ari’s Insight is a card that appears simple on paper, but offers an incredible tool for tactical planning and gameplay. Insight allows its user to pay 1 mana to draw a card with cost equal to the mana they have left, ensuring they can play it immediately if needed, but a clever player can also use Insight to pull a card of a certain cost, to save for use on a future turn. It encapsulates Ari’s inquisitive, analytical personality, and reinforces Intellect’s focus on strategy and planning, and I hope everyone has a blast using it to set up some clever schemes, elaborate strategies, and incredible combos of their own!

Follow us on Twitter @Skyweavergame to get an early sneak peek of the next five cards we’ll be revealing. Every day a new card will be revealed - so be sure to follow us there to catch all the updates!
As more cards are revealed we'll add them to the gallery in this blogpost. And next Tuesday during our community livestream on Twitch we’ll showcase the final four unrevealed cards.
Before I go, I’d like to share one other teaser in the form of the art for a card that’s one of my personal favorites in the mini set–Pharonis, the first king of Rashida!

And with that, I’ll have to leave you for now! Of course not everything is set in stone, some things like our release cadence for cards will be subject to change. I hope you're all as excited for the release of these new cards as we are. It’s the start of an amazing new step in Skyweaver's development, and we're so glad to have the chance to share it with all of you!

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